Goal Team 3 Table Notes on Eight Taxonomy Questions

Combined Goal Team Meeting
October 22, 2010
Goal Organizational Morning Sessions
Goal Team 3 Table Notes
Table 11
Goal Team 3
Moderator: Karen Borglum
Recorder: Shauna Dillon Anstey
Question 1 – Suggestions
Think of changes that have taken place since 2003 (2011-2021?)
Do we have need to ask what is changing for our incoming students
(preparation, FCAT, changing careers, etc.)?
Could the shift return back to the traditional based on policy – anticipate
needs ahead of time [?]
Question 2
 Look at how partnerships are being created – look at unique opportunities
 How will the partnership benefit the student?
o Ability to meet student needs and those arising from community
Question 3
 Could we be in a position of competing for students?
 How do we keep them on the educational path if economy recovers and
students leave for workforce?
 Part two of question no longer could be valid
 Re-evaluate how we deliver courses (still traditional 16 weeks)
o Mass communication for students
 How do you change policy to allow for this?
Question 4
 How can we change policy (also in question 3)
 Empower for more local decision-making to benefit students
 How do we center our policy work at state on our students?
Table 12
Goal Team 3
Moderator: Julie Corderman
Recorder: Brent Nakagama
Internal Question 1
 Still valid
 More of our focus is drawn towards minimizing restrictions
Internal Question 2
 Yes, even if admitted, the perception of students can be negative or
Internal Question 3
 Part A – Yes, we still do and need to analyze what makes students successful
and how do we make unsuccessful students successful
 Part B – could be its own question
Internal Question 4
 Yes, still a valid question. Maybe add how a multi-campus environment
impact student learning goals
Table 13
Goal Team 3
Moderator: Raymond Enger
Recorder: Jennifer Robertson
External Questions
 Look at K-12 impact & future / space / ______ Ss[?]. Ex. Lake Nona area –
how does that impact the college? More vocational growth than traditional
 How does FL Virtual School factor in as they offer more of what we offer?
 Are there programs that aren’t as big that we divest to open space to more
popular programs?
 How are we approaching partners to help create capacity?
 Will tech schools come under Comm. College?
Modify to #2
 What can B+I offer us as we address the demand / need related to capacity?
How can we use them to help spread the word and be ambassadors for
Modify – Add to #3
 A graduation component → who are they graduating and how many? Are we
really recruiting from the same pool? Look at competitors in and out of state?
Is this possible to track? How does online factor in? no longer geographical
Add Q
 How can we start these conversations earlier in middle school / high school?
Educate / create awareness for Ss and parents. Connect at schools to
educate Ss.
 Shouldn’t we figure how we are going to serve them before we try to
increase the numbers?
Modify #2
 How are B&I helping to support Ss financially?
 How can we relate all these questions back to Goal 3? (The Qs we are
Table 14
Goal Team 3
Moderator: Lisa Macon
Recorder: Carol Traynor
How do we handle inclusion/access and capacity while ensuring quality?
In addition to Q1 – how do we react / respond to barriers / restriction of
access to higher education?
We like “as is”
The existing two questions don’t have a clear connection. Please rewrite:
o How can we measure results learned from students at Valencia who
successfully met their academic goals thru Valencia and what can be
learned from those who were unsuccessful?
How does our Valencia business practice, policy and procedure support
and/or hinder students in meeting their learning goals?
Table 15
Goal Team 3
Moderator: Carolyn McMorran
Recorder: Becky Gallup
Insights: High unemployment rate
Related to Question 1
 Slower population growth – state funding
 Less places for our graduates to work
 Increase in veteran students
 Millennial student characteristics such as being wanted, nurtured
 More A.S. students than A.A. students
 Increase in dual enrollment students
 Increase in students coming back to retrain in careers
 More online and hybrid courses now than in 2003 (demand has increased)
Question 2
 Still stigma for community colleges on TV (show called “Community”)
 Group feels question is still relevant
 We want to be employer of choice, investment of choice
o How do we get our point across better?
 Direct Connect helps perception issue
 If we have more demand than we can handle, is this a question worth
focusing on?
 Are there other educational institutions near us truly a competitor? How do
we lose if someone goes to Kaiser instead of us? Depends on reason why. We
want people to come to us for a reason, so we want to know why people are
choosing to go other places.
 Is it a reason that we can use to improve us? How do we get better vs. how
do we “win” the customer?
 Who is OUR target population? Anyone in the community? Do we know?
 Who do we focus on?
 Example:
o UCF gave up radiography program. Value I knowing what other’s
programming offerings are so we can fill in gaps and meet need.
o How to go beyond filling in gaps and being more proactive? Need to be
o We don’t like the word “competitor. Can question be revised to say
“other service providers, contemporaries, other higher education
providers, etc.?” Direct connect increase our enrollment 25% of our
students are taking classes on multiple campuses.
o Rewrite question is fine – replace the word competitor
Question 4
 Still a valid question. Ties into stakeholders in Question 2. How do they feel
about us? Question asks too much. How can we shorten? Which question is
most important to us?
 Rewrite – what is our strategy for navigating the projected policy
environment with a goal of garnering and preserving college resources?