Goal Team 4 Meeting Notes Jan 28 2010

2009 – 2010 Strategic Goal Team 4
Objectives 4.1 and 4.2
Meeting Notes
January 28, 2009 (2:30pm – 4:30pm)
East Campus, 3-113
Committee members in attendance: Amy Bosley, Elisha Gonzalez-Bonnewitz, Mike
Bosley, Valerie Burks, Shelby Fiorentino, CoCintheane Hutchison, Donna Marino, Carole
Nevels, Juan Olvera, Larry Rosen, Barbara Shell
Review & Minutes:
Amy Bosley and Donna Marino reviewed the goal team’s charge and guided the team in
further developing its strategic issues, including a review of the reporting forms.
The team reviewed notes taken during the December 9th meeting.
Strategic Issues Review:
Team members gave updates on information gathered to increase knowledge of the Goalrelated strategic issues from the December 9th meeting:
 A brief from Ed Ames was presented about Issue 8 and will be sent to team
members for review and comment by February 5th. [Issue 8: The college lacks the
human, fiscal, technological, and physical resources to meet all of the current needs of
students and all who want to be students.
o Procurement - student involvement/community partnerships
o Internship opportunities
o Cooperating organizations (preferred vendors)]
 A brief from Mike Bosley about Issue 9 will be sent to team members for review
and comment by February 5th. [Issue 9: Students, faculty and staff do not always
have access to up-to-date, effective technologies that support learning and
professional success.
o Online courses and Internet access (wireless)
o Partnership opportunities in technology: Allied Health, Engineering, AIA
 Shelby Fiorentino will prepare a brief about the new strategic issue that
emerged at the last meeting that will be sent to team members for review and
comment by February 5th. [New Strategic Issue: The unique opportunities and
challenges encountered due to the uncertainty of the State College System.
o Maintaining our mission and direction
o Re-branding
o Funding
o Promoting Alumni involvement – instill tradition and loyalty
o Request input from Martha Williams, FACC President]
2009 – 2010 Strategic Goal Team 4
Objectives 4.1 and 4.2
Meeting Notes
January 28, 2009 (2:30pm – 4:30pm)
East Campus, 3-113
Major Goal-Related Initiatives and Projects:
The team reviewed and updated knowledge on Goal 4 Team Initiatives established at the first
Objective 4.1- Community Investment
By 2013 Valencia will emerge as a first-tier investment for the philanthropic
o Determine and define what would make Valencia a first-tier investment (how do
we know or measure when we reach “first-tier” status).
 Activities
 Partners and donors
 Establish benchmarks against other organizations with similar size and
o Donna Marino reported on Dr. Shugart’s definition and benchmarks with team
-Definition: Private donors will look to Valencia to be a positive
investment for them to help move the community forward.
- For other first tier invetstments look to community groups that
regularly receive large gifts as benchmarks: Performing Arts Center,
UCF, Rollins, local hospitals
-Develop authentic and purposeful relationships in short term that will
raise our visibility in the community (corporations, private gifts, etc.)
-Explore new technologies for fundraising (social networking):
-Larger consistent donations are made to the foundation
-Develop relationships with our retirees
o Valerie Burks contacted Geraldine Gallagher to learn more about Orlando nonprofit organizations:
-Most of our donors are currently from corporations
-Benchmarks for non-profit donations: United Arts, United Way,
Rollins, UCF
-Edith Bush Foundation and Dr. Phillips Foundation are not yet donors
to Valencia
-Identify big first-tier donors such as those on our Foundation Board of
2009 – 2010 Strategic Goal Team 4
Objectives 4.1 and 4.2
Meeting Notes
January 28, 2009 (2:30pm – 4:30pm)
East Campus, 3-113
Objective 4.2 – Alumni Involvement
By 2013 significantly increase membership and active involvement of alumni (time
and resources)
o Find current alumni statistics (2008) and establish numbers to increase (i.e.
increase alumni involvement by 50%)
o Define “active involvement”
o Mike Bosley, Larry Rosen and Carol Nevels contacted Barbara Shell to gather
information about alumni:
-Active number of alumni in database is currently at approximately 17,000
-Potential active alumni is number of graduates since Valencia began in
1967 -- over 80,000
-Alumni records are included as a part of Foundation’s database
-Challenge to keep information in records current
-Other community colleges seek information from Valencia as a “best
practice” alumni program
-Valencia could likely be included on UCF alumni application form-currently working with UCF Alumni Association to create a Valencia-UCF
Alumni Chapter.
TEAM: Issue 8 –Review and comment on report submitted by Ed Ames (Procurement
information regarding community tie-in) by February 5th.
Mike Bosley: Issue 9 report– Technology needs and UCF donors.
Shelby Fiorentino: Report on new issue - Will contact Martha Williams for input on new
objective and Liz Gombash for resources and opportunities regarding new objective (funding).
Shelby Fiorentino: Start an email thread to identify challenges and opportunities (SWOT
analysis) of the new state college system (name changes, 4-year degrees, etc.) to take with
Martha Williams to FACC Leadership meeting on February 11 and 12th for discussion.
Donna Marino: Draft Goal Team Outcome for moving needle from corporate to individual
donors by February 5th.
Barbara Shell: Draft two Goal Team Outcomes for Objective 4.2 – Alumni Involvement by
February 5th.
Kathy Suarez: Research regarding financial aide
Donna Marino: Coordinate next meeting in collaboration with other Goal 4 team (4.3 & 4.4).