CPC Goal Team 3.3 Second Solo Meeting Minutes Jan 26 2010

Goal Team 3.3
Second Meeting – January 26, 2010
Note - The goal team agendas and meeting notes are accessible by clicking on the
link at the bottom of this page:
Goal Team Members Present:
Liz Jusino, convener; Shauna Anstey; Kim Foster; Debi Jakubcin; Donna Kosloski;
Sunni Prevatt; Katie Shephard
Goal Team Members Absent: None
CPC Guest Present: Susan Kelley
Welcome and Introductions
Convener Liz Jusino asked all present to introduce themselves.
Review of the Charge to the Goal Teams
Liz Jusino and Susan Kelley, co-chair of the College Planning Council, reviewed the
charge to the team.
Minutes of December 2, 2009 Meeting
Liz Jusino asked the team to review the minutes of the December 2, 2009 meeting. It was
noted that Donna Kosloski’s name was misspelled. With that correction, the minutes
were approved by consensus.
Review of Strategic Issues
Liz Jusino asked the team to review and discuss additional information gathered by team
members for each of the Strategic Issues that the team identified as having relevance to
the goal.
It was agreed that strategic issues 11, 12, and 14 had primary relevance to Goal 3,
objective 3, while issues 5, 8, 9, and 13 were of secondary relevance. A summary of the
team’s earlier comments on each follows, with additions from the January 26 meeting
noted in blue font and bold face type.
Issue 5 (secondary relevance) – No additions to the comments from December 2,
This issue speaks to our capacity as employees to serve diversity goals as well as to the
accessibility of our wellness programs, ensuring that there are wellness opportunities
available and accessible to all.
Issue 8 (secondary relevance) No additions to the comments from December 2, 2009.
Goal Team 3.3 Minutes – January 26, 2010
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This issue is premised on having healthy employees who are present and able to serve
Issue 9 (secondary relevance) No additions to the comments from December 2, 2009.
Wellness programs benefit from up to date technologies that support goal setting and
physical activity.
Issue 11 (primary relevance)
Wellness offerings demonstrate that Valencia cares about those who work here and can
serve as an important indicator to people whom we want to attract to fill open positions,
helping us to be a first choice among the top applicants. The best people will want to
work in an environment that includes attention to wellness and provides wellness
Additional comments offered: Kim Foster spoke with HR, and learned that the
status of our wellness program has not been a problem for Valencia in attracting
employees to date.
Issue 12 (primary relevance) No additions to the comments from December 2, 2009.
Energy that comes from being healthy is important to job performance. Wellness fuels us
and helps to develop our human potential. Likewise, stress reduction techniques help us
to perform well.
Issue 14 (primary relevance)
This issue requires that we examine the extent to which we have committed funding and
space to activities that fall under 3.3.
See data gathered for Initiatives 5 and 6, below.
Developing the List of Major Goal-Related Initiatives and Projects
The team reviewed data gathered regarding selected initiatives:
1. Debi Jackubcin confirmed that in late March we will have data from CIGNA regarding
self-reported participation in wellness programs.
2. No policies or procedures currently exist in support of our wellness goals.
3. Campus-based information about wellness programs and technologies has been
4. It was determined that HR has not received inquiries from applicants regarding our
wellness program.
5. The Wellness program budget is available for review.
6. A review of the wellness practices of top colleges and companies revealed that most of
the practices are similar to ours. Some have larger budgets, and have provided personal
Goal Team 3.3 Minutes – January 26, 2010
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trainers, allow spouses to work out on site, offer free pedometers and gifts such as
IPODS, subsidize Weight Watchers, and give credits for participation. Some have gym
availability 24/7. Some programs have found that incentives lead to bigger
improvements, cardiac health problems decrease, and health care savings are realized.
Review of Assignments and Next Meeting
The team members agreed to take on two assignments prior to the next meeting:
- review the situational/needs analysis narrative from the 2008-13 Stategic Plan to
determine if anything needs updated as it relates to Goal 3, objective 3.
- consider how to measure 3.3: “Increase the percentage of employees engaged in selfreported wellness practices.”
It was agreed that we will post to the web site:
1. The review of other organizations’ wellness programs.
2. Data on wellness attendance on each campus.
3. A powerpoint that provides an overview of our Wellness program and budget.
The next meeting was set for Wednesday, February 24, 2010, at 2:00 p.m., on East
Campus, in building 3 – 108E.
Goal Team 3.3 Minutes – January 26, 2010
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