CPC Goal Team 3 3 First Solo Meeting Minutes Dec 2 20091

Goal Team 3.3
Invest in Each Other
Employee Wellness: Increase the percentage of employees engaged in wellness
December 2, 2009
Note - Goal team agendas and meeting notes are accessible by clicking on the link at the
bottom of this page:
Goal Team Members Present:
Liz Jusino, convener; Shauna Anstey; Kim Foster; Debi Jakubcin; Donna Kosloski;
Sunni Prevatt
Goal Team Members Absent: Katie Shephard
CPC Guest Present: Susan Kelley
Welcome and Introductions
Convener Liz Jusino asked all present to introduce themselves. It was noted that one of
the two CPC co-chairs (either Amy Bosley and Susan Kelley) plans to attend all meetings
of the various goal teams to offer support.
Review of the Charge to the Goal Teams
Liz Jusino and Susan Kelley shared the charge to the teams and answered questions. Of
special note was this portion of the charge:
Each goal team will monitor progress toward a goal, collect and interpret data, monitor
related strategic issues, make recommendations to the annual Big Meeting, and prepare
an annual report on progress toward the goal.
Each goal team will maintain the College’s “to do” list of the initiatives and projects that
are intentionally aligned with each goal. This list of a handful of major projects for each
goal (not to be confused with the more exhaustive list that can be culled from all unit
plans) will help us to maintain our focus on deliverables.
The teams will answer five questions:
Looking at our team’s goal and objectives…
1. Where do we want to go, ultimately?
2. What part of that can we bite off in the next three years?
3. What is currently happening at the college to get us there?
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4. What measures can we use to help us identify progress?
5. Will this list of major activities “move the needle?” If not, what is
missing from the list?
Review of Notes from November 10 Joint Meeting
Liz Jusino asked the team if any entries from the team’s notes at the November 10 joint
meeting required clarification or if anything was missed. It was agreed that there were no
additions or clarifications. (The notes are available on the web site at the top of page 1.)
Team Principles and Roles
Liz Jusino reviewed the principles and roles for the teams developed at the November 10
meeting, and invited comment. The team agreed to use the principles and carry out the
roles as drafted. Liz asked various members to assume the different roles.
Review of Strategic Issues
Liz Jusino asked the team to review and discuss the Strategic Issues included in the 200813 Strategic Plan, note those that have relevance to the goal, and suggest any strategic
issues that have emerged that the team suggests be added, if any. The team also discussed
how it will work together to update information on the selected/added issues for the
purpose of reporting on the issues at the Big Meeting on March 19.
It was agreed that strategic issues 11, 12, and 14 had primary relevance to Goal 3,
objective 3, while issues 5, 8, 9, and 13 were of secondary relevance. No new strategic
issues were noted. A summary of the team’s comments on each follows.
Issue 5 (secondary relevance)
Diversity is not fully utilized as a strength throughout the curriculum and the
This issue speaks to our capacity as employees to serve diversity goals as well as
to the accessibility of our wellness programs, ensuring that there are wellness
opportunities available and accessible to all.
Issue 8 (secondary relevance)
The college lacks the human, fiscal, technological, and physical resources to meet
all of the current needs of students and all who want to be students.
This issue is premised on having healthy employees who are present and able to
serve students.
Issue 9 (secondary relevance)
Students, faculty and staff do not always have access to up-to-date, effective
technologies that support learning and professional success.
Wellness programs benefit from up to date technologies that support goal setting
and physical activity.
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Issue 11 (primary relevance)
Valencia can expect delays and challenges in hiring due to the highly competitive
market for key positions.
While the job market has changed since this was written, Valencia will always
seek to hire “the cream of the crop.” Wellness offerings demonstrate that Valencia
cares about those who work here and can serve as an important indicator to people
whom we want to attract to fill open positions, helping us to be a first choice
among the top applicants. The best people will want to work in an environment
that includes attention to wellness and provides wellness programs.
Issue 12 (primary relevance)
Current faculty and staff have unrealized potential that should be developed to
further the College’s goals.
Energy that comes from being healthy is important to job performance. Wellness
fuels us and helps to develop our human potential. Likewise, stress reduction
techniques help us to perform well.
Issue 14 (primary relevance)
The College’s operating, technology and capital budgets do not always align
clearly with the strategic plan.
This issue requires that we examine the extent to which we have committed
funding and space to activities that fall under 3.3.
Developing the List of Major Goal-Related Initiatives and Projects
The team reviewed the list of goal-related initiatives and projects developed by the Senior
Staff on December 1. The team determined that there were no initiatives missing that
relate to Goal 3, objective 3.
The team decided on steps that needed to be taken to gather current information about the
initiatives for the team’s review at its second meeting in January. The assignments are:
1. Determine the number of employees, and the number who self-report participating in
wellness programs at Valencia, and in off-campus programs reported via CIGNA.
(Debi Jakubcin)
2. Gather information about any wellness-related policy and/or procedures that exist in
support of our wellness goals. (No additional work needed. None exists currently.)
3. Secure information about wellness programs and technologies available on each
campus. (Sunni Prevatt, Donna Koslowski, and Debi Jakubcin)
4. Gather information about any inquiries that are received from job applicants regarding
our wellness programs. (Kim Foster will ask Stan Stone if there is any information.)
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5. Determine the dollar and time investments currently made in our wellness programs
(09-10 budget and staffing). (Donna Koslowki and Debi Jakubcin.)
6. Determine what top colleges and companies do to support wellness, including staffing
commitments. (Shauna Anstey and Liz Jusino. They will also ask Katie Shephard to
It was agreed that in January, the team will consider the initiatives and projects that
comprise the major work under 3.3, as well as the information gathered above, and
decide what to recommend that the College measure to gauge project toward the goal.
Review of Assignments and Next Meeting (10 minutes)
It was agreed that the assignments noted above should be completed by January 25. The
next meeting will be set for the afternoon of January 27, 2010. A room will be selected
and an Outlook meeting appointment will be sent to the team by Noel Maldonado.
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