Strategic Planning Communication Task Force Minutes November 20, 2006

Strategic Planning Communication Task Force
November 20, 2006
2:30 p.m. - West - HSB 211
Task Force Members Present: Karen Blondeau, Joanna Branham, Michelle Foster,
Sharyn Gaston-McGriff, Teresa Gallagher, Susan Kelley, Kim Long, Kevin Mulholland,
Joe Nunes, George Rausch, David Rogers, Patti Riva, Barbara Shell
Task Force Members Absent: Linda Anthon, Bill Gombash, Ron Colburn, Priscilla
Gray, Fitzroy Farquharson, CoCintheane Hutchinson, Sonya Joseph, Robynne Miller,
Darlene Powers, Jane Renfroe, Angela Trujillo
Karen Blondeau, served as facilitator for the meeting.
The members introduced themselves.
Review of the Minutes of the October 10 Task Force Meeting
The minutes of the October 10 Task Force meeting were approved as circulated.
Communications Principles
The members reviewed and approved the following list of Communications
Principles to guide the work of the Task Force:
1. Communications should be used to seek input into decision-making about
the strategic plan, with clarity about who is seeking input, why input is
being sought, why the decision will have meaning to the people whose
input is being sought, who will consider the input received, and when.
2. Communications should be used to educate ourselves about the meaning
of data relevant to the strategic planning process.
3. Decision-makers should communicate their expectation that everyone can
contribute constructively, that everyone’s thoughts are valued, and that
everyone’s comments will be welcomed.
4. We should make it safe for people to share ideas and opinions.
5. We should communicate about the decision-making process itself, so that
it is transparent, with nothing held back in terms of how and when
decisions are made.
Communications Task Force Minutes, November 20, 2006
6. After decisions are made, the decision should be communicated quickly,
and a record should be made as to the input sought, received, and
considered in making the decision.
7. We should avoid leading people to think they can influence things that we
cannot change (practices that are mandated by law, for example).
8. We should never assume that everyone knows what we mean, avoid
jargon, keep the message simple, and use words with precision, sharing
definitions when it is helpful.
9. We should use multiple methods of communication, and consider timing
in terms of the college’s processes and team work loads, not following the
same patterns because that is the way we have always done it.
10. We should increase the most effective form of communication – person to
person – but in practical ways, since it is also the least efficient method.
Reports from the Work Teams
College-wide Communications Team
Joanna Branham, Priscilla Gray, Bill Gombash, and Robynne Miller are
the members of this team.
The Planning web site has been launched as part of the Learning
Centered Initiative web page.
The Bulletin continues to carry updates from the CPC Co-chairs.
The faculty, staff, and professional groups continue to receive
updates from their representatives on the Communications Task
Force and on the College Planning Council.
At the close of each month, Susan Kelley is providing a summary
of each month’s achievements and a projection of opportunities to
get involved in the following month.
David Rogers and the Vision, Values, and Mission Task Force will
soon be sharing the feedback gathered on Learning Day. On
December 4 that Task Force will address how to continue the
discussion launched on that day.
Bill Gombash has developed a survey that can be used to
determine by which employees prefer to receive communications.
Campus-based Communications Team
Lois Brennan, Michelle Foster, Teresa Gallagher, Kim Long, Kevin
Mullholland, Darlene Powers, Jane Renfroe, Patti Riva, and Angela
Trujillo volunteered to form this work team.
Communications Task Force Minutes, November 20, 2006
East Campus - Michelle Foster reported that the East Campus team
developed a plan to communicate the October 27 end of month
report provided by Susan Kelley. They used a campus email, and
announcements at deans’ and provost staff meetings and at Faculty
Senate. Also, the career staff members distributed the report
among their members campus-wide.
Osceola Campus – Kevin Mulholland reported that their team sent
out a broadcast email to everyone and ensured that reports were
made at staff council and at the faculty/staff campuswide meeting.
A link to strategic planning has been added to the campus web site.
Both email and in-person communications are being used, and they
are trying a range of messages from the simple to the complex.
West Campus – Teresa Gallagher reported that a broadcast email
was sent out, and reports shared at the deans’ meeting and at the
West Campus Provost’s Communications team meeting.
Winter Park Campus – Lois Brennan reported that their campus
also used a broadcast email to get the word out. Three teams have
been formed – credit staff, faculty, and student services - and they
are developing leaders for each of those teams. She noted that
Susan Kelley attended a Provost’s staff meeting to review the
planning process, Patti Riva spoke to faculty, and Priscilla Gray
spoke to career staff.
DTC, CJI, Valencia Enterprises - It was noted that teams are
needed for the Downtown Center, CJI, and Valencia Enterprises.
Karen Blondeau and Susan Kelley will seek members for those
teams. Joe Nunes volunteered to provide leadership in
communications with those at the CJI site.
External Communications
CoCintheane Hutchinson, Susan Kelley, and Barbara Shell serve on this
Susan Kelley reported that the second Community Conversation
was held in Osceola County on November 16, and that the
community members were told about the Strategic Planning
process and that their input on that day would be considered as the
process moves forward.
Additional information will be shared as a report on the meeting is
developed, and additional external communications activities with
stakeholder groups will be developed.
Communications Task Force Minutes, November 20, 2006
Next Steps
Team Meetings - Each team’s convener will set a meeting date and time
for his or her team. Assistance will be provided by Rita Moore in Susan
Kelley’s office in securing meeting rooms, as needed. The team leaders
committed to be in touch with each other on a weekly basis. It was agreed
that the teams would be asked to convene before the Fall term ends to
continue to develop their communications methods and activities. Susan
Kelley will share the next update with the teams in the November 30
Budget for Team Activities - Ideas were discussed to draw attention to the
information being communicated, some of which would require budget
support. The teams were encouraged to be creative. Susan Kelley asked
the teams to let her know if resources are required, and she pledged to
work with the provosts and others to attempt to find any needed funds.
Communicating with Students - Barbara Shell suggested that the best
means of communicating with students be explored with the members of
the Task Force representing Student Affairs. Susan Kelley agreed to
pursue that discussion.
Supporting the Communications Needs of Other Task Forces
It was agreed that Karen Blondeau would serve as the liaison between the
Communications Task Force and the other task forces so that we might assist
with their communications needs. Of most immediate importance will be
communications about the draft situational/needs analysis during December
and January, and communications about on-going discussions and proposed
revisions to the statements of vision, values, and mission that will take place
in January and February.
Guide to Planning Terms
It was agreed that a list of planning terms and definitions would be
developed to be shared college-wide. Susan Kelley will develop an initial
set of terms to be shared with the team, who will add to it.
Next Meeting
It was agreed that the Task Force would meet on January 12 at Winter
Park, from 1:30 – 3:30, and that the various teams would convene to
continue their work in the meantime.