January 25, 2007

College Planning Council Agenda
January 25, 2007
2:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
East Campus, 3-113
The meeting will last 2 hours and 30 minutes if the time targets are met, including a 10minute break.
Welcome and Introductions (5 minutes) – Fitzroy Farquharson
Action Item: Minutes of October 26, 2006 Meeting (5 minutes) – Susan
Kelley (See Attachment A.)
Report: Budget and Financial Advisory Group (15 minutes) – David Rogers
David will report on the status of the Strategic Budget Initiatives funded for this
year and on plans to complete an evaluation of these Initiatives. Also, he will
report on adjustments made to the schedule for soliciting new SBI proposals for
2007-08. (See Attachment B.)
Report: Status of 2006-07 Budget and Multi-Year Fiscal Projections (15
minutes) – Keith Houck
Keith will provide an update on revenues and expenditures in the 2006-07 budget,
planning for 2007-08, and multi-year fiscal projections.
(See Attachment C.)
Report: Strategic Planning Committee and Task Forces (30 minutes) – Susan
Kelley and liaisons to Task Forces
Susan will report on the first two meetings of the College Planning Committee.
The Council liaison to each of the three existing Strategic Planning Task Forces
will provide an update on their work. (Communications – Karen Blondeau, Data
and Situational/Needs Analysis – Susan Kelley, Evaluation – Tom Byrnes,
Vision, Values, Mission – David Rogers)
Big Meeting Planning (5 minutes)
Fitzroy Farquharson and Susan Kelley will request approval to lead a team
including Fiona Baxter, Karen Blondeau, Tom Byrnes and David Rogers (and any
other interested volunteers) to plan the Big Meeting for March 2.
Strategic Goals and Objectives Task Force (5 minutes)
Susan Kelley will discuss plans to recruit members for this Task Force, the last of
the four to be formed for strategic planning.
BREAK – 10 minutes
Learning Activity: Execution (45 minutes) – Fiona Baxter, Karen Blondeau, and
Pat Nellis
Since the Council will be responsible for monitoring the implementation of the
new Strategic Plan, it was agreed that we might focus some of our learning
activities this year on effective execution of plans. The Council will discuss the
book Execution, which was distributed to Council members last Fall.
VIII. Next Meeting Date and Time (5 minutes) – Fitzroy Farquharson
The next meeting is scheduled for October 26, 2006, at the Winter Park Campus,
at 2:30 p.m.