FEBRUARY 28, 2013
 Rob McCaffrey to present update of post-tenured Faculty Review and rewrite of the textbook
 Jean Marie Führman to share status of CPC Faculty Co-chair
Council members present: Alys Arceneaux, Donna Deitrick, Kurt Ewen, Jean Marie Führman,
Damion Hammock, Deidre Holmes Dubois, Keith Houck, Dale Husbands, Noelia Maldonado, Rob
McCaffrey, John McFarland, Jerry Reed, Joan Tiller, and Bill White.
Welcome and Introductions
Jean Marie Führman and Kurt Ewen welcomed Council members and called meeting to
Minutes of November 29, 2012 Meeting
Noelia Maldonado will be resending the revised minutes from the November 29 meeting to
the Council for approval.
Division and Campus Plans
Kurt Ewen gave an overview of what planning means – how plans intersect and are tied to
each other: Strategic Plan, Division Action Plans, Big Ideas, Organizational Planning,
Campus Plans, and external expectations (SACS). With the help of the Council, one of the
primary goals in the near future is to develop a common vocabulary that can be
implemented college-wide to assist in the development of the new plans.
Another goal is to begin thinking about which philosophical approach will be selected in the
process of developing the new Strategic Plan. The Kaufman model was used in the previous
plan, but that is something the Council is open to changing. A smaller team will be put
together at a later date to review and select a planning model.
Faculty Co-Chair for College Planning Council
The search for the Faculty Co-chair to the College Planning Council is still on-going. Jean
Marie Führman, Rob McCaffrey, and Deidre Holmes DuBois will work with campus
leadership to personally invite people who might be a good fit for the committee. They will
report status by next meeting.
Operational Budget and Financial Outlook
Keith Houck gave an overview of next year’s budget, which at this time is early in the
process. The Legislature budgets are still pending, and it’s still unknown how those will
impact the college’s budget plan for next year. It is expected that we will know more by the
end of March.
Keith also reported on a couple of things that will have a big impact on the college’s budget:
(1) FRS system is under-funded by about 15%. While individual employee contributions will
not increase, the college’s contribution on our behalf is expected to increase to about $1.8
million, (2) New healthcare mandates’ impact to the college could be somewhere between
$600,000-1.5 million.
At this time, the college is waiting to find out what it will receive from the Legislature’s
budgets, and whether the District Board of Trustees will be open to a tuition increase this
Kurt Ewen updated the Council on the SACS visit to the Lake Nona Campus in February.
Feedback was mostly positive, with some committee members providing positive comments
on the Campus space and its use. However, SACS did make a recommendation on
Institutional Effectiveness as it relates to Learning Outcomes Assessments. Committee
members believed that the process the college has in place is a good, robust process, but
we do not have enough years of data. SACS is looking for three full cycles of evidence that
documents that the college actually is making improvements based upon reported results.
Kurt also mentioned that the SACS Compliance Certification Document for the November
visit is due March 15th. An off-site team will review our work and give feedback in May. We
have until August to respond in a focus report. SACS Committee will be on campus again
the middle of November.
The Council was also updated on the progress of the QEP. The QEP will center around the
New Student Experience and co-curricular components associated with that. It will also be
intended to be a five year plan dedicated to improve student learning or the condition of
student learning. An email will be sent out asking for volunteers for the New Student
Experience Taskforce.
Faculty Council Update
Rob McCaffrey reported that the Faculty Council had heard back from two subcommittees
regarding post-tenure review and student assessment of instruction. Both had sets of
recommendations to move the work forward in those areas, and the Faculty Council
accepted those recommendations. They will then move to the Senior Team for approval.
Rob gave an update on the rewrite of the textbook policy, which is now being worked on via
an online document. Two meetings will be scheduled in the coming months; the first one will
be to develop principles behind what a textbook policy should do, and the second to actually
finalize the policy.
Rob also provided an update on the Faculty Compensation Committee, and what they
should be doing for the institutional effectiveness component of faculty compensation. Some
of the recommendations include implementing a timeline where all Program Learning
Outcomes are evaluated on a regular basis, and mapping how courses support those
learning outcomes. The Faculty Council is currently conducting an electronic vote on those
recommendations, and it is expected those will later be accepted by Senior Team.
Implementation is anticipated by early 2014.
Big Meeting Planning Discussion
Kurt Ewen provided a brief overview of plans for Big Meeting 2013, which is scheduled for
Tuesday, June 11. This year’s meeting will be designed in such a way that participants will
be able to walk away with tangible plans. Most of the day will be comprised of a large-scale
overview of where we are in the Strategic Plan, and smaller group sessions that tackle
specific plans at the college.
Kurt also provided a tentative timeline in preparation for the Strategic Plan 2015-20 as
Spring/Fall 2013: Plan-to-Plan phase
Spring/Fall 2014: Strategic Planning phase
Spring 2015: College and Board approval
An email will be sent out asking for volunteers to join various planning task forces, including
the Big Meeting planning team and the Strategic Planning work.
Learning Activities
Rob McCaffrey discussed media creation tools that are available online at little or no cost.
Some of the sites include YouTube, Prezi, PicMonkey, and Pixlr. Rob’s full presentation can
be found at: Media Tools 2013 by Rob McCaffrey
Next Meeting Date and Time
The next College Planning Council meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 28, 2013, at
the Osceola Campus room 1-219B.