CALL FOR APPLICATIONS DAWN TRAINING INSTITUTE 2011 10 October – 28 October, 2011 SOUTH EAST ASIA IMPORTANT INFORMATION 1. Please read the following information carefully before completing the form. When completed, kindly email it back to 2. Closing date for all applications is September 15, 2010 3. Only successful applicants will be notified. If you have not been contacted by March 31, 2011, please assume that your application was unsuccessful. 4. All applicants are encouraged to have an email address (functional email address) Background DAWN has described the first decade of the 21st century as the painful birthing of a “fierce new world” in light of the paradigmatic shifts induced by a run-away neoliberal globalization; a militarized and financialized political economy; a crisis in climate and other natural systems; a deepening food crisis; an energy crisis from fossil-fuel dependence; the decline of the nationstate and the reconfiguration of the geopolitical context. These crises have generated heated debates on the restructuring of global governance. Pressures to respond to these challenges in all their complexities have come to preoccupy sovereign nations and the peoples they govern. At the same time, these nations and peoples struggle to uphold values associated with sustainable livelihoods, poverty eradication, human rights promotion, freedom of expression and mobility, respect for identity and sexuality. DAWN recognizes this developing multilateral terrain as part of a fierce new world that is replete with complicated contradictions, serious fractures, severe backlash, broken promises, and uncertain outcomes for the world’s women, especially women from the economic South. There is an urgent need for women’s and civil society organizations to critically engage with these debates and advocate strongly for a world where economic and climate justice coincide with gender justice. In response, the DAWN Training Institute, a three-week intensive training programme, was launched in 2002. The programme draws on both DAWN’s feminist analysis which interlinks issues under the themes of Political Economy of Globalisation including Gender and Trade, Political Ecology and Sustainability, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, and Political Restructuring and Social Transformation; and the network’s considerable experience in UN conference processes and other sites of struggle, including the global civil society movement against neoliberal economic globalisation, as well as regional, sub-regional and national processes. DAWN Global Secretariat c/o Women and Gender Institute, Miriam College, Katipunan Road, Loyola Heights, Quezon City 1108 Philippines +632 4359240 ext. 221 | +632 4346440 | @ | The fourth DAWN Training Institute will be held in Southeast Asia from 10 October – 28 October, 2011. It is being organised by Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era. Duration The training Institute will be held over a period of three weeks. Participant should be prepared to undergo an intensive training programme. Objectives to build capacity of young feminist activists from Southern countries, especially in understanding linkages between different issues and advocacy agendas, particularly those concerned with gender justice in its multiple and inter-linked dimensions – economic, political, ecological, social and personal. to strengthen feminist advocacy work at global and regional level; and to deepen analysis in some complex areas. to prepare young feminists for the challenges entailed in working for gender justice in the present global geopolitical and economic context. Participants Only application from the economic south will be considered. Preference will be given to young women participants who are/will be working with civil society organizations promoting gender justice. The applicant’s professional and working experience, as well as future plans will be considered during selection. Applicants must be able to communicate in written and spoken English. Regional representation will be taken into account. Applicants must be between the ages of 25 to 35 years. Deadline Applications must be received by DAWN by September 15, 2010. Notification Only successful applicants will be notified. If you have not been contacted by March 31, 2011, please assume that your application was unsuccessful. Language The medium of instruction and discussion will be in English. Insurance Participants are responsible for their own luggage, accident and medical insurance as the organisers will not be responsible for any such costs incurred by participants. DAWN Global Secretariat c/o Women and Gender Institute, Miriam College, Katipunan Road, Loyola Heights, Quezon City 1108 Philippines +632 4359240 ext. 221 | +632 4346440 | @ | DAWN TRAINING INSTITUTE 2011 APPLICATION FORM (Maximum of 4 pages please) A. PERSONAL INFORMATION 1.Last Name 2.First Name 3.Other Names 4.Date of Birth dd/mm/yyyy 5.Place of Birth 6. a. Citizenship b. Nationality 7.Gender 8.Address (Please check the address where we can reach you faster) Current address ( ) Permanent address ( ) 9.Telephone Mobile: Office: Home: 10.E-mail a. b. 11.Fax 12.Please check the following boxes below as it pertains to you: a) Do you have regular reliable access to emails? (Please select the option that best describes your Internet access): All the time/everyday Never Occasionally Rarely DAWN Global Secretariat c/o Women and Gender Institute, Miriam College, Katipunan Road, Loyola Heights, Quezon City 1108 Philippines +632 4359240 ext. 221 | +632 4346440 | @ | b) Do you need a visa to travel to Indonesia where the training will be held? Yes d) What is your primary language? _________________________ c) Proficiency in English (Chose only one) No -English is my first language -I can hold a complex conversation and read advanced text -I can hold a conversation -I can understand some English -I can hold a simple conversation and read simple text B. ORGANISATIONAL INFORMATION 1.Name of organisation 2.Type of organisation Non Governmental Governmental Inter-governmental Other, Specify: _____________________________ 3.Position in organisation 4.Years with organisation 5.Physical address 6.Postal address 7.Telephone 8.Fax 9.E-mail DAWN Global Secretariat c/o Women and Gender Institute, Miriam College, Katipunan Road, Loyola Heights, Quezon City 1108 Philippines +632 4359240 ext. 221 | +632 4346440 | @ | C. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND 10.Dates 11.Institutions Attended 12.Degrees/Certificates Obtained D. OTHER INFORMATION (Use additional sheets of paper if necessary) 1.National and/or Regional activist involvement in the past five years: 2.Global advocacy experience if any. 3.Do you identify yourself as feminist? 4.Reasons you would like to do this training programme with DAWN. 5.What do you intend to do after you have completed this course? 6.References (Specify names and contact details) (i) (ii) 7.Funding for attendance: (Please note that due to limited scholarships, would-be applicants are encouraged to source for their own funding. Priority would be given to best qualified applicants in terms of scholarship as well as good applicants who secure at least part-funding.) Check one [ ] I will need full funding. [ ] My employer/organisation may be able to provide partial funding [ ] My employer is definitely able to provide partial funding DAWN Global Secretariat c/o Women and Gender Institute, Miriam College, Katipunan Road, Loyola Heights, Quezon City 1108 Philippines +632 4359240 ext. 221 | +632 4346440 | @ | [ ] I may be able to raise funds from other sources Please send the completed form to together with your updated biodata. To apply online, visit DAWN Global Secretariat c/o Women and Gender Institute, Miriam College, Katipunan Road, Loyola Heights, Quezon City 1108 Philippines +632 4359240 ext. 221 | +632 4346440 | @ |