Learnin g D isability Ser vices ... SCWRU Making Research Count

Learnin g Disability Ser vices 2016
SCWRU & Making Research Count Workshops
CPD certified workshops that explore aspects of working with people with learning disabilities. Speakers engaged
in current research provide research messages with a practice focus, with lots of time for discussion and debate.
Autism: family and beyond
Wednesday 13 t h July 2016
King’s College London
Training across cultures: Learning from a
project developing and delivering parent
training in autism in south-east Europe
Dr David Preece is Senior Lecturer in Education (SEN and Inclusion Autism) at the University of Northampton
David is Principal Investigator of a Erasmus+ project on parent training in autism. He was a social care practitioner for 30
years, with a focus on autism. His doctoral research was on family life and social support of families living with autism.
Social capital networks of adults with autism:
If social networks are limited to parents’ resources
what are the implications for post-parental care?
Valerie D'Astous is a Researcher at SCWRU and a PhD Candidate at King's
College London in the Department of Social Science Health & Medicine
Valerie’s PhD research explores family relationships and the support needs of adults with autism. She was a nurse and
has completed two masters on the intergenerational relationship between grandparents and grandchildren with autism.
This workshop will take place 2pm - 4pm with tea/coffee & registration from 1.30pm.
The venue is Room 1.10, 1st floor, Franklin-Wilkins Building, King’s College London,
Waterloo Campus, Stamford Street, London SE1 9NH (5 minutes from Waterloo Station)
This workshop is free to attend. To book a place please email: janet.noble@kcl.ac.uk
Making Research Count members enjoy priority but must book via Learning & Development Dep artments
More on this SCWRU & MRC Workshop Series at: www.kcl.ac.uk/scwru/mrc/LDseries