'International social care workers in England: their profile, motivations, experiences expectations.'


International Social Care Workers in England: their profile, motivations, experiences & expectations

Dr Shereen Hussein, Senior Research Fellow

Prof Jill Manthorpe, Director

Dr Martin Stevens, Research Fellow

The Study: data sources

(July 2007 - Sept 2009)

Quantitative analysis of national data

◦ National Minimum Data Set for Social Care (NMDS-SC)

 Proxy of recently arrived international workers in the sector (5,118)

◦ General Social Care Council (GSCC) register of social workers

 Stock of international social workers working in England (7,200)

National perspectives, phone interviews

◦ Recruitment agency managers (20)

◦ Key stakeholders (15)

Study sites, in-depth interviews (6 sites, including local authority and independent sector)

◦ International workers (96)

◦ Employers/human resource managers (39)

◦ Frontline workers/colleagues (not migrants) (27)

◦ Refugees & asylum seekers (23)

◦ People using services and carers (35)


Findings 1: Why recruit international workers?

Meet staff shortfalls:

◦ Demographic changes and high demand

◦ Staff shortages ascribed to:

 Status, pay, unclear career path, stress

Perceived attributes of international workers:

◦ Hard working; highly motivated; appreciate jobs (and the pay)

◦ Bring something new

◦ International learning

◦ Knowledge of service users’ needs from similar backgrounds


The English social care sector’s drivers for recruiting international social care workers in England


Findings 2: International Social Workers’ profile and trends - GSCC data

Over half (54%) trained in:

◦ Australia, South Africa, US and India.

◦ Some recent changes (see chart overleaf)

 slight decline of those trained in India and slight increase from A8

Significantly younger than UK-qualified social workers:

◦ An average difference of 11 years

◦ Youngest group from A8 (mean age 30.9 years)

◦ Those identified as ‘White’ are younger

◦ Trend towards younger workers in the past 3 years

More men, particularly from South Central Asia & West Africa

Slightly more are employed through agencies (9% versus 5%)

Over half (57%) reported their ethnicity as ‘White’


Trends of international social workers’ world region of training in England, GSCC international SW register


Findings 3: Profiles of recently arrived international social care workers compared to others - NMDS data

Most work as care workers, nurses and senior care workers

More men, particularly among care workers

Significantly younger, by an average of seven years

Variations in job roles by reported ethnicity

◦ ‘Asians’ more likely to be senior care workers

◦ ‘Black’ more likely to be nurses

◦ ‘White Other’ more likely to be ancillary, not care providing, staff

Higher levels of qualifications

Less likely to hold managerial roles

More likely to be employed in the private sector followed by the voluntary sector


Results of logistic regression; dependent variable: most recent job abroad, NMDS


Findings 4: Why join the English social care workforce? (interview data)

Three sets of motives to join the UK (see chart overleaf)

◦ Observed variations by country of birth

◦ Positive views about the UK remained important

◦ Wish to learn English language higher among EU workers

◦ Financial motives higher among Filipinos

◦ Following spouse quite common, especially EU + ‘other’

Motivations to join the care sector - in descending order (order varies by country of birth)

◦ Altruism

◦ Better than previous job

◦ Easy to get into

◦ Fits previous skills


Main motivations discussed by international social care workers ordered according to how strongly each theme was represented in the study sites’ interviews


International workers’ main motivations to join the social care sector in England by country of birth


Findings 5: Refugees & asylum seekers as potential social care workers

Clear potential to join the sector

◦ Two-directional benefits

Particular barriers

◦ Lack of UK experience

◦ Language skills limited

◦ Qualification recognition hard

◦ Prejudice and racism experienced

Possible strategies

◦ Move from a deficit ‘human capital’ model to a more holistic approach

◦ Reach out early

◦ Promote volunteering

◦ Better liaison with refugee support organisations

◦ Access to training and support (including language)


Findings 6: Factors affecting international workers’ experiences

Recruitment route (from abroad vs. when in the UK)

◦ ‘Visible’ needs and thus level of induction and support

Levels of skills and qualifications

◦ Language skills

◦ Relevant previous experiences

Historical & current links between UK and home country

Length of stay in the UK

Personal factors

◦ Migration status

◦ Family commitments

Prejudice and racism

◦ The role of ‘colour’

◦ Geographic and local population effects


Findings 7: What next? International workers’ satisfaction & plans

Some disappointments:

◦ Social care image

◦ Limited training and qualification opportunities

◦ Racism

◦ Levels of pay and workload

Overall high job satisfaction levels

◦ But some feel they should be…


◦ Vary by birth country and migration status

◦ Mobility - both geographical (to N America) and sectoral (eg to NHS)

◦ Family commitments

◦ Ambitions



Service users and carers

◦ Overall good levels of satisfaction

◦ Some need to address communication levels and language

◦ Prejudice and racism in the community


◦ May also experience exploitation & discrimination

◦ Support around cultural competence

◦ Gain new perspectives


◦ Structure and composition - changing

◦ Skills matrix – how to relate to replacement NVQ?

◦ Staff retention – will this last?

◦ How so/can managers deal with racism, diversity and dynamics?


Wider implications

How to square exclusion of non EU staff from training to demand for training?

Monitor effects of points system

More and tailored information on social care practice e.g. through SCIE

Explain delays/proffer reasons for qualification recognition problems, etc.

Time needed for recently arrived international workers to overcome initial barriers

Provide role models and recognition


Thank You to all those who participated and helped with this study

For further details and a copy of the report, contact: shereen.hussein@kcl.ac.uk



