
Assignment #1: Unix
CGS 2060 Sections 087 & 088
Spring Term, 1996
Becoming familiar with the PINE mailer & the PICO text editor
Revised Due Date:
At the beginning of class on Tuesday, 30 January 1996.
Late submittals will not be accepted.
1. Log on to the UNIX system. Follow the instructions given to you on
first day of class. Be sure to change your password according to
instructions. Otherwise, you'll lose your account. Remember, you are
accessing another computer system. The PC that you are using is
emulating a terminal to that computer.
2. Copy the instructions (unix1.doc) and the grade form (unix1.frm) from
public directory to your home directory. We will use these files in
assignment #2 also.
3. Print unix1.doc (this document). You must submit this document in
assignment folder. You may mark and check the document, though, as
you complete the assignment.
4. Print unix1.frm.
the assignment.
This document should serve as another guide in
5. Create a signature file with the pico editor.
this file is as follows:
The minimum content of
Your Full Name
University of North Florida
Jacksonville, FL 32224-2645
6. Compose a message and send it to me. Copy one classmate. Tell me
yourself (keep it short). Use the format specified in my "forward" &
"reply" messages to you.
7. Delete the message with the subject, Forwarded Message in Pine. Do
forward this message to me. To receive credit, you will have to show
in my office that you have done the deletion.
8. Forward my message with the subject, Message to be Forwarded, in Pine.
sure to follow the instructions in the message.
9. Reply to my message with the subject, Message Requiring Reply.
sure to
follow the instructions in the message.
10. In pico, create a message named "m" as follows:
"JerThis is my inserted file.
Your Name"
Do not type the quotation marks.
Insert this file in a message and send it to me.
11. In pico, create 3 files as follows:
(1) This is file A.
(2) This is file B.
(3) This is file C.
In pine, compose a message as follows:
"JerThis is my message that has three attachments.
Your Name"
Do not type the quotes.
Attach the three files, fileA, fileB, & fileC, and send me the
12. Create a subdirectory in your home directory in unix.
At the unix prompt ($), issue the mkdir command, a space, and then
(1) Your first initial
(2) A dot (period)
(3) Your full last name <enter>
Example: b.clinton for Bill Clinton
Be sure to use small letters, not cap's.
Very important!!! Do NOT use your user ID.
Then, at the unix prompt, type ls and press <enter>.
You should see a subdirectory with your name. In the case of the
example above, it would look like b.clinton/.
13. Move the three files, created in item #11, into your personal
14. At the Unix prompt, change into your personal subdirectory
(use cd, space, and the name of the subdirectory). Type ls -l
at the Unix prompt to see the number of bytes for each file.
NOTE: The total number of bytes for all the files in the
should be less than 64,000. If the total is greater than
bytes, you will have to delete some text in the larger files.
If you don't, the "turnin" facility will not function
To get back to your home directory from your personal directory,
type cd and press <enter> at the Unix prompt.
15. "Rmshar" the directory into a file with the same name
(an extension .shr1 will be added by the process).
"Rmshar" will be explained in a lab session.
16. "Turnin" this file to lantz.087.unix1 or lantz.088.unix1, depending
which section you're in, by classtime on Thursday, 25 January 1996.
This facility will not accept late submittals.
Very important!!! Submit according to your section.
it to
the wrong one, you will not receive credit.
"Turnin" will be explained in a lab session.
If you submit
In addition, the means
confirming my receiving your "turnin" submittal are as follows:
turnin -c lantz.087.unix1 (section 087) or
turnin -c lantz.088.unix1 (section 088)
17. Print directly from PINE the message that contains pine and pico
instructions written by Dr. Roggio. Submit this printout in your
assignment folder. Designate the printer as follows:
Go to Main menu;
Select Setup;
Select Printer;
Select 3;
Type lpr -Plp1 <enter>
Now the Y command from pine will work for you.
18. Save the message in item #17 in a folder named assignments. To
credit, you will have to see me in my office and show me the folder.
19. Create a file of the message in item #17, naming it pine.doc.
file in pico:
(1) delete the mailing header;
(2) delete my message and the signature files (Roggio & Lantz) at
the end;
(3) keep the document text intact.
20. Mail the edited file in item #19 to me.
command at the unic prompt ($):
Do NOT use Pine.
Use the
mail rlantz < pine.doc
21. Subscribe to TOURBUS. When you receive a message to confirm, follow
their instructions to do so. When your confirmation is acknowledged,
forward the acknowledgment to me. Be sure you include the the
required, formatted message.
Use the unix mailer, not pine, to subscribe & confirm.
22. Using pico, edit unix1.frm, the grade form. Do not press the <enter>
key while editing. Use the directional arrow keys to traverse the
form. Supply your name, your section, the date when completed, and
the number of hours spent on the assignment. Print the edited
23. Submit the edited grade form printout and the two required printouts
in a
closed-pocket folder at the beginning of class on Tuesday, 30 January
1995. Be sure to review the syllabus in regard to submittal
No disk is required for this assignment.
End of assignment #1.