Chinese is:

Chinese is:
Over one billion people speak some form of Chinese as their native language. Today,
the study of Chinese is entering a new era of economic and cultural globalization,
and the Chinese language is increasingly prevalent both in business and
international academic discourse.
The new Chinese Language Program at Eastern Washington University allows
students to build a solid foundation of authentic spoken Mandarin Chinese. Our
method of instruction emphasizes all four language skills with additional activities
that introduce Chinese culture and traditions.
CHIN 101 First-Year Chinese: Fall quarter
CHIN 102 First-Year Chinese: Winter quarter
CHIN 103 First-Year Chinese: Spring quarter
Please see the Eastern Course Catalogue for additional course descriptions and class
Study Abroad Opportunities:
Study abroad opportunities in Taiwan and China are available through the Study
Abroad department. Please visit their website or stop by 103B Hargreaves Hall for
more information.
Ms. Chiu-Hsin Lin
(509) 359-7983