LOOKUP PURPOSE : LOOKUP opens FCS files, and retrieves specific keyword values. USAGE : LOOKUP <filespec> <keyword> [<keyword>] ... SYNOPSIS : the LOOKUP opens all the files in <filespec>, looks up all keywords specified, and writes them onto the computer screen. The output format is slightly variable. The file name is always written first, followed by the keyword and its value separated by tab characters. If more than one keyword is specified, each is written on a separate line, with the file name in the first field of each line. If there is only one keyword, and <filespec> uses wildcards, the output will be on consecutive lines. If there are more than one keyword, a blank line will separate each individual file's set of keywords. MS-DOS redirection can be used to write the output into a text file. BUGS : thinks If the <filespec> begins with the letter 'H', LOOKUP you are asking for help, and will write only a usage message.