Members Present: Shari Shuman, Jay Coleman, Mauricio Gonzalez, Hailey Guerra,

Space Committee Meeting
September 2, 2015
Members Present:
Shari Shuman, Jay Coleman, Mauricio Gonzalez, Hailey Guerra,
Paul Mosley, Radha Pyati
Support Staff Present:
Zak Ovadia, Albert Colom, John Hale, Everett Malcolm,
Vince Smyth, Dawn Knipe, Mary Mory
Project Timelines
- Nofa Dixon Ceramic Mural
 Complete
- New NCAA Outdoor Swimming Pool
 Project is back on the list because it is still active. The consultant was called
and asked to give us a proposal to take the drawings for a reduced scope to the
end of design/development phase to get more accurate numbers.
Skinner-Jones Halls North and South
- The president has endorsed the selection of Ajax Construction as the CM. Two
meetings were held with Ajax and we have received a tentative schedule for the
phasing of the project as well as a fee proposal (which we accepted). A schematic
diagram package was received today and it will be distributed.
- We still need the remaining PECO funds from the Legislature.
Fieldhouse (Basketball Courts and Aquatic Center Re-Purposing)
- Substantial completion should be the third week in September.
- The doors have arrived. The floor was damaged by students who got into the
Fieldhouse basketball courts. The side utility door was not secured by the
contractor and will be repaired by the contractor. They will discuss a grand
opening with Hailey Guerra and the student body.
Library Learning Commons
- This is complete with the exception of activating turnstiles. Jeff Durfee is
working with Securadyne to complete the project.
- September 16th is the opening celebration.
Math Emporium
- This was not so much of a space reconstruction as it was an IT project. The math
emporium is a math lab in Building 15 (where the old Help Desk was). It is now
open and being utilized.
Building 6 (The Annex)
- There are two parts for this: 1) CCEC has two rooms and they are looking for air
conditioning, which triggers code enhancements. 2) The scope of the project was
redefined because it came in over budget; it is currently in the second bidding
Athletic and Recreation Facilities
- We are looking at completing construction documents so that we can get some
costs on the soccer fields. The fee proposal seems appropriate.
- Part of putting in the pool will be designing and moving the recreational tennis
courts near the practice soccer fields.
Arena Bridge Walkover
- This was damaged by a Waste Management driver who hit the side of the bridge
with his truck (the boom on his truck was up). A 70’ long x 8’ tall, 70,000 lb.
precast panel that was damaged was taken off within 48 hours of the incident.
There was additional damage beyond this panel. A structural engineer offered
two options: 1) Repair. We take off the damaged concrete and put a patch back
and do a load test. If you do the repair and you fail the load test, you are out the
money for the repair. 2) Replace. They provided a cost estimate. We would
have to deconstruct the upper part of the bridge and crane in a section. There is a
$100,000 difference between repair and replace. Another option would be to tear
down the bridge.
Building 9 – 2nd Floor
- The construction documents for the theatre group are out for bidding and we
should receive them by the end of next week.
Softball Coaches Space Needs
- The coaches are not in adequate space for NCAA. Athletics is making changes
and moving things around so that Softball can move into the Arena.
New Aquatic Center
- This is next on the CITF list. If CITF funds were bonded, we would build the
Student Assembly Center (a/k/a chapel) and the pool. We received $1.5M, so we
are looking at designing the pool.
Master Plan
- We are in the middle of updating the Master Plan. The consultants will be here
September 30 – October 1. It is really important that faculty attend some of the
open sessions. The public hearing will be held the evening of September 30.
- Introduction of new members: Radha Pyati, Trevor Dunn (not present)