Publications Books Sacred Violence; Political Religion in a Secular Age in the series Rethinking Political Violence (London: Palgrave, 2014) forthcoming. The Political Impossibility of Modern CounterInsurgency (with M. Smith) ( New York: Columbia University Press, 2014) forthcoming The New Counterinsurgency Era in Critical Perspective in the series Rethinking Political Violence (edited with Celeste Ward Gvetner and M. Smith) (London: Palgrave, 2014) The Rise of China and Asia Pacific Security (with M. Smith and N. Khoo) (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2013) Terrorism The Power of Informal Networks (edited with Paul Schulte and Ann Lane) (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2010). The Howard Era (edited with Keith Windschuttle) (Sydney: Quadrant Books, 2009) Regionalism and South East Asia (edited with Lily Yulyadini) (Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press, 2009) ASEAN and the International Order in East Asia: Regional Delusion (with M.L.R. Smith) (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2006) Globalisation and The New Terror: the Asia-Pacific Dimension (editor) (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2004, paperback 2006) The Image of China in Western Social and Political Thought (London: Palgrave 2001). Conscience and Allegiance in Seventeenth Century English Political Thought (Rochester: University of Rochester Press 1999). Political Development in Pacific Asia (Cambridge: Polity Press 1997) Towards Illiberal Democracy in Pacific Asia (with D.A. Bell, D. Brown and K. Jayasuriya). (London: St. Antony’s Oxford/Macmillan/St Martins, 1996.) Monographs Beyond Belief: Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism (Australian Institute, Canberra, September 2007) Strategic Policy Between Two Worlds Australian Foreign Policy Responses to New and Old Security Dilemmas (Centre for Independent Studies, Sydney 2005) Reinventing Realism: Australian Foreign and Defence Policy at the Millennium (with M Smith). (London: Royal Institute of International Affairs, 2000) Myths of the Meltdown: The Curious Case of the Developmental State in Pacific Asia London Defence Studies Series 48. (London: Centre for Defence Studies/ Brasseys 1999) Articles in Refereed International Journals Reason, Statecraft and the Art of War: a politique reassessment, Global Discourse, An interdisciplinary Journal of Current Affairs September, 2014 Managing the China Dream: Communist Party Politics after the Tiananmen Incident, Australian Journal of Political Science 49,1, 2014 Deconstructing Counterinsurgency: COIN discourse and the devaluation of strategy Cambridge Review of International Affairs 8,4, 2013 Myths of the small war tradition: reassessing the discourse of British COIN Small Wars and Insurgencies 24,3,2013 Ideology, Networks and Political Religion: Structure and Agency in Jemaah Islamiah’s small world Politics, Religion and Ideology 13,4, 2012 Issues in Australian Foreign Policy Australian Journal of Politics and History 58,4 2012 Menzies’ Asia Policy and the anachronistic fallacy Australian Journal of International Affairs 66,2 2012 Insurgency and Counter- Insurgency: the problem of strategic deficit, Studies in Conflict and Terrorism 35, 3 2012 Prudence, Casuistry and Statecraft, Parergon Special Issue, December, 2011 Introduction (edited with Catherine Curtis) Raison d’ Etat, Natural Law and Statecraft in Early Modern Europe, Parergon, Special Issue, December, 2011 Myth and Misrepresentation in Australian Foreign Policy, Menzies and Asian Engagement, Journal of Cold War Studies 13,4 (Fall, 2011) Islamist Terror The view from South East Asia Current Trends in Islamist Ideology Hudson Institute 12 (Fall 2011) Milton, Casuistry and the Commonwealth History of Political Thought 32, 2 (Summer 2011) Engaging or Disengaging Australian foreign policy in the Whitlam era Journal of Cold War Studies (Fall 2010) Terror and literature, the novel response to 9/11 Studies in Conflict and Terrorism 33, 10, (2010) Technique and Counter Insurgency Journal of Strategic Studies 34,2 (2010) Whose Hearts and Whose Minds? Global Counter Insurgency theory and its limitations Journal of Strategic Studies 34,1 2010 Critical Security Studies and the War on Terror Terrorism and Political Violence 32,1 (2010) We’re all Terrorists Now: Critical -or Hypocritical- Studies ‘on’ Terrorism? Studies in Conflict and Terrorism 32, 4, (2009) ASEAN Integration and Regional Security International Security 33, 2 (2008) Security and Democracy: the ASEAN Charter and the dilemmas of Regionalism in SouthEast Asia International Affairs 84, 4 (2008) Confused Britannia: Global Uncertainty and Homeland Insecurity Studies in Conflict and Terrorism 31,6 (2008) Making Process Not Progress: ASEAN and Regional Order International Security 32, 2 (2007) Political Change in Southeast Asia 2006 An Overview South East Asian Affairs 2007 ISEAS Singapore (2007) Pedagogy or Pedantry? A Response to Our Critics. International Affairs 84, 1 (January 2007) Constructing Communities: ASEAN and East Asian Regional Order Review of International Studies (January, 2007) Language and Atrocity The Commentariat and Discourse Failure in Cool Britannia International Affairs 82, 4 (November 2006) Tradition, Myth and the Dilemmas of Australian Foreign Policy Australian Journal of International Affairs 60,1 (March 2006) Greetings from the Cybercaliphate: Some Notes on Homeland Insecurity International Affairs 81, 3 (Autumn 2005) Peace Through Conversation, The National Interest 79, 1 (Spring 2005) An Edifice of Denial Australia’s Regional Delusions The Round Table 93, 373 (Spring 2004) Looking for the Pattern: Al-Qaeda in Southeast Asia – the Genealogy of a Terror Network Studies in Conflict and Terrorism 26, 6 (2003) Out of Bali: Cybercaliphate Rising The National Interest 77, 1 (Spring 2003) Reinventing Realism- challenging Australia’s foreign policy orthodoxy: a reply to Samuel Makinda International Relations of the Asia-Pacific 3, 1 (2003) The Perils of hyper-vigilance: the war on terrorism and the surveillance state in South East Asia Intelligence and National Security 17, 4 (2002) From Konfrontasi to Disintegrasi: ASEAN and the rise of terror networks in Southeast Asia Studies in Conflict and Terrorism 25, 6 (2002) ASEAN’s Imitation Community, Orbis - A Journal of World Affairs, 46,1 (Winter 2002). The Changing Security Agenda in Southeast Asia: Globalization, New Terror and the Delusions of Regionalism, Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, 25, 3 (July 2002). Cunning, Silence, Exile: Mid-nineteenth century Welsh Radicals in Van Dieman’s Land, Tasmanian Historical Studies 7, 2 (2001) Is There a Sovietology of Southeast Asian Studies? International Affairs 77, 4 (2001). Noise but No Signal: Strategy, Culture and the Poverty of Constructivism, Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, 24,1 (November 2001). Misreading Menzies, and Whitlam: Reassessing the Ideological construction of Australian Foreign Policy, Round Table 89, 355 (July 2000). What Mahathir Has Wrought, The National Interest, 59,1 (Spring 2000). Advance Australia Anywhere, Orbis - A Journal of World Affairs, 43, 3 (Summer 1999). Democratization, Civil Society and Middle Class Culture in Contemporary Pacific Asia, Comparative Politics 30, 1, (January 1998) Economic Modernization and Political Change in Contemporary Singapore, Humboldt Journal of Social Relations, 23, 1 (April 1997) ASEAN, Asian Values and the Security of Southeast Asia in the New World Order, Contemporary Security Policy, 17, 4 (December 1997). Asian Values and Constitutional Political Economy, Constitutional Political Economy, 8, 4 (1997) Postmodernity and Political Science: A Contradiction in Terms, Sojourn, 7, 1 (1995) The Middle Class in Asia: Not a Force for Change, The National Interest, 54 1 (Winter 1995) Political Development in Singapore and the Myth of the Liberalising Middle Class, The Pacific Review, 7, 1 (1994) The Metamorphosis of Tradition: The Idea of Virtue in Asian Political Thought, South East Asian Journal of Social Science, 21, 1 (1993) Sir Edward Coke and the Case of Allegiance in Seventeenth Century England, History of Political Thought Journal, 7, 2 (1986). Articles in Journals New Malaysia? The Spectator 23 February 2013 Orwell’s Daughters The Spectator 3 November 2012 Democratic Malaise The Spectator 27 April 2012 Machiavelli’s Canberra The Spectator 3 March 2012 Land of Charm and Cruelty The American Interest July, 2011 Australia’s Malaysian Solution, The Spectator April, 2011 Rise of the Welsh Dragon The Spectator 3 July, 2010 Southeast Asia The Democratic Deficit The World Today Chatham House January, 2009 The Global Election- Malaysia The American Interest Winter 2008 Malaysia’s Difficult Election 2008 Austral Policy Forum 06-16A Nautilus Institute RMIT Melbourne March 2008 The State of Southeast Asian Studies and Guest Editor Jati 12 University Malaya 2008 ‘The Smiling Coup The American Interest Winter 2007 ‘Australian Foreign Policy in the twenty first century: the problem of having special friends’ Austral Policy Forum 06-16A 25 May 2006 Nautilus Institute RMIT Melbourne “The Dragon Stirs” The World Today 61, 7 (July 2005) “Still Active: Jemaah Islamiyah in South-East Asia” The World Today 59, 10 October 2003 “Dismantling Jemaah Islamiyah” The National Interest online 14th May 2003 “Regional Illusion and its Aftermath” Policy 19 3 (2003) “Who Knows Spins: The politicization of risk based intelligence” World Defence Systems 7, 2 (Autumn 2004) “Costly Delusion: the Bali bomb and Australian Policy,” The World Today 59, 1 (January 2003). “Islamists Defeat Asian Way,” The World Today 58, 6 (June 2002). ”Franchising Terror,” The World Today 57 10 (October 2001). “Identity Politics in Southeast Asia,” Jane’s Intelligence Review November 2000. “Tigers Ready to Roar?” The World Today 55 10 (October 1999). “From Miracle to Nightmare,” The World Today 54 11 (November 1998). “Can Tigers Change Their Stripes?” The World Today 54 1 (January 1998). Chapters in Books International Terrorism entry in M. Juergensmeyer (ed) The Encyclopedia of Global Studies vol. 3 Sage , California. 2012 The evolution of Australian Intelligence in Loch Johnson (ed) Oxford Handbook of Intelligence Oxford University Press: Oxford 2010 Towards Relative Decency the Case for Prudence in Don Emmerson (ed.) Hard Choices Security Democracy and Regionalism in Southeast Asia APARC Stanford University and Brookings Institute Presses:: Stanford 2008 The Australian Intelligence Community: Change and Continuity in P. Gill, M Urbain (eds.) PSI Handbook of Global Intelligence 2 vols Praeger: New York 2008 The Rise of China and Australian Foreign Policy in Carl Ungerer (ed.) Australian Foreign Policy in an Age of Terror UNSW Press: Sydney 2008 Australian Intelligence and the War on Terror in Carl Ungerer (ed.) Australian Foreign Policy in an Age of Terror UNSW Press:Sydney 2008 The politics of uncertainty and current threats to UK security in Paul Cornish (ed.) Britain and Security Smith Foundation: London 2007 Democratization, Civil Society and Illiberal Middle Class Culture in Pacific Asia in Howard J. Wiarda (ed.) Comparative Politics: Critical Concepts in Politics Routledge : London 2005 “Sir Edward Coke and the case of allegiance,” in Allen D. Boyer (ed.) Law, Liberty, and Parliament: Selected Essays in the Writings of Sir Edward Coke Liberty Fund: Indianapolis : 2004 “Southeast Asia and the War against Terrorism: The Rise of Islamism and the Challenge to the Surveillance State.” In U.Johannen, A. Smith and J. Gomez (eds) September 11 and Political Freedom Asian Perspectives Select Publishing: Singapore: 2002 “Singapore and the myth of the Liberalizing Middle Class,” in G.Rodan (ed.) Singapore Ashgate: Aldershot 2001 “Asian Models of Democracy,” in B. Clark and J. Foweraker (eds.) Encyclopaedia of Democratic Thought Routledge: London: 2001 “Globalization, Nationalism and the Deconstruction of UK Inc” in Leo Suryadinata (ed.), Globalization and Nationalism Freidrich Naumann Stiftung/Times Academic Press: Singapore, 2000 “Strategic Implications of the Financial Meltdown in the Asia-Pacific,” in Brassey’s Defence Yearbook 1999 Brassey: London: 1999 “The Politics of Economic Governance,” in D. Goldblatt, J. Mitchell and R. Maidment (eds.) Governance in the Asia Pacific Routledge/Open University: Milton Keynes; 1998 "The Discourse of the Migrant and the Enigma of Arrival: The Case of the Hong Kong Boat People," in Chan Kwok Bun (ed.), Crossing Borders: Transmigration in the Asia Pacific Prentice Hall: Toronto 1995 "The Genealogy of the Teacher," chapter 4 in Stephen Ball (ed.) Michel Foucault and Education: Disciplines and Knowledge Routledge: London, New York: 1990 (2nd ed. New York 1992). "La Genealogia del Professor Urbano," in S. Ball (ed.) Foucault y la educacion Disciplinas y Saber Ediciones Morata: Madrid:, 1993 "The Discourse of the Urban School and the Formation of a Therapeutic Complex," in P. Mclaren & J.Giarelli (eds.), Critical Theory and Educational Research SUNY Press: New York, 1995 “Michel Foucault and the Discourse of Education," co-authored with Professor Stephen Ball in P.Mclaren & J.Giarelli (eds.) Critical Theory and Educational Research SUNY :New York: 1995 "Education without Redemption," in T. da Silva (ed.), O sujeto da Educacao: oticas Foucaultianas (The Subject of Education: Foucauldian Perspectives Artes Medices : Porto Allegre,1994 Working Papers China and Political Science: The curious adventure of an unique developmental path. East Asian Institute Working Papers No 93 Singapore 2002. Faux Sages d’Orient: The Curious Case of China in European Political Thought. Working Paper Series No. 7. Department of Political Science, National University of Singapore, 1993