E&A Agenda November 15th, 2013 12:00pm I. Call to Order

E&A Agenda
November 15th, 2013 12:00pm
Call to Order
Meeting is called to order at 12:01pm.
Roll Call
Quorum is established with 6 voting members.
Approval of Minutes
Motion from Sen. Brown to table last week’s minutes. Second. No objections. Moved.
Approval of Agenda
Motion from Sen. Brown to add Aaron Anderson to guest speakers. Second. No
objections. Moved.
Motion from Sen. Tortolero to approve the agenda as amended. Second.
Guest Speakers
Aaron Anderson – I’m here to talk about Osprey Voice. Almost all of you have signed up
and replied to emails, thank you. Mr. Amira, I will have the sign-up sheet at the back of
the room to sign up for 2 hours this time, that way we don’t have to do a paper and it’s
all on the computer and easier on you hopefully so you don’t have to spend time filling
it out. Also it will make it easier on the SAC chair to not have to interpret your chicken
scratch handwriting. Going to have, and this is going through the SAC committee today
for approval, the questions we voted on and background information, like last time how
we had the background information if they didn’t understand the question. I’d like them
to fill out the question before they are given the background information so that doesn’t
lead to answers. This should be their first thought that comes to mind when you ask
them the question. There won’t be as many questions as last time. That being said we
could add some to the committee. Right now we have about 8 but 3 depend on whether
they answered no to a previous question. There could be only 5 questions. There’re 3
main questions and 3 follow up questions to that and they’re about Osprey Voice, the
round tables, and the signs, which are dwindling. This is just to see the effectiveness of
SAC over the past semester. Also, we will have a typed out shpeal for you to say at the
end and beginning of each of these surveys. So we’re all in the same mode when inviting
students to answer questions. I’ve gone over with people on campus to make sure
surveys aren’t leading, harmful, and they said they don’t have to be IRB certified
because they are essentially not surveying the general human populace about the
general issues. This survey is more about internal issues that will then got o SAC. You’ll
have a sheet of paper, which will tell you what to say. Feel free to add some, but stick to
the script as much as possible. You’ll have background information for after they answer
the questions and a shpeal for the end. Any questions?
Sen. Tortolero – Last time we had a minimum of the persons we had to ask. How many
will we need to ask this time?
Sen. Anderson – It’s still in CSC that you have to have 35 students answering each
Sen. Pino – Will there be some sort of penalty if you stay your full hours but not get all
Sen. Anderson – I’d like you to keep a tally. That’s the short answer. The long answer:
I’m sure we’ll work something out. Again, we had a couple senators who worked 2 hours
and got over 35 responses. In October, for the last time, there were some senators who
didn’t get out from behind the desk and didn’t actively approach the students and that’s
why I wrote the shpeal so it’s easier for you to do that and be proactive. I’m trying to
help you out as much as possible but you need to help yourself out as well. The library
walkway will have tents this time and anchorage system so we wont have to worry
about the wind.
Don’t forget the sign-in sheet at the back of the room.
Chair Report – Sen. Emily Antworth
a. Not too much to say. We have 1 appointment, so please give her your full attention
when she comes up here. Get to know her. We don’t have any old or new business.
Old Business
New Business
a. Kate Savage
Hello my name is Kate Savage, I’m a freshman this year, majoring in psychology and
criminology. I’m from Tampa, born and raised; I graduated from Plant high school. I love
to get involved in things and I’ve been on plenty of sports teams. I’ve done every and
any sport. My parents were very into the whole do-everything-you-can. Everything
involved in, I got on board to do. I had been the captain of my track and crew team. I
was the freshman class president, and the junior class secretary. I’m one of those
people that if I have an idea I am very vocal about it. For example: going into my
sophomore year of high school I had a revelation of not wearing make up for a year and
made a Facebook group about it and had all girls post pictures of themselves not
wearing make up; they had to say their name, post a picture and say something they
love about themself. It really took off. I ended up on a local news station and did 3
interviews. I had the opportunity to form a group of my friends and we went to different
middle schools in neighboring counties and spoke to these young girls about how to
improve their self-confidence. That’s just the kind of person I am. I like to get things
going. Also I was involved in NAHS in high school. I was VP my senior year but we started
to take the art show to the next level. We had an entire gallery stet up; we started
raising money and went to elementary schools and taught kids how to paint.
Sen. Moore – It seems you’re pretty involved in high school do you have any
involvement here on campus?
Kate Savage – I’m a new member of the Kappa Delta sorority and I am submitting my
appointment for office application today. This is a high interest to me. So I’m starting to
involve myself in this. We’re required to be involved in a minimum of 2 clubs and this is
one of them for sure and I’m thinking about spinnaker media for sure.
Sen. Amira – Can you name the 5 committees?
Kate Savage – Yes: Budget & Allocations, Elections & Appointments, Constitution and
Statutes Committee, University Affairs, and the Student Advocacy Committee.
Sen. Abreu – What about SG appeals to you the most?
Kate Savage – Like I’ve said I love to be involved. We didn’t do a whole bunch in high
school, but seeing the scale of SG in college and what you do really appeals to me. It’s
something I feel my talents will be able to shine and I’d be able to be a pretty good part
of this organization.
Sen. Brown – What do you think SG does? What do you think our role is on campus?
Kate Savage – There is the $4.5 million budget you’re in charge of advocating is what
you guys do; the chick fil a, the clubhouse. Everything that goes up on this campus goes
through you all and I think that’s cool.
Sen. Moore – You talked about the budget, is that the committee you see yourself being
involved in?
Kate Savage – No I was thinking more along the lines of SAC or UAC?
Sen. Abreu - Can you name your top 3 leadership skills that are essential for SG?
Kate Savage – I’m a very fair, open-minded person. I’m social, and I’m very motivated.
That has propelled me to the tops of everything I’ve done thus far. My upbringing and
my parents were very separate people but that’s taught me to consider everything that
is being thrown my way.
Sen. Amira – Is there anything you’d like to change about SG?
Kate Savage – I’m not going to really answer that, because I’m not really sure, and I’m
not a part of it. I’m not going to go far enough to say I’m going to change something that
I’m not a part of and not well known with.
Sen. Moore – What’s the thing that one thing SG can improve upon from the eyes of the
Kate Savage – I’ve been here for one semester; I do see you guys out there sitting in
tents talking about chairs. I’m interested in doing just that; getting everyone’s input and
like Aaron said putting yourself out there.
Sen. Abreu - Why wait for this appointment instead of going through the process?
Kate Savage – I had no idea how to start it and I walked into the office and spoke with
Vicki and she familiarized the process with me.
Motion from Sen. Moore to approve Kate Savage. Second. No objections. Moved.
Sen. Moore – I have to say you have a very impressive resume. Getting involved on a
local scale with school and a larger scale with middle schools. It’s pretty inspiring. I had a
lot of friends with self-confidence issues. I understand you weren’t able to participate in
election process. This is something I definitely think is a good fit for you.
Sen. Pino – I think it says a lot about you that you need to join clubs and this is one of
the more difficult ones to get in to; I commend you on that. I think we can use more gogetters, clearly that’s something you take to heart.
Sen. Tortolero – You are very well spoken so I expect you to raise your concerns
whenever they arise in meetings.
Sen. Brown – Going back into the questions I asked, you didn’t say anything about
representing students. Keep that in mind. I think you’ll do a great job if you do that.
Roll call vote. Passes 7-0-0.
a. Next Senate is November 22, 2013
Final Roll Call
Quorum is re-established with 7 voting members.
Meeting is adjourned at 12:20pm.