Constitution and Statutes Agenda

Constitution and Statutes Agenda
November 1st, 2013
Senate Chambers 2:30 PM
Chair: Kaitlin Ramirez
Call to Order
Meeting is called to order at 2:32pm
Roll Call – Vice Chair Louis Reich
Quorum is established with 5 voting members.
Student Remarks
Approval of Minutes – October 18th, 2013
Motion from Sen. Garrity to approve the minutes. Second. No objections. Moved.
Approval of Agenda
Motion from Sen. Garrity to add Senate President Chris Brady to Guest Speakers.
Second. No objections. Moved.
Motion from Sen. Gloster to approve the agenda as amended. Second. No
objections. Moved.
Guest Speakers
a. Sen. President Brady – You should have gotten a copy of OB-13F-2727, which is
a bill that changes more than one Title. Your committee technically does not have
title over this oversight; your bills are Title 12 & 13 but I want you guys to take
an unofficial vote on it. UAC didn’t here it today because they didn’t have
quorum. I’m taking it to you guys for an unofficial vote and to SAC for an
unofficial vote. It won’t have been approved by committee but at least it’s
something that will have been seen by you guys. It’s legislation for the
reformation and recreation of the USA act. It’s basically deleting 2 current
committees and forming them into 1 committee. It takes the UAC & SAC
committees and turns it into the University of Student Affairs Committee – USA
Committee. UAC was created in 2012. After a year of it happening, I wanted to
make this change. But last year’s legislation did not want it to happen. Now we
have 2 vacancies for this position. This is the first opportunity I’ve had to do this.
SAC job is to figure out what students want and to bring it to SG and write
resolutions on it. UAC is to listen to administration and bring it to SG and put it in
Osprey Voice. Under the Osprey Voice section of the bill, if you can flip to the
back of the second page to section 1203.5, the reason for striking this is from the
Osprey Voice section is because we’re changing that – we’re trying to change the
process, we’re going to strike that so we don’t dictate senators to get 35 signatures
before getting an absentee point. This is striking Title 13 and taking anything
from Title 12 into 13 and what not.
Sen. Gloster – Will this change the number of senators on each committee?
Sen. President Brady – Yes, we will be doing new committee sign ups next
meeting. There will only be 4-5 people each. There is no maximum number of
committee members, only a minimum.
Sen. Dykes – Is that 1 chair position going to have more hours than the current
Sen. President Brady – Yes. Currently both chairs have 15 hours a week, and if
this is passed the USA chair will get around 20 hours a week.
Motion from Sen. Dykes to approve OB-13F-2727 informally.
Informal Roll call vote. Passes 5-0-0.
Sen. President Brady – Make sure you don’t see any errors and look over this.
Thank you.
Remarks of the Chair –
Sen. Ramirez – In the elections, the results for the CR-13SB-2700 passed. The vote was
292 to 26; 26 being no. Percentage wise, it’s 91% yes and 8% no. We have an appeal
hearing today so, as always, ask questions and be fair in your judgment.
Old Business
New Business
a. Appeals Hearing – Senator Morris
Sen. Ramirez – Sen. Morris has 1 point from September 6th Osprey Voice, 1 point
from the September 13th Senate Meeting, 1 point from the October 11th meeting, 1
point from the October 25th Senate Meeting, and 2 points from today’s committee
meeting in USC, to a total of 6 points.
Sen. Morris – At the time senate I was elected, meetings were on Monday
evenings and I had committed to Monday nights. But this semester I have classes
on Fridays, and there’s really nothing that I can do about it, since I’m a nursing
major and I just have to do what they tell me. My professors have excused me for
some class that I missed to attend Senate. I’m doing everything in my power to
make this work. I’m very active still in my responsibility; I worked 5 hours for the
elections this past week and I have volunteered with club alliance. I also have a
letter from my professors and my class schedule if anyone would like to see that.
Sen. Ramirez – She has appealed all points except for the ones from today from
the committee meeting she just missed.
Sen. Dykes - How many points would you like to appeal?
Sen. Morris – d I’d like to appeal 5. The first point was my fault for the Osprey
Voice I didn’t do.
Sen. Gloster – You said she had appealed 4 of the 6 ones?
Sen. Morris – I did not appeal the ones from today.
Sen. President Brady – She appealed all of the first 4.
Sen. Ramirez – Sen. Morris is recognizing that the Osprey Voice point was her
fault so she’d like to appeal them all except for that one.
Motion from Sen. Dykes to strike 5 of 6 of Sen. Morris’s points. Second. No
objections. No discussion. Roll call vote. Passes 5-0-0.
a. The next scheduled Senate Meeting will be November 8th, 2013 at 1:00 pm.
Final Roll Call – Vice Chair Louis Reich
Quorum is reestablished with 5 voting members.
Meeting is adjourned at 2:44pm.