SAC Minutes 10-4-13

SAC Minutes
October 4th, 2013 3:00pm
Call to Order
at 3:06 pm
Roll Call
with all members present (6-0-0). Quorum is established with 5 voting members
Approval of Minutes
from 9/20/13 (5-0-0)
Approval of Agenda
for 10/4/13 (5-0-0)
Guest Speakers
Chair Report
Sen. Anderson gives his time to Senate President Chris Brady.
Sen. President Brady – The idea of round tabling is very open. Elections are a big issue at
the time; we can make it a talking point at this table. There’s also the idea of Lunch of the
Lawn; UF does this where they buy food to feed 300 students and have lunch with students
on the green. We could do Tabling on the Green; we could do stage speakers or just have
everyone out there to better engage with the students.
Sen. Anderson – In out P&P it says our round table must have a questionnaire that we to
collect as senators. At the last meeting we talked about making parking a topic of this
discussion. Mr. Brady and I talked about making some other aspect or part of this.
Sen. Brady – There is a CR this election about the seat.
Sen. Anderson – Only students in the masters program can vote on the masters seat.
And college students from that place con only cote for that seat for their college.
Sen. Brady – It really just changes the name of intercollegiate seats throughout the
Sen. Anderson – We just want the students to know the election happened.
Alin Cepoi – Would we have this before the election?
Sen. Anderson – Within a week.
Alin Cepoi – That way they can learn more about it.
Sen. Anderson – Logistics-wise, we’d get 300 lunched and PR in it; the election being 3
and a half weeks is cutting it close, especially if I was to do it a week before. This is
something we could maybe take into our hands for the next round table. Maybe we’ll have a
CR more pertinent to what students are interested in; maybe inform them more about the
CR before the election. This goes back to Osprey Voice and originally what it was intended
for; I’ve talked to Paige about what it was originally for, so that there’s a schedule. I’d like to
vote in this committee and have an Osprey Voice filled out on Tuesday and Wednesday
before that senate meeting. We’d get immediate feedback from that senate meeting, and
I’d like to see us do more along those lines. It will be your job to vote on those Osprey Voice
questions and my job is to come up with those questions.
Senator – Will the next Osprey Voice will have more questions pertaining to senate
meetings and the bills that come up so there will be more background information?
Sen. Anderson – Yes, you guys voted on that.
Old Business
New Business
a. Discussion of Fall Roundtable Agenda/Details
Sen. Anderson – I’d like to discuss the agenda details for the round table. I’d like to open
the floor for discussion on the topic.
Open discussion – I liked the idea of providing free food for students and having a table
that way. Maybe we can have 2 speakers up front who can talk to everyone who can
rally them up and after their shpeal individuals could go out and give their feedback
We can easily get 2 speakers on parking. As far as elections, we can get Emily Antworth
to talk about that, or Mr. Brady. I think that’s a great idea as well as the lunch idea.
What do you think about Pita Pit for this lunch?
It’d be more ideal to do subs because it’s more bang for your buck.
I would need to get a proposal at least by the 23rd. That’s a good point because we do
have a fixed budget to fund this thing. I’ll look into that and ask Mr. James Taylor from
the Environmental Center, who is funding Garbage on the Green, and has catered with
Pita Pit before.
Crispers has awesome catering and they’re fantastic. I can talk to the manager today.
I’d like to throw out Firehouse or Subway just because I know they do large platters with
smaller sandwiches on there.
I like the idea that Crispers is another “green” place. So we’ll look into that and
Firehouse and Pita Pit. I’ll work with Alin about the speakers. I would like all of you to be
thinking about questions and elections for this table. You guys are SAC members, so
come up with good questions.
Do you want us to put research into this or just take note of what other people are
saying and take recognition?
Do you want us to put research into this or just take note of what other people are
saying and take recognition.
Last fall was the first time we did this tabling with basic questions like, did you vote? did
you know about the election?, your thoughts on the election?, etc.
So we could have senators sit at those tables and read those questions like we’re doing
with Osprey Voice, if you remember how we’re doing Osprey Voice. You guys tell me, do
you like that idea?
It’s not as much as what we’re getting from them but what we need to get to them. We
can interact with them while someone is speaking and representing student
It is mandated we have a questionnaire.
It should be more about us talking to people rather than just questioning them. Maybe,
have a table with 3-6 computers with an open-ended questions like what would you
have student government do for you? That way we fulfill the requirement of having the
questionnaire and also talking to students and getting our face out there. Last year the
senators worked the table for at least an hour.
Maybe something similar to Osprey Voice but with more computers and questions on
the computer.
If we’re discussing parking, they’d like installations of cameras in the parking garages;
maybe eliminate theft or hoaxes that occur on campus.
We looked at that in the beginning of the summer. The president of the University is not
in favor of having cameras on campus. He doesn’t like te idea of having this idea of big
But that’s not to say you can’t do an SR or a JR expressing this. And if you have
constitutions, students, and a good number who you think are truthfully saying what
they want and expressing it so you understand it, then work on that SR or JR. It’s best to
have these backed up with some type of survey or results to better value and solidify
your resolution.
I will say that it’s going to be hard to rationalize if the president is already against it.
b. Discussion of volunteer sign-up, to have SAC member/senators visit different student
activities on campus
Sen. Anderson – The Volunteer Sign up is to have SAC members and senators visit
different student activities on campus.
I have this crazy idea that we would have a master list of all events on campus for as far
out into the perpetuity as possible with contact information. Club meetings,
organizations meeting, SG events, OP events, CA events, and basically anything that isn’t
a university-wide committee. So we have this master list, and we have the contact
information for the head of each one of these, and we have a volunteer basis where
each one of you goes to as man of these as you can. We wear an SG polo or business
attire to make us look professional; you contact this individual and say that you are
there to talk and listen to them about any concerns I can help you with. I see it as active
It’s participating when you see something, and come out about an idea that SG could
help with. The idea is that we get involved and that between SA and all these student
groups, the idea that maybe this goes so well that we rotate it out into senators doing it.
I’m looking for a volunteer basis – going out and talking to your constituency and
listening to your constituency for these groups on campus.
What do you think about that idea?
Open Discussion – I agree that it makes sense. We’re referring to clubs or anything that
isn’t covered by UAC, and go out there and talk to the constituents and listen to them.
Even if we’re only there for 30 minutes they’ll be so stoked that someone is there to
listen that can actually do something about it.
We are better representative for it. I’ll work on a master list and we can volunteer with
this. We’ll work on that list for the next committee.
Maybe talk with the senators to see which clubs they are a part of and if they can talk to
them; that way club members are more comfortable with talking to other club
Bachman – Sigma Chi
Anderson – ACLU club and whoever else will have me; and sometimes in the organic
project club.
Grego – Sigma Chi fraternity
Stovall – the Navigators Club
Cepoi – National Society of Collegiate Scholars, Volleyball Club
a. The next regularly scheduled Senate meeting will be on October 11th at 1:00 pm.
b. The next regularly scheduled Student Advocacy Meeting will be on October 18th at
Final Roll Call
Quorum is reestablished at 5 voting members
Meeting is adjourned at 3:55pm.