Constitution and Statutes Agenda October 4 , 2013 Senate Chambers 2:30 PM

Constitution and Statutes Agenda
October 4th, 2013
Senate Chambers 2:30 PM
Chair: Kaitlin Ramirez
Call to Order
Meeting is called to order at 3:03pm
Roll Call – Vice Chair Louis Reich
Quorum is established with 5 voting members.
Student Remarks
Approval of Minutes – May 20th, 2013, and September 20th, 2013
Motion from Sen. Dykes to approve the minutes from May 20th & Sept 20th
Second. No objections. Moved.
Approval of Agenda
Motion from Sen. Garrity to adopt the new agenda. Second. No objections.
Motion from Sen. Garrity to move the appeals hearings of Senator Morris and
Senator Morrison from old business to new business. Second. No objections.
Motion from Sen. Dykes to approve the agenda as amended. Second. No
objections. Moved.
Guest Speakers
Remarks of the Chair –
Good afternoon everyone, thank you for your patience for starting later than the
usual start because B&A ran longer than usual. Our only business for today is 2
appeals hearings. I would like to remind the committee you have the power to
remove however many absentee points you see fit. Keep in mind, if senators
receive 4 or more points they are brought before our committee one time per
senatorial term.
Old Business
a. Appeals Hearing – Senator Morris
New Business
a. Appeals Hearing – Senator Morrison
Sen. Morrison - I originally wasn’t going to appeal the first point. I didn’t get the
Osprey Voice done. I asked about 3 people and that took about 30 minutes. So I
don’t have a good excuse to appeal that one. The 3 other points: I missed the
senate meeting as I’ve been sick for the past few weeks and I’m still trying to get
over it. The past meeting I missed due to work. I’ve been a senator since spring
semester freshman year. I would definitely like to stay and be a part of this. The
reason why work became a problem is because we switched things to Friday. I’m
actually supposed to be at work right now but I talked to them and they’re
understanding. They’re willing to work with me and allow me to put senate first
and show up to work after. That’s why I want to appeal it. I’d like to stay a
senator. I’ve been doing it since freshman year; I’ve been involved with my
committees, and I’m also on UAC to go towards the sales of university-wide
committees. We just had Professor Kimbel come in with new education. I just
want to stay and be a part of all of that.
Sen. Reich – Technically he has 5 absentee points for missing the UAC meeting
today as well.
Sen. Dykes – How many points are you looking to get appealed and which ones?
Sen. Morrison – I would like to get 4 appealed; 2 for the senate meetings I missed
for being sick; 1 point for missing committee during work, and 1 point for
missing UAC for being here.
Motion from Sen. Dykes to appeal all 4 points. Second. No objections. No
discussion. Roll-call vote. Pass 5-0-0.
b. Appeals Hearing – Sen. Dylan Haugh
Sen. Ramirez – Sen. Haugh has 2 absentee points from missing the senate
meeting on August 30th; 2 absentee points from September 20th from missing the
committee meeting; 1 from September 27th from missing the senate meeting & 1
absentee point from today’s meeting for missing the first roll call. This brings to a
total of 6 points.
Sen. Haugh – I would like to appeal 3 points: 1 for the past senate week and 2
from the B&A meeting. I wasn’t able to come to the senate meeting as I had a
project due that day at 4:00pm and I had to make sure I was well rested for the
upcoming 3 exams the following weeks.
Sen. Dykes – For September 27th, was that for final roll call?
Sen. Halugh – I missed the entire meeting.
Sen. Reich – When did you become a senator originally?
Sen. Haugh – Last semester. I was in a study abroad program over the summer for
Summer A but not for Summer B.
Sen. Dykes – How many points do you want to appeal and which ones?
Sen. Haugh – I would like to appeal 3, 2 from B&A and 1 from the senate
meeting on September 27th.
No motion. Appeal dies.
a. The next scheduled Senate Meeting will be October 11th, 2013 at 1:00 pm
b. Please sign up for Osprey Voice by Monday, as it will be conducted on Tuesday
& Wednesday. Please see your email for more information. If you see any
changes that needs necessary attention please contact me, I’d love to work with
Final Roll Call – Vice Chair Louis Reich
Quorum is reestablished with 4 voting members.
Adjourned at 3:13pm.