Budget and Allocations Committee Meeting January 14 , 2013 Senate Chambers 4:30 PM

Budget and Allocations Committee Meeting
January 14th, 2013
Senate Chambers 4:30 PM
Chairman: Sen. Chris Brady
Call To Order
Meeting is called to order at 4:38pm
Roll Call
Quorum is established with 9 voting members.
Approval of the Minutes
A) 11/19/12
Motion from Sen. Farrell to approve the minutes from October 29. Second. No objections.
Approval of Agenda
A) 01/14/13
Motion from Sen. Anderson to approve the agenda. Second. No objections. Moved.
Chairman Report and Remarks
Totals are in the accounts. Budget hearings at 9:15am on Friday.
Treasurer’s Report
No report.
Business Manager’s Report
Thanks for work at Budget Hearings.
Guest Speakers
Account Totals
2012-2013 Fiscal Year
Special Requests
Travel Requests
Salary Reserves
Old Business
New Business
A) Transfers
B) Salary Reserve Requests
C) Special Requests
a. Osprey TV – Sen. Heather Deyarmin
Gives overview of Osprey TV.
Requested by predecessor previously.
Will increase campus programming events.
Both live and recorded events.
New switcher, router, and 2 cameras are being requested.
This creates a faster editing process.
Videohub can switch video remotely.
Would give greater coverage of UNF events, i.e. speakers, sports.
Gives more credibility to get UNF students to watch Osprey TV.
This is essentially the other half of equipment.
Any UNF student can use OTV equipment.
OTV is open to all UNF students.
Easy-edit helps with production.
Students off campus also watch OTV.
Waychoff: Currently have a camera?
A: Yes
Farrell: Is this supplementing?
A: Yes, not replacing
Anderson: How many events has OTV missed without cameras?
A: No exact answer, decreases ability to film events.
Anderson: Where did the funds come from for the last cameras?
A: SG Funds
Garcia: Will this be used for fundraising?
A: Yes more advertisers will come
Traher: How many students work for TOV?
A: 12 staff and volunteers
Namen: How would striking one camera work?
A: Large detriment. Industry standard is 3 cameras.
Traher: How will students know of OTV?
A: Our advertisers.
Wolf: Is there a contract for renting a camera?
A: Yes
Traher: When will the editing partnership with FSCJ happen?
A: Pushback one month or so
Farrell: How many events will this increase?
A: Depends on what is going on and who is available.
Anderson: Will you be expecting another 10% fee expense for $500?
A: No
Motion from Sen. Farrell to approve Osprey TV. Second. No objections.
Discussion: Anderson – Very good idea to get UNF out there; Traher – Very
good hands on experience
Roll call vote.
Passes 9-0-0
D) Travel Requests
a. UNF Women in Business Society – Sen. Ryan Traher
We offer networking, entrepreneurship workshops.
Attending 22nd Annual Conference
Breakout sessions.
5 exec board members can work a fundraising event of $1140.
Sg Request is $2500.
To send 8 exec board members to the conference.
Anderson: What about other 3 who aren’t fundraising?
A: Will come from our club balance.
Garcia: How many members?
A: 40
Garcia: How were the 8 chosen?
A: Exec board members.
Estrada: Amount coming out of pocket?
A: $204
Farrell: How many other clubs will be attending?
A: 400-500
Garcia: Any other fundraising?
A: Some small ones. $10.
Motion to approve Women in Business Society. Second. No objections.
Roll call vote.
Motion passes 9-0-0.
E) Finance Code
F) General Reserves
G) Budget Balancing
Final Roll Call
Quorum reestablished with 9 voting members.