University of North Florida Student Senate

University of North Florida Student Senate
Senate Meeting Agenda – February 11th 2013 – 6:30 PM – Senate Chambers
Call to Order
Meeting is called to order at 6:34 pm.
Pledge of Allegiance – Senate Sergeant-at-Arms Britt Stromquist
Invocation – Senate Chaplain Star Caudio
Roll Call – Senate President Pro-Tempore Anthony Stevens (
Quorum is established with 39 voting members.
Approval of Minutes
Motion from Sen. Caudio to approve the Minutes of January 28, 2013. Second. No objections. Moved.
Approval of Agenda
Motion from Sen. Dykes to add Hailey Guerra to judicial appointments. Second. No objections. Moved.
Motion from Sen. Jones to add SB-13S-2674 to first read. Second. No objections. Moved.
Motion from Sen. Dykes to approve the agenda as amended. Second. No objections. Moved.
Recognition of Students Seeking Appointment
Student Remarks
a. Mike Naughton- planning the annual SG Banquet to inaugurate the new president. Will be April 11,
2013. The pre function will be at 6 pm at wellness center. The event will then follow at 7 pm and will be
held in the ballrooms. This year your hosts are going to be Sen. Britt Stromquist and myself. We will be
going over the awards soon because those will be handed out that night.
b. Kaitlin Ramirez- Week of One is going on this week. This is the second annual. This is a great way to
showcase out university. Racism has become the topic for this week. It would be great if you all can
come and be apart of the discussion. Love to see as many senators there as possible. There is an event
tomorrow at the statue in front of the nursing school. Free t-shirts will be handed out then.
c. Brent Fine- Nest Fest kicks off this Saturday with the comedy fest at 8 pm. Students get to go for free.
You all should have received an email from me. If you can change your facebook cover photo that would
be great to help promote. Lipsync is on Monday; movie on Tuesday, and Wednesday is Night of Fun,
which is a full on carnival from 4 pm to 9 pm. On Thursday is the campus movie fest, where students can
make movies with their president Carlo Fassi. Party Gras will be from 11 am to 2 pm. Party Gras is a
parade and fest right before the basketball games. This is not the complete list but you can check online
for all details.
Guest Speakers
Senate Appointments
a. Dylan Haugh- general senate seat
Finance major and a junior. Think I would be great if elected. Interested in the B and A committee. I
feel that I am qualified. I have held roles and leadership positions at a military academy. I also hold
a position in the Sigma Chi fraternity. I am excited for tonight.
Sen. Garcia- Said you are interested in the B and A Committee, what would you like to see done
As a finance major, I am interested in that aspect. I don’t know too much but I am looking to learn
more about it.
Sen. Caudio- Why do you want to be senator?
Like to surround myself with people who will push me and help me better the school.
Sen. Bowman- Can you elaborate on your duties as a senator?
Don’t have a good answer for that.
Motion from Sen. Stevens to approve Dylan Haugh for confirmation. Second. No objections.
Discussion: Sen. Stevens- talked to him about the position, has shown a lot of interest. Would be a
great representative for us and a great addition. Sen. Jones- known Dylan for about a year. He is
amazing at what he does. He created an amazing scholarship program within my fraternity. He will
be an amazing addition.
Electronic vote.
Dies 21-0-18.
b. Aaron Anderson- general senate seat
I am a junior and in the prelaw program. I have experience in student government at a two-year
college in St. Johns. That SG was not as extensive as this but I would like to up the ante and become
a part. I am older and think I can represent the older students. I have leadership experience at that
two-year college; was president of sailing club and eco club. I have a job at UNF at the organic
Sen. Garcia- Which committee are you interested in?
All of them. But I definitely would like to do constitutions and statutes because of the prelaw aspect.
But whatever needs me the most I will be there.
Motion from Sen. Tortolero to approve Aaron Anderson for confirmation. Second. No objections.
Discussion: Sen. Anderson- he is very well spoken and I would love to see him a part of senate. He
impressed me.
Electronic vote.
Passes 38-0-1.
Judicial Appointments - Hailey Guerra
Carlo Fassi- I would like to first say that the volunteer center and club alliance are hosting the tie
die event. Also, Aim Higher is still an active campaign.
I met Hailey Guerra at the beginning of the fall semester. She was one of three applicants and
unfortunately we had already made decisions however I asked her to keep the application on file.
So then we had a vacancy. Instead of choosing an applicant based off of an interview, we gave them
a mock scenario. Hailey’s response was the most impressive in respect to understanding our
government documents while taking into account the student body. She was a part of the judicial
board at her high school. She is very passionate. She plans on going on this route after school. She
will be here another 3 years therefore she will be an important member of the branch.
Hailey Guerra- Thank you Carlo for the introduction. Yes, I am very passionate for law. I was the
mock trial president at my high school and worked at a law firm. I would love to work with peers
that have the same ambitions that I do.
Sen. Tutwhiler- How do you think you will best represent the student body the best and all their
Well this is not an individual process; it would be me with the rest of the branch. And I would be as
unbiased as possible.
Motion from Sen. Dykes to confirm Hailey Guerra as a justice. Second. No objections. Discussion:
Sen. Bowman- I am very impressed, I am excited to see what you do. I am very happy you would be
on for 3 years.
Electronic vote.
Passes 40-0-0.
Chief Justice swears in Aaron Anderson and Hailey Guerra.
Legislative Training
a. Elections and Appointments Workshop – Chairman Corey Amira (
All changes of Title 6 go through our committee. We are also responsible to go through Title 6 and
find any changes that are needed. We plan the election. We plan how to advertize for the elections
and how to better the election process. This past spring we voted on the one click all option. We
also make the elections calendar. We set up the debates and candidate forums. I make sure polling
stations are set up properly and up to code. I also deal with anything that is incorrect.
Sen. Anderson- You said there are different parts you go through. How do you go about the
Typically we use the same company every year for all merchandize.
b. Constitution and Statutes Workshop – Chairman Jerry Barrs (
One of our purposes is to hear all absentee point appeals. We must be knowledgeable about the
content of the constitution so we can understand what we are doing. We also maintain and advise
the policies and procedures. There are four statutes that are under the other committees. If you are
on my committee, it is important that you comply with these statues. Also like to lie out the
hierarchy. The constitution is the highest form. Then we have our statues and then our policies and
procedures. The P and Ps are guidelines and are little more specific. Then are our standing rules.
We have parliamentary authority meaning we go to Robert’s Rules of Order. Usually we refer to our
parliamentarian with these questions. Certain votes have certain rules but otherwise we use
Robert’s Rules. Black’s law is where the legal definitions are from. The executive branch gets its
power from the president’s constitutional authority. The president has the power to appoint other
positions as needed. As a check and balance all these positions have to be approved by majority
vote of the senate. Title 4 outlines the duties as a senator. You represent the student body in all
matters, communicate with the students and president, follow all laws and policies, must
participate in voting, consider all legislation, validate elections, and be responsible for all policies
and procedures. In our senate, we have officers. You are able to pass resolutions. Judicial branch, we
don’t deal with on a day-to-day basis. The branch consists of the chief justice, assistant chief justice,
and justices. They hear all complaints. A student can file a complaint about a person or a rule.
Justice finds if there is merit or not. They can determine if there is something wrong and can strike
it is they find valid. There are two courts- the primary court and Supreme Court, which consist of
the entire counsel. Enforcement statutes, there are primary acts and we have four things to find
somebody noncompliant or guilty for. The executive branch issues these. Funded entities and
committees can be noncompliance. This will then go to the B and A committee. As senators and
legislatures we have senate supina. If someone is breaking one of our laws or is incompliant, we can
get a written reprimand. They can then be suspended; can be suspended for 30 days. They can also
be impeached. If guilty an impeachment can be filed. If no validity is found, the impeachment will be
dropped. Need a 2.25 to be in good stand and have to be a paying A and S fee students. Senators can
serve 6 years. Can hold two offices and are required to take an oath of office. We have all freedoms;
speech and press. With press, that is all free to the public. Title 11 refers to agencies. Agencies have
directors, assistant directors and an advisory board. An agency has to get consent of the president
and needs a budget plan. If passed by 2/3 vote it needs to be written in. President can also
terminate an agency by 2/3 vote.
Sen. Anderson- As for the absentee points, is there a process in place?
Yes, our protemp will go over. He goes over the appeal process and the valid excuses. Can only take
away half a point if found valid.
c. Student Advocacy Workshop – Chairwoman Megan Jones (
This committee is the liaison between the UNF students and the student government. We are
unique because our members come up with the surveys questions for the Osprey Voice. We
calculate the numbers and keep a database for any of the initiatives that come from the data.
Without the data we couldn’t move forward. We also host the roundtable event and finals frenzies.
The roundtable we did after the elections. We handed out free shirts to grab student’s attention and
then got their feedback about the elections. That feedback goes to Corey to use. For finals frenzies
we stay outside the library and hand out scantrons and food throughout the day.
Sen. Anderson- How do you develop the questions for Osprey Voice?
It is usually Zak and myself who come up with the questions.
Sen. Anderson- Are there any standards in place for these questions?
It depends on what we are asking and what we are looking to know from the students.
d. Budget and Allocations Workshop – Chairman Christopher Brady (
There are four purposes for this committee; Title 8, funding requests, budget hearings, and
managing and allocating. Title 8 looks over what this committee does. Applicable to all who use the
A and S fund. Entities are agencies on campus. The prohibited expenditures are put in place by the
state or by us. The most controversial is if it is a personal request. A and S fee looks for general
interest of the students. We look over fees. Right now it is $10 for credit hour. Travel requests we
get a lot of. They can request 4 times a year and up to $2000. The travel request process changed.
They must meet with me and then it goes to our committee and it no longer has to go to senate. It
can come to senate if it doesn’t pass committee. Special requests are for example bringing a speaker
to campus. Typically it is not a reoccurring item and has no limit. These must go through B and A
and senate. Transfers are when we want to move money from one line item to another in an index.
This requires seven signatures so it is not abused. The budget process is what we have been going
through now. It starts with the budget going out then the budget hearings that we had for three
weeks. Then budget deliberations are to go over all and make the changes that the committee
thinks is needed. Then goes to senate to hear and vote on. This has to be on website for 5 days prior.
As for sponsoring fiscal request, recommend you do not sponsor for a club you are a part of because
it is a conflict of interest. Basically you just introduce them and then sit back down.
e. University Affairs Workshop – Chairwoman Monica Bowman (
First off, I have guest speakers lined up for our committee meetings for those of you who are
interested whether you are in UAC or not.
University wide committees are our focus. This is important because we are the student
representatives and this can lead to enhancements and initiatives. Attendance is important because
for university wide committees you are assigned to one and you must attend their meetings. Carlo
appoints you to the committees at the big of the semester. Pretty apparent if I do not receive the
notes that you are not attending. Hasn’t been an issue this year. Bylaws are the second point.
Committees have bylaws and it is your responsibility to know them and to understand voting on
items. Agendas, minutes, and notes are important as well. It is good for you to have a copy for
yourself and to give one to me. Notes are important to turn in to me to report back. (Example of
notes shown on PowerPoint) Dress code is the next point. When attending these meetings it is good
to dress business casual or business attire. You are representing the students and the SG. There is
also a lot of faculty in these meetings. Wearing something SG related is good but not another clothes
that can makes you look like you are sponsoring another club. Lastly, discussion is important. Your
job is to participate and say what you are thinking what the students are thinking. This can have a
huge impact on the committee. Overall, it is important that you represent yourself, your peers, and
UNF as a whole. Always act appropriately and have integrity. (The organizational chart and
divisions shown on PowerPoint)
f. Senate President Pro-Tempore Workshop – Anthony Stevens (
Will be going over the points system. You can accumulate points through not attending what is
mandatory. In senate and committee there are two roll calls and can loose points for either of them.
Have to do the Osprey Voice within two days. If you do not do it within the required time you still
have to do it but then can appeal the point but have to turn it in first. Come to me for the form and
fill out and time stamp. Then it goes to senate president to determine if the excuse is valid. If
excused the point is cut in half. You can accumulate up to 4 points. If you do, you will go to CSC.
They can cut the points as much as they want but you can only go in front of CSC once. I will be
giving out the wallet size point systems next senate.
Sen. Pino- four points a term or semester?
A semester.
New Business
a. Constitution and Statutory Changes on 1st Reading
a. SB-13S-2671: Plebiscite Enhancement – Senator Crystal Pino
b. SB-13S-2672: Title I Revision – Senator Meghan Cunningham
b. Senate and Joint Resolutions on 1st Reading
c. Legislation considered for 2nd Reading
a. SB-13S-2673: 2013-2014 Activity and Service Fee Fiscal Budget – Senator Chris Brady
First like to thank my committee, they did an excellent job with the budget this year. They
were put in a difficult position with the decrease in revenue. They asked a lot of questions
and spent many hours here on Fridays. They have spent a lot of time and effort on this. Lot of
cuts due to our decrease in revenue. I’m going to go through and show you the budget. If you
are passionate about something you can change but I suggest you approve it. They did a
great job. (Shows summary page) The child resource center, received large cut for a student
position. The committee felt they could do without it. The student union had a decrease in
wages, because they aren’t at 50% yet. Special projects went down because of the 24-hour
study area initiative we did not go through with because of the library’s increase of hours.
Sen. Galanti- is the budget still capped at 5 million?
The budget was 4 million because we had a 90,000 decrease in revenue.
As for provisionary language, that is basically a running history in the front of the book. A lot
of it is just year changes. We did add centralized wages for this year. The committee can
decide next year if want to change that. For campus recreation, we made wage of 8.25 an
hour. Did this because they had a lump sum. This addition just gives them a maximum
amount. Same for challenge course staff at $9 an hour because of the training that is
required. $8.25 for rock climbing staff which the student wellness complex pays. They would
be allocated $8 but they can pay up to $8.25. This makes them fiscally responsible and gives
them the authority to keep those who are already being paid that amount at $8.25.Overall,
they have worked so hard I think you should respect their professional expertise with this
over the past semester.
Sen. Anderson- with the case of that maximum amount, everyone has that discretion or just
for those positions listed?
Just the ones stated. We give them this because they are largest and busiest buildings on
campus so I think this is appropriate, especially for those who are already being paid that
Sen. Anderson- would it not be better to strike that?
That’s what we are requesting.
Motion from Sen. Dykes to adopt the recommendation of our presenter. Second. No
objections. No discussion.
Motion from Sen. Stevens for unanimous consent. Second. Objection: Sen. Brady- I prefer we
do not do unanimous consent because this is a 4 million dollar budget and I think it is more
appropriate to have every vote cast. Stevens resends motion.
Electronic vote.
Passes 38-0-1.
Motion from Sen. Brady to approve SB-13S-2673: 2013-2014 Activity and Service Fee Fiscal
Budget as amended. Second. No objections. Discussion: Sen. Brady- thanks again to my
committee. Got compliments from just about every professional that sat in the back about
how great you all were.
Electronic vote.
Passes 39-0-0.
d. Senate and Joint Resolutions on 2nd Reading
a. Bill-Writing Workshops: it is important that you set that up with me
b. Roberts Rules Workshop: this will be scheduled in the near future
c. Constitutions are in the boxes if you have not picked one up yet
Final Roll Call - Senate President Pro-Tempore Anthony Stevens –
Quorum is reestablished with 39 voting members.
Meeting is adjourned at 8:02 pm.