Senate Minutes 11-5-12

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Jacksonville, Florida 32224-2645
(904)620-2750 Fax (904)620-1005
Office of the Student Senate
University of North Florida Student Senate
Senate Meeting Agenda – November 5, 2012 – 6:30 PM – Senate Chambers
Call to Order
Meeting is called to order at 6:32 pm.
Pledge of Allegiance – Senate Sergeant-at-Arms Britt Stromquist
Invocation – Senate Chaplain Joel Versace
Roll Call – Senate President Pro-Tempore Anthony Stevens–
Quorum is established with 36 voting members.
Approval of Minutes
Motion from Sen. Sen. Jones to approve the minutes from October 22. Second. No objections. Moved.
Approval of Agenda
Motion from Sen. Salem to add SB-12F-2652 to first read. Second. No objections. Moved.
Motion from Sen. Stevens to add the confirmation of Daniel Sacks to after New Business. Second. No objections. Moved.
Motion from Sen. Stevens to add JR-12F-2652 under joint resolution. Second. No objections. Moved.
Motion from Sen. Brady to amend the date at the top to November 5. Second. No objections. Moved.
Motion from Sen. Steven to approve the agenda as amended. Second. No objections. Moved.
Recognition of Students Seeking Appointment
Jason Fountain- seeking a general senate seat
Gergan Petrosan- seeking a general senate seat
Student Remarks
Anne Jean-Pierre- I am a member of a Haitian cultural group at UNF. I would like to invite the SG to a human trafficking walk
taking place.
Sen. Ramirez- How can we get further info on the event?
You can ask Star Caudio or visit our website.
Michelle Staton- Thanks to all the senators who served. We all appreciate your time and commitment. Welcome to all new
senators. Get as involved as you can and put in a lot of effort. Keep in mind the initiatives you ran on.
Guest Speakers
Senate President’s Remarks: Senate President Zak Varshovi-
Two Fridays ago went to the parking advisory council and the resolution was passed to lower the premium-parking ratio. There
is a committee sign up sheet for new senators and to the senators that are leaving, make sure you visit Tony during recess to get
your address to receive your scholarship. A lot of you have served a couple years and I appreciate your service and all that you
have done. Look forward to swearing all new senators in. Have been working on new policy and procedures to help prepare you
all and have all the tools you need to succeed, such as bill writing session.
Senate Committee Chair Reports
a. Elections and Appointments Committee – Chairman Joel Versace –
Election didn’t crash, the train stayed on the rails. Had over 4,000 students vote. Want to say thank you to Dan, he did all
the technical wiring and software. So thanks Dan! Also want to thank our business and accounting office; they helped with
our 3rd polling station that was open outside the café. Thanks to those who volunteered! Mike Naughton and Joe Turner
also volunteered a lot of time. Thanks to everyone else for being on time and thank you all! 5 absentees ballots were cast –
that’s a record. Everything went well. Sen. Salem spent a lot of time helping me an enormous amount. Think he will do an
amazing job as election supervisor so thank you to him as well.
b. Constitution and Statutes Committee – Chairman Jerry Barrs –
CRs were passed so with your validation tonight will be officially passed. Will be updating all constitutions. If you would
like new copies, let me know.
Equal Opportunity/Equal Access/Affirmative Action Institution
1 UNF Drive
Jacksonville, Florida 32224-2645
(904)620-2750 Fax (904)620-1005
Office of the Student Senate
Student Advocacy Committee- Chairwoman Megan Jones-
Thank you for those who participated in roundtable event. It was the first trial of it and got a lot of good feedback for it.
Feedback: would like more PR and time to talk to the candidates before the day of elections. Also like to the polling
Budget and Allocations Committee – Chairman Christopher Brady
Nothing came through last week. Committee will be on Wednesday this week because there is no school on Monday. The
budget hearing will be in the first week of spring.
Sen. Hebeishy- Clarification, is it just B and A meeting on Wednesday?
Pres. Varshovi- Yes.
University Affairs Committee - Chairwoman Monica Bowman –
No committee meeting next week. The gen ed council is in process of the changes for fall 2014. Have a timeline mapped
out. Identified a lack of faculty oversight but still planning for fall 2014. Still determining learning outcomes and what
students should be learning on their classes. First 15 credit hours will be set by states and the state must know by
December and other hours are set by the university. Are proposing different tracks for those students who know there
major, do not know their major, and an honor program track. Second proposal coming up tomorrow and there may be a
third proposal but it pretty preliminary. Board of trustees went through the president evaluation. Finance and audit
committee approved the break down and fees. Revision of equal opportunity definition. Presentation for UPD was tabled.
Undergrad council discussed the scope of the student body as traditional students and non-traditional students. Looking
at retention rates. Discussed advising being an issue and that our university has one of the worst advisors to student
ratios. Also went over a ten-step guide to a great application and a scholarship for those in good standing. For the new
ping-pong area, student union is looking at lighting and a roof being put in. Parent survey done for the CDRC. Attendance
is down from 95% to 85%. The shuttle route change led to a field trip reduction. Students aren’t applying for open
Student Government Executive Reports
a. Attorney General – Joe Turner - (3-minutes)
Thank you to all outgoing senators tonight. All those who are elected thank you, and look forward to working with you.
Like to take this time to speak about Election Day tomorrow. We have a great opportunity to get to say how our country is
run. This is the greatest country in the world and we forget that and take it for granted. America is also an experiment. It
is constantly tested. Armed forces stand up for this country and for our rights and they continue to do so today. This
country is the hope of the earth. So I urge you all to go out and vote tomorrow. The future of this country is for you to
make an informed decision. So many have died for you to be able to vote. So please take the time to do so.
b. Treasurer – Billy Namen - (3-minutes)
Going to give a quick run through of free printing. Been a great success. Have used 3.3 prints per person so far, looking
good. This Thursday will be the last presentation. The week following will be the deliberation and approval of the fee. SG
is not requesting any increase.
Sen. Hebeishy- where will the meeting be held?
The president’s conference room on Thursday at 3 pm.
c. Vice- President – Mike Naughton - (5-minutes)
Quick survey for everyone in room. Who has… Attended class this semester? Attended senate? Visited the library to study
or go on facebook? Eaten at the new osprey café? Worked out at the new student wellness center? Eaten at Jamba Juice?
Been to the game room? Participated in intramurals? Gone to karaoke or a movie night? Been to an OP concert? Been t a
Club Alliance general meeting? Attended a club meeting? Been to a volunteer center GIVE luncheon? Helped at the Lend a
Wing pantry?
The reason I ask is the budget is creeping up on us and we have an influence on all of this. Would like to ask what is your
definition of apathy?
Sen. Stromquist- Giving back to students.
Sen. Dikes- What Britt said.
Apathy is the lack of interest in what others find moving or exciting. I am passionate for the café, because it’s all you can
eat. Would like to thank the senators who have gone to these events and shown passion. Thank Sen. Edwards and Sen.
Addessi. Me and Carlo are the oldest now and are fossils.
d. President – Carlo Fassi – (7-minutes)
To senators leaving, thank you. We are lucky to have had you. Sen. Addessi and Sen. Edwards, it has been a fun and great
experience. New senators, congrats! You all worked so hard! You promised the students tangible results and I am excited
to work with you to do those. Big JU games this past weekend. Volleyball game won and men soccer did not but thank to
all who attended. Military and veterans sponsored game is this weekend. Work order for grade database will be getting a
result of the break down soon and will hopefully be running this summer. Free printing has been used and very
successful. Emergency B and A meeting next week, I will be presenting. I visited the New College of Florida and their SG. It
is a liberal arts school so they work differently but it was interesting stuff though. We again spoke about aim higher and
for the campaign for the newly elected senators this is step one for the initiative of not letting the tuition go up. Higher
Equal Opportunity/Equal Access/Affirmative Action Institution
1 UNF Drive
Jacksonville, Florida 32224-2645
(904)620-2750 Fax (904)620-1005
Office of the Student Senate
education is an investment not expenditure. This last week our senate president and I visited the faculty and explained
they are influenced by cuts as much as the students. Florida is ranked last in the country per capita for higher education.
Tuition will continue to increase and the state will continue to cut our budget if we stay silent. The money that students
are paying is one of the most important factors that we can affect. 2 goals: raise awareness and encourage Florida state
legislature to invest in higher education. We need a knowledge-based economy. The founders of this country believed
that. Some legislatures unfortunately are choosing to ignore that. Next Wednesday, B and A will hear a request to spread
aim higher on campus. If we get 1500 letters to our legislator to know what the budget should be and that the students
don’t bare the burden. This is how we can accomplish this initiative.
Sen. Galanti- does aim higher only pertain to secondary schools after high school?
Applies to the 11 universities in the state. Also we are hoping to get a movie made to go viral in social media. So if anyone
is willing to contribute we would love all involvement.
Sen. Fountain- does aim higher only seek to get back $3,000 or to go further?
You saw the goals it wished to make a difference.
Pres. Varshovi- like to reiterate how important it is that we get involved in this.
Student Government Agency Reports: (3-minutes each)
a. Volunteer Center -
This semester is coming to a close and we had our last give luncheon today. Had a few presentations from organizations in
Jacksonville. Our last meeting is also this week. There will be free food and special gift. Last event will be at American
diabetes walk on November 10. If sign up before Wednesday, you will receive a free shirt. Like VP Naughton said get
involved! Attend events that we put on, it gets your money’s worth.
Osprey Productions -
Like to welcome new senators. OP is an executive agency of SG for planning. We plan a variety of events such as concerts
and weekly events. Our members can develop and program their ideas. You all have a huge task at hand. With all the
events that OP puts on the best way to make an informed decision on the budget it to attend the events we put on and
stop by our office while we plan. Since last senate, we have had two movies, pumpkin carving, and the 3Oh!3 concert. OP’s
calendar should be on your table. Before Thanksgiving break, I encourage you all to attend an OP event. We have 6 events
before the break. Remember what VP Naughton said, you were elected as a voice of the students. Being involved is the
best way to make informed decisions.
c. Club Alliance -
Club alliance is almost done for this semester. Last meeting will be November 16. Our website has been completely
revamped. Also have a master calendar on the site as well. Resident’s gala has been planned. Other than that, we are
looking forward to next semester.
Student Government Judicial Report
a. Chief Justice – Alex T. Goetz - (5-minutes)
The parking appeal board is running smoothly. Like to thank you for your support of the JR that was passed last meeting.
For the same price, the premium pass will be of more value. So thank you for your support.
a. SB-12F-2648: Validation of Fall 2012 General Election Results – Election Supervisor Joel Versace
This includes absentee ballots and all other votes. 20 people were elected general senate seats. College seats were also
selected. Grad seats are still open. Also thank the student union for their help as well.
No questions.
Motion from Sen. Versace to approve SB-12F-2648. Second. No objections. Discussion: Sen. Hebeishy- like to thank Joel for
the wonderful job he did. Motion from Sen. Stevens for unanimous consent. Second. No objections. Moved and the elections
are validated.
Motion from Sen. Stevens to revisit the agenda. Second. No objections. Motion from Sen. Stevens to add JR-12F-2650, the
recognition of Joel Versace to the agenda. Second. No objections. Moved.
Pres. Versace- have known Joel for about 3 years now and his commitment has been an inspiration. One of the hardest
working people I know. Would like to thank you on behalf of everyone here.
Motion from Sen. Hebeishy to approve JR-12F-2650. Second. No objections. Discussion: Caudio- Joel is one of the reasons I
am in senate, so thankful for his work. Pres. Fassi- Joel, you are extremely passionate and you deserve the recognition that
you don’t want. But your time here has shown your true character and you are a great guy and you will be missed. Motion
from Sen. Fountain for unanimous consent. Second. No objections. JR passes.
Swearing-in of Newly-Elected Senators
Called by seat number. Trayer, Farrell, Cunningham, Amira, Bowman, Brown, Deyarmin, Peno, Jones, Wolfe, Stovall, Mack,
Garcia, Grego, Marshal, Mercado, Glosser, Whechoff, Hebeishy, Anderson, Cher, Morris, Tutwhiler, Turner.
Equal Opportunity/Equal Access/Affirmative Action Institution
1 UNF Drive
Jacksonville, Florida 32224-2645
(904)620-2750 Fax (904)620-1005
Office of the Student Senate
Newly elected senators are sworn in by Chief Justice Geotts. .
Motion from Sen. Stevens for a recess. Will re adjourn at 7:50 pm.
Pres. Varshovi re adjourns the meeting at 7:56 pm.
Sen. Galanti calls for a division of the house.
Quorum is reestablished with 40 voting members.
Legislative Cabinet Election
a. Elections and Appointments Chair
Motion from Sen. Stevens to open to floor for nominations for elections and appointment chair.
Sen. Ramirez is nominated. She accepts.
Motion from Sen. Brady to close the floor for nominations. Second. No objections. Moved.
a. Sen. Corey Amira – have served on all five committees. Have a few goals. Increase election voting as much as
possible. Students say that long lines detract them from voting. One party vote button and promote early voting.
Increase absentee ballots. Have competitive candidates. Advertise for the elections. Would also promote the
election in the most fiscally responsible way possible. We would have overspent if we didn’t have a special
request. Would like to fill the college and grad seats. Will contact the clubs to find those interested to have a full
senate. Have seen the election process from every side. Am a political science major so I enjoy elections.
Sen. Hebeishy- what other campus involvement are you in?
In a fraternity and IFC. Have served in those organizations with various positions. Also on the alum student
Sen. Hebeishy- how has that helped prepared you?
I have had to plan events and lead others from these positions.
Sen. Caudio- what sets you apart from other candidates?
My time in Senate and my experience within the committees.
Sen. - Have you ever lived on campus?
Yes in the Fountains and the Crossings.
Sen. Hebeishy- how familiar are you with Title 6?
I would say I am familiar. I represented the last change. It has been changed a lot in the last year and there is
nothing that I would immediately like to change.
Sen. Estrada- said you would like to open a 4th polling station. Where?
Not positive but I have been discussing it. The biggest thing is to break down the lines.
Sen. Galanti- as for your idea for parties on ballot, how would that look?
Party line vote would be the first option when you sign on.
Sen. Caudio- how do you increase absentee ballots?
Advertising it because the students don’t really know about it. Also advertising it at market days.
b. Sen. Andrew Salem- congrats to new senators. Am a communications major. Was born and raised in Jacksonville
and have seen the university grow. Joel Versace and I worked on the improvement act that is on first reading. I
understand the expectations and if I receive the position I will meet with the president on the first day, and I will
start working on graphic designs on the first day, and I will meet with the committee on the first day. For the past
two weeks I have shadowed Sen. Versace and studied title 6. Was with Joel from sun up to sun down throughout
the elections process. Like to improve student engagement for a record-breaking turnout. Wouldn’t be standing
here if I could not succeed in the position.
Sen. Anderson- do you feel that the current voter turnout is high enough?
I do not. I think that we should get 5000 votes. I plan to do that with more advertising and road signs. Like
students to know exacting where to go to cast their ballots.
Sen. Tutwhiler- how do you expect to get more qualified students running?
I think speaking with the different colleges.
Sen. Antworth- said you would follow in Joel’s footsteps but what did you want to do different?
Not follow but go off the foundation. Would like to lessening the burden of SG staff and having volunteers.
Sen. Galanti- what promotional items do you wish to see on Election Day?
Pizza but wish to cut down. The election numbers were great.
Sen. Hebeishy- do you have something different to bring from the other candidates?
Have been a vice chair and drafted a bill.
Sen. Caudio- involvement outside of senate?
No I will give my full attention to the E and A chair.
Sen. Lundy- just told only have $200 left…
Pres. Varshovi- Just to clarify, I have submitted a request. It was my decision, it was not done carelessly. I wanted
Equal Opportunity/Equal Access/Affirmative Action Institution
1 UNF Drive
Jacksonville, Florida 32224-2645
(904)620-2750 Fax (904)620-1005
Office of the Student Senate
to give more incentives to the students.
Sen. Lundy- ok what are you looking to spend?
Whatever amount I am given.
Sen. Bowman- what qualities do you have that makes you a good fit?
Am a people person and love talking to the students.
Sen. Jones- how would you inform students to make sure they are aware of elections?
Advertising and road signs.
Sen. Trayer- studying communications with what focus?
Public relations.
Sen. Hebeishy- Rate how familiar you are with title 6?
I know it great.
Sen. Hebeishy- are you okay that you won’t reelect?
Kaitlin Ramirez- I declined my nomination last senate because of a class conflict but I have resolved that conflict.
Believe communication is critical to our relations with students. Will continue to encourage others to run. At OP
movie nights, would like to ask the question when are SG elections? Also like on osprey radio to have
announcements as well as in the student union. Believe our students can be better served. Would like more
events like the roundtable. If elected, I am open to online voting. Would like to ask in osprey voice about online
voting. Pro to online voting- increase numbers. Con to online voting- technical issues. Would like to defer from
incentive voting and go towards informed voting. Passionate about students and want their voices heard. I have
sat on the E and A committee and wish to better the process. Have made a mock calendar for the spring elections
in accordance to the timeline. I am hardworking and observant. If elected, I will advertise and research online
voting. I will uphold title 6 and article 5.
Sen. Hebeishy- aside from SG what other clubs are you apart of?
Am the current VP of the Osprey South Asian Association
Sen. Caudio- what do you see yourself doing differently than the last election?
Advertising definitely. On the calendar have two times that would like to advertise in the Spinnaker and have two
forums in debates. Instead of it being about the pizza it should be about casting your vote.
Motion from Sen. Brady to open to floor for discussion. Second. No objections. Sen. Hebeishy- thank all the
candidates, Sen. Amira does have Roberts Rules experience, Sen. Salem does have vice chair experience in
previous elections, and Sen. Ramirez has the passion and dedication. After weighing all the candidates. Sen.
Ramirez has more tangible goals set and put the time to set the calendar. Also after declining her first nomination
she changed her schedule. Sen. Tutwhiler- have know Sen. Salem for 10 years and when he joined Senate last
spring he became immediately involved. On both election days he soaked up a lot of knowledge about what the
students want. He strives to serve the senate and the students of UNF. Sen. Dikes- large part is working with
others. Love to hear from those with positions. Sen. Stromquist- when Sen. Amira came into SG he has hit the
ground running. He got involved with every committee and as parliamentarian. Sen. Barrs- thank those running.
when it comes to the nitty gritty, need to look at who has been involved the most since having been here not just
since receiving the nomination. When it comes to serving as a vice chair, being on every committee, having the
skills set to accomplish the goals- that is Sen. Amira and that sets him apart from others. Sen. Estrada- three great
senators, Sen. Salem will do a great job. He served as the vice chair on E and A and has spent countless times with
Joel and spent the whole elections process out there. Sen. Bowman- initially nominated Sen. Ramirez because she
is meticulous and great at planning. With her past experience she knows how to organize and has a full
scholarship, which shows her dedication. Sen. Trayer- Sen. Ramirez has shown so many ideas and has shown how
to make her vision a reality.
Electronic vote.
Run off between Sen. Salem and Sen. Ramirez.
Now vote between Sen. Ramirez and Sen. Amira
Sen. Amira passes.
Fiscal Requests
New Business
a. Constitution and Statutory Changes on 1st Reading
b. Senate and Joint Resolutions on 1st Reading
a. SR-12F-2649: Support of Brand Name Dining Enhancements – Sen. Zak Varshovi
c. Legislation considered for 2nd Reading
Equal Opportunity/Equal Access/Affirmative Action Institution
1 UNF Drive
Jacksonville, Florida 32224-2645
(904)620-2750 Fax (904)620-1005
Office of the Student Senate
Senate and Joint Resolutions on 2nd Reading
JR-12F-2652 – Sen. Zak Varshovi
Been fortunate to know Mike Long. He has constantly fought for our students. He is truly noble. He should be recognized
for his commitment to our students and he’s a cool guy.
Motion from Sen. Hebeishy to approve JR-12F-2652. Second. No objections. Discussion: Sen. Hebeishy- Mike is a
remarkable guy. Met him in rally in tally. Encourage new senators to go April 20 to the next rally. Pres. Fassi- Mike Long
shut down a proposal of a 12th university. Mike Long called out a private conversation that he had that if this wasn’t
passed he would give up on higher ed. Echo what Sen. Hebeishy said. He knows all the students on his campus. Has been
president for 3 years. The JR also invites him to the SG banquet and you all will hopefully have the opportunity to meet him.
Sen. Galanti- Mike Long has spoke to the UNF students and was the ringleader of rally in tally. Would be an honor and
privilege to have him at the banquet.
Motion from Sen. Brady for unanimous consent. Second. No objections. Passes.
Confirmation of Daniel Sacks for Chief of Staff. – Pres. Carlo Fassi
Chief of staff takes minutes for meetings. I have known Daniel for 3 years. Can count on him for anything. Has held various
internships that prove he can be counted on. He has been working on the bike-sharing proposal. Been meeting regularly
with SG advisors over the past 2 weeks.
Daniel Sacks- Am a senior studying building construction management. Have had various experience with internships.
Have had many deadlines to meet. Held positions on campus as well. Done volunteer with Habajax.
Motion from Sen. Tutwhiler to approve Dan Sacks as chief of staff. Second. No objections. No discussion.
Electronic vote.
Passes 42-0-1.
Chief Justice Geotts swears in Sen. Amira and Dan Sacks.
a. The next Senate meeting will be held on November 19th
b. B and A committee meeting next Wednesday.
Final Roll Call - Senate President Pro-Tempore Anthony Stevens –
Quorum is reestablished with 43 voting members.
Meeting is adjourned at 8:50 pm.
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