Government Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes Chair: Gustavo Ascanio January 6, 2016 5:30PM to 7:00PM in the John E. Sapp I. Call to Order A. Meeting called to order at 5:37PM II. Roll Call - Vice Chair Katherine Thames A. Quorum has been established with 5 voting members; Thames, Sorrentino, Gislason, Johnson, Mims III. Approval of the Minutes A. Senator Sorrentino: Motion to approve the minutes from November 16, 2015. Second. All in Favor. Moved. IV. Approval of the Agenda A. Senator Johnson: Motion to amend the agenda such that under new business legislative appointments comes before executive appointments. Second. All in favor. Moved. B. Senator Thames: Motion to approve the agenda as amended. Second. All in favor. Moved. V. Student Remarks A. None VI. Guest Speakers A. None VII. Remarks of the Chair: A. Make sure the right questions are asked to the appointees. Chief of Staff Grantham is in a class until 6PM and we might have to take a recess until he gets here. VIII. Unfinished business A. None IX. New Business A. Legislative Appointments 1. Brett Burton a) I am a junior, political science major, and a marine. (1) Senator Thames: Can you describe the duties of the Sergeant At Arms? –I lead the pledge of allegiance and would help escort people out of the chambers if they became unruly. (2) Senator Johnson: What makes you qualified? –Other people thought I was qualified. (3) Senator Thames: Do you have a concentration in political science? –Public Administration. (4) Senator Mims: Motion to approve Senator Burton as Sergeant At Arms. Second. Discussion. Roll call vote passes 5-0-0. (5) Senator Thames: Motion to recess until Chief of Staff Grantham is present. Second. Adopted. B. Executive Appointments 1. Quorum has been reestablished with 6 voting members: Thames, Sorrentino, Johnson, Gislason, Mims, Awan. 2. Caleb Grantham a) My name is Caleb Grantham I am a sophomore studying mechanical engineering. I became involved in the executive branch after serving a year in the legislative cabinet after a period of turnover. I was asked by President Guerra to step up into this position. (1) Senator Mims: What is your background in ROTC/ Air Force? –I was involved in the program all 4 years in high school. I enjoyed the leadership and discipline that it required. (2) Senator Thames: What is your biggest asset? –I’ve seen the things that have played out throughout last semester and I’ve been able to learn from those things. (3) Senator Sorrentino: What are your strengths and weaknesses? –I believe that leadership is my greatest strength but at times can be my biggest weakness. Sometimes it can be difficult to take a step back. (4) Chair Ascanio: What are some initiatives you believe you'll be able to accomplish? –A lot of the initiatives we have taken on are near completion. Many of the projects have completed ground work that makes their completion easier. (5) Senator Mims: What’s one change you would've made had you assumed this position earlier? - I would have tried to enhance branch wide communication. (6) Senator Thames: Motion to forward Chief of Staff Grantham to Senate. Second. Discussion. Roll call vote passes 6-0-0. X. Announcements A. Make sure you are all on time for Senate. XI. Final Roll Call - Vice Chair Katherine Thames A. Quorum has been reestablished with 5 voting members; Sorrentino, Johnson, Thames, Gislason, Mims, Awan. Minutes taken by Katherine Thames, GO Vice Chair