University Student Affairs Committee Meeting Minutes March 9th, 2015 John E. Sapp – 6:00 PM Chair: Leah Melquist I. Call to Order - II. Meeting is called to order at 6:01PM. Roll Call III. Quorum is established with 4 voting members. Approval of Agenda - Senator Klein: Motion to approve the agenda. Second. All in favor. Moved. IV. Old Business V. New Business A. Round Table - Chairwoman Melquist: Round Table will be 2 weeks from tomorrow from 11:00-2:00. We decided to do the football team. I will be ordering pencils, which we can also use for Finals Frenzy. They will be dark blue and it will say student government on it. I also found string bags with the SG logo. I will send the outline I order them. I did order Moes for 200 people. We could ask students about the shuttle. We can also write down students suggestions on sticky notes, we could get football stickys. I am going to try and find some tickets; we only have 100 a day of the food. We want to get the information we need. Make sure you ask them a few questions. I also thought we could play a game for them to win a bag. I want you guys to be the helpers, so if any other senators have questions they can come towards you. - Senator Brown: We could have the Osprey on the bags too. - Senator Brown: We could do a follow up on the Library renovations. - Senator Sorrentino: I could try and make a trifold of a football field to put the sticky notes on. - Senator Klein: We could do a football game. - Senator Brown: Have you looked into Tijuana Flats? - It was really expensive. Moes was our best bet; it came out to like $223 for 200 people. VI. Announcements - VII. VIII. Elections start tomorrow, so if you are not participating Elections Commissioner still needs volunteers for this. The SR will be coming forth tonight in Senate, ask any questions you have for this. Final Roll Call Quorum is reestablished with 5 voting members. Adjournment - Meeting is adjourned at 6:21PM. Minutes taken by: Leah Tolisano, Senate Secretary.