Constitutions and Statutes Committee Minutes Acting Chair: Chase Baker October 19th, 2015 7:15 PM to 8:15 PM in the John E. Sapp I. Call to Order Meeting called to order 7:15PM. II. Roll Call – Vice Chair Dato Quorum has been established with 3 voting members; Butler, Dato, Smith. III. Approval of Minutes – October 5th, 2015 Senator Butler: Motion to approve the minutes from October 5th, 2015. Second. All in favor. Moved. IV. Approval of Agenda Senator Rosen: Motion to remove Guest Speakers from the agenda. Second. All in favor. Moved. Senator Smith: Motion to approve tonight’s agenda. Second. All in favor. Moved. V. Student Remarks None. VI. Guest Speakers VII. Remarks of the Chair – Conner Klein, DRC tabling this Thursday 10:45-2:00pm. VIII. Old Business IX. New Business SB-15F-2891: Some idea of checks and balances within the committee. Making things clearer and more appropriately worded (Keefe). Dana Baker: I would like for you guys to discuss this. 1st change – composition of the exec branch. Distinction between both. Cabinet is not confirmed through senate – composed. 302 struck because Attorney General and Stu Advocate… 302.2 recommend – president bears all responsibility for the appointed employee. Page 3 line 4, positions created through executive order where they explain the position and keeps transparency. 303.4, take of 4. Cabinet must consist of Attorney General, Treasurer, Student Advocate, and Agency Directors. Now includes Exec cab staff where you don’t really need a director of communications, etc. Motion to amend line 30 to “organizations”. Line 9 page 7, Student Advocate is a liaison and not an ombudsman. 307: Executive staff – are not subject to confirmation. 308.3 to alleviate the lack of members on the judicial branch, this change is suggested to be made. Chapter 311, fixing the timeline Senator Butler: 302.1 How does the responsibility of an Exec Cab member fall on the President? Can you give me a situation? –If you have a DOC and no new student turnout, judicial claim can be filed against the DOC and the president based on whether they were following their job description. Sen But: Why shouldn’t the ? –Always a “what if”. If they are complacent, they should be held responsible. If not, the president will be held responsible for what their staff did not complete. POI Senator Smith: How long does it take to impeach? 3-4 weeks. Chairman Baker: If you add the clause in 302.2, would it just deal with the cabinet or the branch? – Chairman Baker: Does the Exec Branch go through senate confirmation? –Yes. Does anyone object to fixing grammatical error in 303.3, 304.2 F, 307.2, 308.2A, 308.3A and Executive Action? So moved. Senator Butler: Amend 302.2 Section C to change “in writing, immediately” to “through an Executive Order within (5) business days”. Strike out the second “through Executive Order”. Second. All in Favor. Moved. Senator Butler: 308.3 creating a subsection under section C read as “the amount of extensions granted shall be within the purview of the chief justice”. Second. Discussion: Senator Butler – this amendment will give more authority to the Chief Justice. Moved. Senator Butler: Motion to number 302.2 back to302.3. Moved. Senator Butler: Motion to add 302.2 to read “The President shall be ultimately responsible for all job duties/responsibilities for all Executive Branch members with the exceptions of Treasurer and Attorney General. Moved. Senator Butler: Motion to pass the bill as amended. Bill passes 3-0-0 X. Announcements Senator orientation Saturday November 7th. XI. Final Roll Call – Vice Chair Quorum has been reestablished with 3 voting members. XII. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 8:11PM. Minutes taken by Justin Dato, Constitution and Statutes Committee Vice-Chair