University of North Florida Student Senate Senate Meeting Agenda – September 15th 2014 – 6:30 to 10:00 PM – Senate Chambers I. Call to Order II. Invocation III. Pledge of Allegiance IV. Roll Call – Senate President Pro-Tempore Shomari Gloster– V. Approval of Minutes – August 25th 2014 VI. Approval of Agenda VII. Recognition of Students Seeking Appointment VIII. Student Remarks (3 minutes per Student) IX. Guest Speakers a. Andrew Coconato, Assistant Director of Osprey Productions (5 minutes) X. Office of Elections a. Elections Commissioner – True Rains (5 minutes) XI. Judicial Branch Report a. Chief Justice – Daniel Powers (5 minutes) XII. Executive Branch Reports a. Osprey Productions – John Chwalisz (3 minutes) b. Club Alliance – Justin Dato (3 minutes) c. Attorney General – Matthew Harris (3 minutes) d. Treasurer – Morgan Wolf (3 minutes) e. Vice President – Anthony Stevens (3 minutes) f. President – Joseph Turner (5 minutes) XIII. Legislative Cabinet Reports a. Constitution and Statutes Committee – Chairman Shomari Gloster (3 minutes) b. Budget and Allocations Committee – Chairman Blake Kennedy (3 minutes) c. Government Oversight Committee (3 minutes) d. University and Student Affairs Committee – Chairman Chase Baker (3 minutes) e. Senate President Kaitlin Ramirez (5 minutes) XIV. Unfinished Business a. SB-14SB-2784 S.L.A.B. 2nd Read September 15th Sen. Rotella XV. New Business a. Legislation considered for 1st Reading b. Senate and Joint Resolutions on 1st Reading c. Legislation considered for 2nd Reading i. SB-14SB-2782 Title V Reform Sen. Gloster ii. SB-14F-2786 The Compliance and Balance Act (CBA) Sen. Ramirez iii. SB-14F-2792 Fiscal Year 2013-2014 Year-End Encumbrances Sen. Kennedy iv. SB-14F-2796 Revisions to Title XII d. Senate and Joint Resolutions on 2nd Reading XVI. Senator Appointments (3 minutes) a. Alin Cepoi b. Caleb Grantham c. Connor Akers d. Jonathan Rader e. Muhammad Ali Awan f. Noah Gomez g. Leah Melquist XVII. Government Oversight Committee Chair Elections (3 minutes) a. Amanda Wollam b. Lauren Kontol c. Jonathan Mack XVIII. Announcements XIX. Final Roll Call - Senate President Pro-Tempore Shomari Gloster XX. Adjournment