Senate Minutes EMERGENCY 6/9/14

University of North Florida Student Senate
Senate Meeting Minutes – June 9th 2014 – 8:30 to 9:00 PM – Senate Chambers
Call to Order
Meeting is called to order at 7:50PM
Roll Call – Senate President Pro-Tempore Shomari Gloster–
Quorum is established with 15 voting members.
Approval of Agenda
- Sen. Gloster: Motion to strike the 4 numerals to read as the correct numerals. Second. No Discussion. All in favor. So
Student Remarks-none
Government Oversight Committee Elections
Sen. Gloster: Nominate Sen. Savage. Accept? Yes
Sen Gloster: Nominate Sen Tunjic. Accept? Yes
Sen. Baker: Nominate Sen. Wollam. Accept? No
Sen Tunjic: Motion to close the Nominations. Second. No objections. Moved
 Sen Savage: I am beyond pleased that our hard work has paid off and I look forward to the new faces that
we will get from this new process. I was on the committee that created this position that I am running for.
This position should be someone who is well spoken and willing to teach. I am learning new things each
day. I have attended a Roberts Rules meeting that helped me a lot. In the few months I have worked in
the legislative cabinet my love for the school has grown. I want to continue to work with the current
legislative cabinet. I want to ensure that business is working cohesively.
Sen. Gloster, Are you comfortable with title 13 in its current form? Yes, it is very clear to understand which made me
excited about this position.
 Sen. Tunjic: I am currently here to tell you why to vote for me to be the first GO committee chairman. I
was first opposed to the changes, since then I have met with several people to learn more about it. I met
with Attorney General Harris and Senate President Ramirez. I can bring my leadership experience to this
position. I was the homecoming chair, the external philanthropy’s chair. I also really like the idea of this
Go committee being established. It will prevent any sort of corruption through appointment. With this
position you need someone who is knowledgeable with the constitution. I will work with the other
senators and go to anybody I need to for advice. We represent their students and if I don’t here from the
senators I will lose the opinion of the students.
Question: (Sen. Gloster) Are you comfortable with title 13 in its current form? Yes
Question: (Sen. Savage) Why did you oppose it at first? I had to sit down with various members to hear what the
benefit of it would be. Especially after sitting with Ramirez I saw that it was a good change.
 Senate President Ramirez: I will now ask Sen. Savage and Sen. Tunjic to leave the room while we have
- Sen. Tarek: Motion to go to roll call vote. Second. Objection by Sen. Gloster: I would like to have
discussion first.
 All in favor of discussion say I. All in favor.
 All in favor of no discussion say Nay. (silence)
 Discussion:
- Sen. Gloster: I believe that both candidates have what it takes to take over this new position.
- Matthew Harris: I have had meetings with both; however I have had more time with Sen. Savage.
I do think both candidates are qualified for the position.
 Sen Kishek: I call for question. Second. No objections. Moved
 Sen Rotella: Motion to vote for the candidates. Second. No objections. Moved
*bring candidates back in room*
Roll call Vote( system down, Sen. Gloster calls on each Senator for their vote):
 Sen Kishek: Savage
 Sen Gloster: Savage
 Sen Guiette: Savage
 Sen Wollam: Savage
 Sen Baker: Tunjic
 Sen Culberson: Savage
 Sen Galligan: Savage
 Sen Hartsfield: Savage
 Sen Harvel: Savage
 Sen Rotella: Tunjic
 Sen Savage: Abstain
 Sen Shackelford: Savage
 Sen Tunjic: Tunjic
 Sen Watkins: Savage
 Savage has received 10 votes. Tunjic received 3. And 1 abstain vote.
*Sen. Savage sworn in by Kaitlin Ramirez.*
*Sen Rotella: Motion to re-open the Agenda. Second. All in favor say I.
*Sen. Baker: Motion to add seeking appointments after announcements. Second. All in favor say I.
Senate Appointments
- Billy Ewer
VIII. Final Roll Call - Senate President Pro-Tempore Shomari Gloster–
- Quorum is reestablished with 14 voting members
- Meeting is adjourned at 8:11 PM.