E&A Minutes January 13 2014 5:30pm

E&A Minutes
January 13th 2014 5:30pm
Call to Order – 5:40 pm.
Roll Call
Approval of Minutes – Motion to postpone minutes from last meeting. Second. Moved.
Approval of Agenda – Motion to approve agenda on January 13th. Second. Moved.
Guest Speakers - None
Chair Report – Sen. Antworth: Thank you guys for being really, really outspoken last meeting and
really working on title 6, it was very helpful. And other than that tonight we just have a couple
things to go over and I kind of want do it in the same similar style as last time because you guys
seem to do really well with that and just kind of brainstorming and talking over different things.
Old Business - None
New Business
 Motion to suspend Roberts Rules. Second. No objections. Moved.
 Sen. Antworth: So the 30th DY’s are due and the 30th through the 3rd we will
have them posted. I’m going to have candidate senators the 4th, 5th, and 6th at
different times during the day. On the 4th it will be from 1-2, the 5th it will be
from 5-6, and the 6th it will be from 3-4. Trying to pick different time ranges
depending on people’s class schedules and work. Applications will be due on the
11th and then the sample ballot would be posted in the next 2 days, if anyone
has any issues they need to let me know before the 14th, I’ll be letting them
know if they are disqualified or not. Then campaigning can begin again on the
18th, appeals for any disqualifications need to be in for that. Judicial hearings
start on the 20th. The 24th I’ve put in there candidate information should be
posted, there isn’t a set date its just a date I have set for myself. Absentee
ballots should be available on the 25th.
 Q: On the 27th, is the debate going to be on Osprey TV?
Sen. Antworth: I haven’t decided how we’re going to do the debate yet. That’s
just the date I’ve scheduled it for, that date might even change a little bit just
depending on where I’m allowed to do it and when I’m allowed to do it and how
we do it, if we’re gonna do it in the student union like it’s been done before or if
I wanna try to do it through Osprey spinnaker or TV.
 Q: I haven’t been here for an election, what all does the public debate consist
of? Is that every single person up for a seat? Or it’s just presidential?
Sen. Antworth: I’ve only seen one of them done, which was for Joel Forsocci
who was 2 or 3 semesters ago? And for his, he set it up in the middle of the
union and had them up on a stage, they had microphones and it was your
president and vice president and then your other president and vice president,
if there was 3 parties then I assume there would be another one. And then they
ask questions. So I will most likely have some and I would be the mediator and
ask certain questions and then I would probably have a portion that I have
students write down questions and I would start going through and picking out
slips of paper for those questions. And that’s something that when it starts
getting closer that I would start going over sample questions with the
committee. I don’t know if you guys have read my email yet but I really want
you guys to be way more involved this semester and really know what’s going
on. I would definitely want the spinnaker to come out and broadcast it.
 Sen. Antworth: The debate the 27th. You guys might want to write that date
down because I will be asking any of you who are not running this election to be
volunteering and helping out a lot with that. – If you do decide to run I probably
will not be using you just because of a conflict of interest.
 Poll workers meeting for every one not running will be on the 3rd after
committee meetings, which is the day before election day.
 The elections will be on the 4th and 5th. Any senator not running is required to
work 4 hours between the two election days.
 Absentee Ballots due the 5th.
 The 6th: Complaints to the AG are due, campaign materials need to be reviewed
that day, financial statements are due that day, and unofficial results come out
that day.
 Changes made to the time stamp.
 Spring Election Calendar is amended. Second. No objections. Moved.
 Motion for unanimous consent. No objections. Moved.
 Motion to approve the applications as the amendment had made the check
boxes for inner college signatures and the headshot and platform page. Second.
No objections. Motion for unanimous consent. No objections. Moved.
a. SB-14S-2743
 603.3: Right now we have crossed out “Installation will occur during the same
Senate meeting where possible, or at the following senate meeting” we want to
add “unless under extreme circumstances” – Second. No objections. Moved.
 605.1: Motion to take out “once the election cycle has commenced”
 Section M: “Must file any and all elections complaints that occur after the close
of elections.” – changed to “Must file any and all elections complaints that occur
within the election cycle.” Second. No objections. Moved.
 Section D: “Poll workers should refrain from supporting parties or candidates in
the election. (Example: A member from the red party wearing a red shirt) –
changed to “(Example: apparel that signifies a certain party.)” – trying to not call
out a specific party. Second. No objections. Moved.
 607.2: Motion to not allow email withdrawal, must have written in person
statement to withdrawal. Second. No objections. Moved.
 Mandatory platform required in application, headshot is requested as well.
 608.3: “A party must re-register before every spring semester” – changed to “A
party must re-register every spring semester as prescribed by the elections
timeline.” Second. No objections. Moved.
 616.1: “Individual and small groups of ballots may not be invalidated for any
reason except in the instance that an individual is caught in the action of voting
multiple times and the votes of that person can be removed.” – Should I remove
without consulting committee? Or put it out on the table as a committee
decision? – Motion to change to committee decision. Second. No objections.
 Motion to change E&A to Elections and Appointments to be more formal and
concise. – Motion paused for sake of time.
Motion to change “Review” to “Judicial Appeal”. Second. No objections. Moved.
Motion to approve all of the changes in the re-instatement. Motion to approve.
Second. No objections. Moved.
Motion to approve the bill and amendments. Second. No objections. Moved.
a. Emergency Senate meeting at 7:15pm
b. Emergency E&A January 15th, 2014 5:30pm
c. Senate January 20th, 2014 6:30pm
Adjournment –
- Final Roll Call.
- Meeting Adjourned at 7:19 PM.