University of North Florida Student Senate Senate Meeting Agenda – March 31st 2014 – 6:30 PM – Senate Chambers I. Call to Order II. Pledge of Allegiance – Sen. Caudio III. Invocation – Sen. Wolf IV. Roll Call – Senate President Pro-Tempore Kaitlin Ramirez – V. Approval of Minutes VI. Approval of Agenda VII. Recognition of Students Seeking Appointment VIII. Student Remarks IX. Guest Speakers X. Judicial Branch Report a. Chief Justice – Alex Goetz ( (5-minutes) XI. Executive Branch Reports a. Osprey Productions - (3-minutes) b. Club Alliance - (3-minutes) c. Attorney General – (3-minutes) d. Treasurer – (3-minutes) e. Vice President – (3 minutes) f. President – (5-minutes) g. President Elect – (7-minutes) XII. Legislative Cabinet Reports a. Constitution and Statutes Committee – Chairwoman Kaitlin Ramirez ( b. Budget and Allocations Committee – Chairman Collin Waychoff ( c. Elections and Appointments Committee – Chairwoman Emily Antworth ( d. University & Student Affairs Committee – Chairwoman Star Caudio ( e. Senate President Christopher Brady ( XIV. New Business a. Legislation considered for 1st Reading b. Senate and Joint Resolutions on 1st Reading c. Legislation considered for 2nd Reading i. SB-14S-2765 Student Union Charging Stations – Sen. Silberstein ii. SB-14S-2766 Executive Branch Lounge Space – Sen. Gloster d. Senate and Joint Resolutions on 2nd Reading XV. Swearing in of the Newly Elected Senators XVI. Division of the House XVII. Senate Appointments a. Emily Antworth b. Chase Baker XVIII. Legislative Cabinet Elections a. Senate President i. Kaitlin Ramirez b. Senate President Pro-Tempore i. Shomari Gloster c. Budget & Allocations Committee Chair i. Morgan Wolf d. Elections & Appointments Committee Chair i. Jon Mack ii. Kate Savage e. University & Student Affairs Committee Chair XIX. Swearing in of the Newly Elected Legislative Cabinet XX. Swearing in of the Newly Elected Vice President XXI. Swearing in of the Newly Elected President XXII. Executive Confirmations XXIII. Judicial Confirmations XXIV. Announcements XIII. Final Roll Call - Senate President Pro-Tempore Kaitlin Ramirez – XXV. Adjournment