ELT Requirements and Guidelines for Students seeking the Minor in Community Leadership (Rev. Aug. 2014)

ELT Requirements to Attain the Minor in Community Leadership (8/14)
Minimum Requirements for ELT Submissions to Attain the Minor in Community Leadership:
Focus on fertile activities and projects that most clearly demonstrate leadership development, more so
than volunteerism or service per se; though the activities you reflect on may demonstrate service and
volunteerism, that is not the central focus of the ELT. You should focus not so much on what you did,
but rather on what you have learned about leadership in the context of what you did. You need to post a
minimum of 12 ELT submissions, consisting of the following:
a. At Least three (3) submissions related to one and the same PRIMARY EXTERNAL (offcampus) Leadership Activity/Project;
b. At least three (3) submissions related to one and the same PRIMARY INTERNAL (oncampus) Leadership Activity/Project, or Personal/Family Event or Course-Related
Service Learning Project;
c. At least four (6) additional submissions related to any combination of EXTERNAL,
Beyond the minimum, you are encouraged to submit multiple ELT entries, as this reflects well on your
Leadership portfolio and repertoire, demonstrating a wide scope of leadership experience. Try to
demonstrate your experience across a range of learning outcome categories. Remember that students
that have sustained involvement in the same activity or organization over multiple terms can submit
additional learning experiences for that same activity/project in more than one term, so long as there
are unique narratives for each.
NOTE: Required Outcome E6 (Persuasive Communication): Students should enter at least one ELT entry
specifically addressing Learning Outcome E6 (Persuasive Communication). See the special rubric for
assessing the ELT entry, found under “ABOUT ELTs” on the Practicum course Blackboard.
Definitions and Guidelines
Qualified EXTERNAL Leadership Activity/Project: These must involve at least 20 hours in a particular
term (including preparation time) and generally take place OFF the UNF campus and impact the offcampus community (local, national or international.) Such activities/projects generally occur in the
context of involvement with off-campus entities such as an employer, a non-profit organization, a
political action campaign, a church, mosque or synagogue, an entrepreneurial venture of some sort, or
in context of a student organization or UNF-based entity, but so long as the purpose of the
activity/project is seen as primarily impacting one’s relationship with the local/regional/national or
international community, as opposed to the UNF community;
Qualified INTERNAL Leadership Activity/Project: These must involve at least 20 hours in a particular
term (including preparation time) and generally take place ON the UNF campus, and are generally
carried out in the context of a UNF-related entity such as a student organization, UNF department, office
or agency. Alternately, these activities might be carried out in context of an off-campus entity, but so
long as the purpose of the activity primarily impacts the campus community as opposed to the outside
ELT Requirements to Attain the Minor in Community Leadership (8/14)
Qualified Personal/Family LIFE EVENT: A student can document the significance of such experiences to
the degree they impact leadership development. For instance, leadership development can occur in the
midst of a major crisis or life-changing experience, such as the death of a parent/spouse/sibling, a major
illness, accident, unemployment, relocation, etc. Such LIFE EVENTS are not required, but students often
wish to incorporate them to the degree they are formative experiences in leadership development.
About Internships and Study Abroad Courses: These can serve as venues for a qualified external
activity. However, in the case of a study abroad course, if it is also claimed as the required “interdisciplinary” leadership elective course, and though the Study Abroad course can and should be
documented on the ELT to the extent it was a vibrant venue for leadership learning, such study abroad
courses do not satisfy the requirement for the one “Primary External Off-Campus Activity.” In that case,
you would need to post three entries on a different activity to satisfy the requirement.
The “Three submission” Minimum Rule: For the Primary activity described under above under “a” and
“b”, there must be at least three unique ELT submissions documenting three different learning
competencies (Outcome/Indicator combination), each requiring a unique narrative of at least three
paragraphs, explaining what you learned in the context of the particular outcome/indicator you
selected, and how that learning may have changed you. We consider a leadership learning “experience”
to be a particular reflected practice aligned to a particular leadership learning outcome/indicator. Keep
in mind that there are often multiple learning “experiences” associated with the same activity/project,
each with different learning outcomes. Each of the three minimum required ELT entries for the two
Primary Activity Domains require a unique narrative of at least three paragraphs, not to exceed 3900
characters, and explaining what you leaned in the context of the particular outcome/indicator you
selected, and how that may have changed you.
Regarding on-campus and off-campus Leadership Conferences, Workshops and Seminars: Please
understand that these are not really leadership activities where you “do” leadership, as much as they
are educational activities about leadership. You are nonetheless encouraged to post to the ELT about
your leadership learnings gleaned from your participation in such “on” and “off” campus leadership
conferences, seminars, institutes, workshops and other non-credit earning educational programs that
you attend while enrolled as a student at UNF. For instance, if you attend the annual UNF Student
Leadership Summit hosted by the Taylor Leadership Institute, you can reflect about that (A1 on the ELT
drop down, under Activity Domain). Similarly, if you attend an off-campus leadership conference
convened by your fraternity, you can reflect on that (B8 on the ELT drop-down, under Activity Domain).
However, please note that such activities cannot satisfy the requirement for the primary Learning
Activities, for which you must submit a minimum of three ELT entries.