Download 1213-07 Parking Restructuring Bill

Parking Restructuring Bill
Prime Sponsor:
President’s Signature
Co-Sponsors: Hohn
Date Introduced:
Date of Voting:
Final Vote:
Sens Present
VP Senate Affairs Signature
Whereas, Ithaca College’s current parking system creates a situation in which
there is limited space to park for both students and faculty,
Whereas, unlike upperclassmen, first year students do not have pro-rated
Whereas, many students living in the Circle Apartments (whom have cars)
tend to drive to the main portion of campus during the day, thereby
withholding parking from students who commute to campus,
Whereas, the cost of parking permits for undergraduate students is expected to
rise next academic year,
Whereas, the tennis courts north of the lower quads are seldom used,
Whereas, the current parking violation fees are too low,
Whereas, the proposed Huron recommendations for Ithaca College’s parking
system would be inefficient,
It is resolved that, the Ithaca College Student Government Association
recommend to IEBC the attached parking proposal and updated campus-wide
parking map to solve the aforementioned claims and increase the revenue of
Ithaca College.