Download Report of Curricular and Policy Actions (ROA)

Academic Policies Committee (APC)
Curriculum Proposal
Report of Curricular and Policy Actions (ROA)1
A. General Information
Proposal Number2
Original Proposer name
Current Course Number
or Degree
Current Course Name or
Program Title
Projected Effective Term3
B. Action Taken (check all that apply)
Reports of Action are completed for program or course revisions that are not substantial
enough to require a Revised Course or Revised Program Form.
 Catalog correction or editorial change (may be reviewed by APC Curriculum Chair
as an administrative change, rather than by Curriculum Subcommittee and APC Full)
 Change in prerequisites
 Minor change in course description or title
 Revisions in course numbering (not including a change in level)
 Change in frequency or term offered (may be reviewed by APC Curriculum Chair as
an administrative change, rather than by Curriculum Subcommittee and APC Full)
 Deletion of course (see Section F)
 Minor change/correction to a program (may be reviewed by APC Curriculum Chair
as an administrative change, rather than by Curriculum Subcommittee and APC Full)
 Changes in special academic policies and other catalog copy items not
substantial enough to warrant a revised program proposal (e.g., minimum GPA
to stay in a program)
 Other (describe)
C. Describe Action Taken
1. Current program requirements or course number, title, and description (as they appear in the
print catalog):
2. Proposed program requirements or course number, title, and description (as they will appear in
the catalog) (show changes in bold):
D. Rationale for Change
E. Complete this Section for ICC Course Designations
1. Proposed ICC designation (see Guidelines to Course Designations in the Integrative Core
 W
 Q
 D
 C
F. Complete this Section for Course Deletions
1. Is the deleted course required or a required restricted elective for any other program?
 NO
If yes, list the program for which it is a requirement. Attach either: (a) a completed APC Outside
Agreement Form, or (b) APC paperwork that will bring the program(s) into agreement with this
Course #
Course Title
Report of Action Proposal #
2. Is the deleted course a prerequisite for another course?
 NO
If yes, list the courses that require the deleted course as a prerequisite. Attach either: (a) a
completed APC Outside Agreement Form, or (b) APC paperwork that will bring the course(s) into
agreement with this deletion.
Course #
Deleted Course Title
Prerequisite for (course # and title)
G. Complete this Section for Program Deletions
All Reports of Action requesting a program deletion will be brought to Full APC as recommended for
approval with discussion.
1. How will you serve students currently enrolled in this program?
(Please insert a page break so that the following Approvals/Routing section is on a page by itself.)
H. Approvals/Routing
Proposal Number
Current Course Number
or Degree
Current Course Name or
Program Title
Projected Effective Term
Action Taken
School Approval Process
School Curriculum Committee Approval Date (if required)
School Faculty Approval Date (if required)
Signature, Dean of School
Committee for College-Wide Requirement Approval Process
(ICC designations only)
CCR Approval Date
APC Curriculum Subcommittee Approval Date
APC Approval Date
Signature, Provost/VPEA
Signature, Director of Core Curriculum
All-College Approval Process
(To be completed by the Associate Provost’s office.)
(Please insert a page break so that the above Approvals/Routing section is on a page by itself.)
Please do not print or submit the following end-notes page.
this form to report curricular and policy actions that do not require extensive review by
committees prior to implementation. Such actions may include editorial revisions to course
descriptions, changes in the schedule of offering, and revisions to bring a course or courses
into agreement with other actions of a more substantial nature that received full review and
You may use one form for multiple actions only if the actions are of similar or identical
intent and have the same rationale.
This form may NOT be used in the following cases:
a. Revisions in the course description, prerequisites, or title that reflect a substantial
revision in the level, focus, content, or learning objectives of the course.
b. Revisions in the course prerequisites that reflect a substantial revision in the
preparation necessary for the course or the rigor of the course.
Revision in the non-ICC course designation (e.g., LA, NLA, SS, NS, HU, FA, or U).
d. Additions or deletions to required, elective, or restrictive elective courses in a
program that indicate a revision to the nature of the program.
e. Revisions to the number of credits in a program or the credit distribution (LA vs.
NLA) required for a program.
f. Revisions to program prerequisites, academic requirements, and any other
policies that impact a student’s ability to complete the program.
g. Any revision in the degree granted (e.g., a revision from a BS to a BA).
The proposal number has three parts: (1) the first two to four letters (HS, HSHP) are an
abbreviation of the school; (2) the middle numbers are the current academic year (1112);
and, (3) the dean’s office assigns the last few numbers which usually begin with 001and go
in sequence for each academic year. Decimal points may be used for the purpose of
grouping proposals (e.g., HSHP-1112.001.01).
Be sure to leave adequate time for the approval process. Proposals submitted by October
15 (for NYSED) and November 1 (for Catalog) are usually ready for the next Fall catalog.
You are strongly encouraged to submit proposals before the October and November due
dates (or in the previous Spring) to avoid the backlog caused by an excess of submissions in
October and November.