Download New Minor or Independent Concentration

Academic Policies Committee (APC)
Curriculum Proposal
New Academic Minor or Independent Concentration1
Completion and provost’s approval of the New Academic Degree Program Authorization Form is required for
new minors prior to submission of this form to the APC2.
A. General Information
Proposal Number3
Original Proposer Name
Projected Effective Term4
B. Program Description
1. Program Title:
2. Type of Program:
Independent Concentration
3. Provide a brief description of the program as it will appear in the catalog.
4. If new concentration, provide overview of program goals and objectives.
5. Will the program be offered jointly with another institution?
If yes, name of institution/branch:
6. Will the program lead to teacher certification?
If yes, list the intended certificate(s):
7. Will specialized accreditation be sought?
If yes, indicate the accrediting group and expected date of accreditation:
C. Curriculum
1. Outline the full curriculum and all requirements to earn the proposed credential as it will
appear in the catalog. Indicate the credits for each course, and whether it is new, revised,
or existing (N/R/E). Clearly indicate the total number of credits in the program. Expand
the table as needed.
Course #
Course Title
Total Credits Required for Program:
2. List any new or revised courses not yet in the catalog with the APC proposal number.
New course and revised course proposals not yet approved by the APC should be submitted
together with this proposal.
Course #
Course Title
APC Proposal #
3. List any required courses or required restricted electives offered by departments
outside the major department. Attach written documentation from the other
department(s) indicating that accommodations can be made for projected enrollment
increases in the courses by using the APC Outside Agreement/Notification Form which may
be found at
Course #
Course Title
Required or Elective
4. List any courses to be deleted due to this new program. If the courses are to be deleted
from the catalog, a completed Report of Action Form should be submitted together with the
New Degree Program proposal.
Course #
Course Title or Program Title
Report of Action Proposal
D. Faculty
Complete Faculty Information Table (Table 1) found at the end of this document.
E. Library Resources
List any new Library resources needed to support this program.
F. Program Assessment (New Minors ONLY)
Summarize the plan for periodic evaluation of the new program, including the use of data to
inform program improvement.
1. List the intended student learning outcomes that graduates will demonstrate upon
completion of the proposed program.
2. List how and when each outcome will be measured.
3. Indicate how the department and school will use the data to improve student
learning outcomes.
Table 1 Program Faculty
Provide information on faculty members at Ithaca College who will be teaching each course in the program.
Faculty Member Name and Title
(include and identify program
Program Courses to be Taught
Full-time or
Additional Qualifications: list
Highest and Other
Applicable Earned Degrees related certifications/ licenses;
occupational experience;
& Disciplines (include
scholarly contributions, etc.
(Please insert a page break so that the following Approvals/Routing section is on a page by itself.)
G. Approvals/Routing
Proposal Number
Projected Effective
New Minor or
Concentration Title
School Approval Process
School Curriculum Committee Approval Date
School Faculty Approval Date
Signature, Dean of School
APC Curriculum Sub-committee Approval Date
APC Approval Date
Signature, Provost/VPAA
NYSED Notification Date
NYSED Approval Date
All-College Approval Process
(To be completed by the Associate Provost’s office.)
(Please insert a page break so that the above Approvals/Routing section is on a page by itself.)
Please do not print or submit the following end-note page.
These programs are defined as follows:
a. Minor: A structured plan of study that comprises a minimum of 5 courses for at
least 15 credit hours. A minor is outside of the major area of study. Successful
completion of a minor is recorded on the student’s transcript.
b. Independent Concentration: A structured plan of study that comprises a
minimum of 5 courses for at least 15 credit hours. A concentration is within a
student’s major and is recorded on the student’s transcript. An independent
concentration is a concentration that is not required for a student’s major and
functions as a minor except that it is open only to students in a particular
department. See the concentrations in the Department of Writing as examples.
Departments wishing to propose a new required concentration (see the major in
Business Administration as an example) for an existing program must complete a
Revised Program form.
The New Academic Program Authorization Form is available at This completed and approved form should be
submitted with the APC New Academic Minor or Independent Concentration form.
The proposal number has three parts: (1) the first two to four letters are an abbreviation of
the school (HS, HSHP); (2) the middle numbers are the current academic year (1112); and,
(3) the dean’s office assigns the last few numbers which usually begin with 001and go in
sequence for each academic year. Decimal points may be used for the purpose of grouping
proposals (e.g., HSHP-1112-001.01).
Be sure to leave adequate time for the approval process. Proposals submitted by October
15 (for NYSED) and November 1 (for catalog) are usually ready for the next Fall catalog.
You are strongly encouraged to submit proposals before the October and November due
dates (or in the previous Spring) to avoid the backlog caused by an excess of submissions in
October and November. Also, the projected effective term may not be the same for all
courses in the degree program because upper division courses may be delayed in their
offering. Accompanying new course proposals should reflect delayed dates.