Download May 3, 2016 Minutes

Meeting Minutes
May 3, 2015
Linda Koenig, Bill Kerry, Lance Clark, Julia Bjornland, Hakeem Hopper-Collins,
Samantha Guter, Maggie Wetter, Molly Robbins
Darnell Thompson, Mayra Colon
Professional Staff Training
 Learning Outcomes
 Linda and Bill will meet with Crystal Young, Ron Trunzo, Alex Devers and
Concetta D’Alessio, who are working with student staff schedules, to:
o Identify what the Diversity and Social Justice training would look like.
o Determine the training schedule for the RA SASP group and which
sessions can be co-facilitated.
o Brainstorm what the day would look like and determine the need for
additional combined trainings.
o Training must be tailored to each department’s operation and not just a
“one size fits all” presentation.
 Bill and Linda sent communication to Doc Richardson and Rory Rothman with
current updates and plan for fall training. Some of the information regarding fall
training may be referenced in Doc’s monthly Intercom update.
Who wants to return to the workgroup next year?
 Hakeem, Molly and Julia expressed an interest in receiving updates via email
over the summer. All professional staff will receive updates.
 Several members of the group were interested in returning next year, but needed
some additional time to make a decision. Decisions are due this Sunday, May 8th
 Recommendations for Res Life / OPS staff you believe would be interested, or
would be a good fit in participating in this committee is greatly appreciated.
Things that went well this year
 Workgroup retreat
 OPS / Reslife Meet and Greet, this was also known as the Game Night event that
supported IC Color Week, hosted by the OPS/Res Life work group and the
OPS/ALANA and Student Engagement work group.
 Breaking down some of the bias within the work group, specifically some fears
that previously existed of officers in uniform
 Setting ground rules for the group at the beginning of the year will help new
members understand that it’s a safe space
 Culture and leadership. This committee was run on a shared governance
structure where decisions were made as a group; everyone had a voice.
 The equal representation of OPS / Res Life staff
 Recommends 2:2 ratio on SASP and RA committee members
Representation from Upper Year / FYRE RA staff should be selected for the
 Provide monthly updates to the to the RA Advisory board.
 Recommend someone from the committee to be a liaison for other work groups.
 Bring the ALANA OPS and Reslife OPS workgroups together when topics
overlap and have a liaison between the two workgroups.
 The workgroup needs a clearer charge. It would be helpful for the two
workgroups to get together to determine their charge, who in the charge, share
ideas and where/how the groups overlap.
 An E-Board member from SASP should be represented in this group.
 Shared Language for Orientation should remain a focus with the professional
staff that will still be here over the summer.
 Weekly meetings for the first month then move to Bi-weekly meetings for the
remainder of the year for this charge or Bi-weekly meetings and one retreat each
Coming up
 The two workgroups will be working together to work on the OPS barbeque
proposal for First Bomber Weekend.
 Proposal for the Public Safety Satellite Office is in place and is being considered
 Incorporate specific language during orientation for programs, such as are you
ready for this, and presenters for new students and parents on microaggressions
and bias.
 Union meeting will be discussing the community review board on Wednesday;
No decisions will be made at this meeting, it’s just an info/ Q&A session.