Download February 6, 2016 Minutes

Meeting Minutes
February 9, 2016
Linda Koenig, Bill Kerry, Lance Clark, Mayra Colon, Molly Robbins, Hakeem
Hopper-Collins, Travis Bertolino, Samantha Guter, and Maggie Wetter
Julia Bjornland and Darnell Thompson
Doodle Poll
 All work group members to complete poll regarding retreat ASAP
CRB Proposal
 Has been submitted to the president, who reviewed it and provided feedback to the work
 Work group has been granted extra time (up to 2 more meetings) to discuss this further
o Members to review document and prepare to discuss further thoughts and/ or
possible changes at next week’s meeting
 Work group submitted feedback regarding process to Bonnie and Terri
OPS Yearbook
 Group consensus was that this would enable RAs to identify which OPS officer is the
responding officer they would be working with during a shift
o Group to consider alternative ways to accomplish this (ie programming events, etc)
 Social Programming with OPS and RAs
 RAs having an understanding of who OPS officers are will enable
RAs to better understand who residents are referring to if they want
to discuss an interaction they had with an officer
 Interactive sessions with OPS to see and understand their day-today operations
 Education programming for RAs and residents in terms of resources
available to them
 Goal is to prepare campus residents for what to expect on campus in
terms of possible interactions they might have with OPS
 RA Training
o RAs should be encouraged to always ask for identification
o Better explain the process of what to expect when OPS is
 Can ask dispatch who is on duty
 Information presented at Student and Family Orientation regarding
different reporting avenues as well as better advertise services
available through SASP
 Resources for information retention
o Ithaca Website
o OPS Social Media
August Training
 OPS, SASP, RAs, and RDs to all receive the same training although this does not have
to all be done together at the same time
o Discussion of power dynamics to be included
o Comprehension checks included throughout training to encourage retention
o Meet and Greet session within training to get to know officers
o Cultural sensitivity to be included
Draft Statement
 Revisions have been made since the initial review
o Work group to review and submit ideas/suggestions to Mayra
Summary of Action Steps Taken
 Today the work group came together to discuss a number of topics including the CRB
proposal, OPS yearbook and educational/social programming options to improve
relations between OPS and student body, August Training, and the continued
development of the OPS Draft Statement
o The Work Group has been granted 2 more meetings to submit further feedback
for the CRB proposal
o Due to the issues surrounding the development of an OPS yearbook the
workgroup has decided to further develop educational and social programming
opportunities better enable students and RAs to identify OPS officers.
o August training options were further discussed and developed
o OPS Draft Statement revisions to include
 A link to penal law due to this constantly changing
 Specification of response to active shooters/active killers with deadly
force as opposed to “in response to resistance”
 Clarification regarding statistics of officers responding to resistance at IC