FACULTY RESEARCH EXPENSE GRANTS 2015-2016 Competition (for June 1, 2016 – August 31, 2018) Category of Expense Services: Year One: 6/1/16 to 5/31/17 Year Two*: 6/1/17 to 8/31/18 Total: Library, museum & other fees Photocopying Other (specify): Total Services: Travel: Transportation by car @$0.575 per mile Air/rail coach fare Lodging expenses: Rate ___ x ___ days (Food is not covered as a research expense) Total Travel: Supplies: Other expenses (specify): Total Other Expenses: Total Non-Personnel Expenses: (maximum = $4,000/year) Research Assistant(s)**: A Trinity undergraduate whose work on the project falls within the guidelines of the SRP program (please justify in the proposal) may be requested, and if granted may receive a maximum stipend of $3,500 (based on 10 weeks at $10 per hour). Summer housing will be covered by the Dean’s Office. For all other types of research assistance: ___ hours x ___ [hourly rate or Trinity pay rate] (maximum = $4,000) TOTAL EXPENSES: * If applicable. ** Applicable only to requests of more than one year. Budget justification: Use a separate sheet to 1) state the purpose and destination of travel and 2) describe nature and purpose of supplies request.