Quorum Amendment 1415-0006 Prime Sponsor: Breton Amendment President’s Signature Date Introduced: Date of Voting: Co-Sponsor: Final Vote: Yea Nay Sens Present Abstain VP Senate Affairs Signature Whereas, The Ithaca College Student Government Association needs a full quorum to make any vote occurring within an official meeting, Whereas, there are circumstances in which quorum may need to be reduced in order for a meeting to continue to have official votes, It resolved that the Ithaca College Student Government amends Article IV, Section 7 to state: (Note: Only the items that are bolded would be the only changes to this respective section) - A 2/3 quorum of all senators must be present at meetings for an official meeting to be called to order and any voting to occur. - Quorum may only be reduced when a 2/3 quorum is officially present after a meeting is called to order - It shall be left to the discretion of the Vice President of Senate Affairs as to what type of vote shall be held. - Each elected senator of Student Government Association shall receive one vote. - Executive Board members, ICSGA assistants, and students-at-large shall not vote during Senate meetings. - The President of the Student Body shall vote only in the event of a tie. - No revote may occur.