Metric ws

Factor Label and Metric 2013
1. If a pizza delivery driver travels 69.8 miles a day, how many feet will he drive in a week?
(5280 ft = 1 mi)
2. How many basketballs can be carried by 8 buses? (1 bus=12 cars, 3 cars=1 truck, 1000
basketballs=1 truck)
3. A chemistry instructor provides each student with 8 test tubes at the beginning of the year. If
there are 28 students per class, how many test tubes are required for three chemistry classes?
Answers: 1. 2,579,808 feet (s.f. 2,570,000 feet)2. 32,000 basketballs, 3. 672 test tubes,
Metric Conversions Factors
m = milli 1/1000, c = centi 1/100, d =deci 1/10, k = kilo 1000; go
to base unit 1st
I. Convert the following to either standard numbers or scientific notation.
1. 0.1000367_________________
2. 9,760.000 _________________
II. - Convert the following with a conversion factor:
One step problems, 1st change to scientific notation.
3. Convert 57.3 m to cm.
. _______________|________= ______________ cm
4. Convert 83.0 L to mL
_______ ___|_________= __________ mL
Two step problems, 1st change to scientific notation, then go to base unit to solve.
5. Convert 1.50 x 105 mg to kg
_______________ |___________= _________________ g|_________= ________________ kg
6. Convert 375.2 km to mm
______________|________ = ________________m|_________ = _____________ km
7. Determine the volume of a 25.00 g substance with a density of 1.90 g/ cm3. _________________
III. Density problems
8. A chemistry student in the lab has a graduated cylinder with water in it. The graduated cylinder with water in
it was found to have a mass of 35.00 grams. The graduated cylinder alone has a mass of 15.00 grams. The
student dropped an irregular solid into the water, causing the meniscus to read 22.4 ml and its mass to be 38.72
g. Draw and label 3 pictures with all appropriate data for the (1) graduated cylinder empty, (2) graduated cylinder
with the liquid and (3) graduated cylinder with the liquid and the irregular solid.
a. What is the mass of the empty graduated cylinder? ______________
What is the mass of the graduated cylinder plus water? ________________
c. What is the mass of the water I the graduated cylinder? _______________
d. What is the volume of water in the graduated cylinder prior to adding the irregular solid? Assume 1
gram of water = 1 ml of water. ________
e. What is the volume of water in the graduated cylinder after adding the irregular solid? _________
f. What is the volume of the irregular solid? ________________
g. What is the mass of the irregular solid? ___________________
h. What is the density of the irregular solid? _______________
Did the irregular solid sink or float? _________
Ans. 1. 1.00037e-1, 2. 9.760000e+3, 3. 5.73 e+3 cm, 4. 8.30 e4ml, 5. 1.50 e-1 kg, 6. 3.752e+2 km, , 7. 13.15 cm3,
8. H. 1.55 g/ ml