Mrs. Ligon’s Required Supplies and GRADING SYSTEM 2013-2014 Place this paper in the Reference Section of your 3-ring notebook by next class. GRADES are based on total points earned out of total possible points. Homework 2-5 pts Webassign 5-10 pts Quizzes 5-10 pts Labs 5-10 points each Tests 100 points each Class Participation: 50 points/quarter are optional and are only used to calculate your grade at the end of each quarter, not on the interims. These points are earned by working in the classroom at lunch or after school (punch holes, passing out papers, set up/clean up labs, wash dishes and transparencies). Grades may not be entered into Power Schools for at least one week after collected in class. Please do not email about grades, just give me a written note. Late work: one class day 50%, 2 days or later, no credit. No work will be accepted after the test covering the material is given. Webassigns will have an optional extension you can select after the due date for 80% of the original points. Example: WA due Tuesday at 7:00 am, you must extend within 48 hours. Then, it will be due at the latest 48 hours from original due date i.e 7:00 am Thurs. Do not wait until it is actually due, plan to finish 1 hour prior to due time. However, you must tell me within one week that you have extended the assignment and give me your score in writing. Thanks. Chemistry 3 Ring Notebook: 3 ring notebook (2.0 in – 3.0 inch thick) Do not include other classes in this 3 ring notebook only chemistry work. *Required Materials*: 1. 3-ring binder (2 to 3 inches thick) with a set of 9 dividers labeled for each unit as follows: Unit 1: Intro – Safety, Density, Conversions, Matter (The first test is on Sept 17/Sept 18.) Unit 2: Heat and Phase Changes Unit 3: Atoms, Electrons, Light Unit 4: Gases Unit 5: Chemical Composition and Solutions Unit 6: Nuclear, Periodic Table, and Ions Unit 7: Bonding Unit 8: Nomenclature and Reactions Unit 9: Stoichiometry, Acids, Bases, and Equilibrium 2. Eight pages of MSL reference tables from DPI (Department of Public Instruction). Print from Mrs. Ligon’s website, located on information for August 26 & 27, 2013 and Chemistry%20Reference%20Table_2012.pdf. 3. Place into reference section. Write your name on them 4. Loose-leaf notebook paper and pencil 5. Scientific Calculator (needs a log function and exponent capability not a graphing calculator) Chemistry Lab book: sewn not glued composition book (often black and white) is often required to st write up the lab procedures and data tables prior to coming to lab. Reserve the 1 2 pages for the Table of Contents and number all the rest of the pages from 1-25, numbering the front only. NAME:_________________ Period ______________ MRS. LIGON’S CLASS PROCEDURES 2013-2014 To Be Successful in Mrs. Ligon’s Chemistry class 1. Do your homework and lab reports on time. 2. Visit daily: 3. Visit daily IN GENERAL: 1. Homework is due at the beginning of each class. 2. Bring Daily: Three-ring notebooks with nine dividers, Chemistry Lab book 3. A parent or student is ALWAYS free to call me at (W) 856-3738 to discuss missed work, assignments, or any problem or you may email me at or 4. I am usually available for help after school most days. 5. Tuesdays after school is HELP SESSION rm 162 with peer tutors 6. Thursday rm 164 2:30-3:00 and Monday rm 351 6:30-7:15 am Absences: 1. All Work is due the Day of your Return. 2. Make-up tests and scoring may be different from the missed test. 3. Tests can usually be taken before a planned absence. 4. You are responsible for finding out what has been missed. Assignments and some handouts will be posted at: CHEMISTRY is a building course. Each unit is based on the previously covered units. It is essential that you understand the concepts and build your knowledge base each day. There is some memorization in chemistry, however it is essential to understand the chemistry concepts and be able to solve the many math based problems in order to be successful in chemistry. You should be currently enrolled in Honors Algebra II or higher math to be in Honors Chemistry. Rules and regulations of Wake County and Broughton High School are listed in the Student Handbook