Budget Justification

Budget Justification
A. Senior/Key Person:
1. xxxxxxx, PI, xxx months each year plus fringe
B. Other Personnel:
 (Ex: Post Doctoral Associate (to be determined), xxx months each year plus fringe)
 (EX: Graduate Student, xxx months each year plus fringe)
C. Equipment Description:
2 through 10. For 11 and beyond, attach a file
D. Travel:
1. Domestic:
Costs to be covered include airfare, lodging, per diem, ground transportation and
registration fees.
2. Foreign:
E. Participant/Trainee Support Costs
1. Tuition/Fees/Health Insurance
2. Stipends
3. Travel
4. Subsistence
5. Other
F. Other Direct Costs:
1. Materials and Supplies:
2. Publication Costs
3. Consultant Services
4. ADP/Computer Services
5. Subawards/Consortium/Contractual Costs
6. Equipment or Facility Rental/User Fees
7. Alterations and Renovations
G. Direct Costs:
H. Indirect Costs:
I. Total Direct and Indirect Costs:
Inflationary Adjustment: 3% applied
Colorado State University’s Indirect Cost Agreement and Fringe Benefit Rates may be viewed
here: http://web.research.colostate.edu/OSP/rates.aspx