LOS ANGELES MISSION COLLEGE Achieving the Dream Fall Kickoff Committee Meeting Monday, August 10, 2015 – 1:30 -3:00p.m. Arroyo Room 13356 Eldridge Avenue, Sylmar, CA 91342 Minutes Present: Terry Carter, Robert Crossley, David Jordan, Myriam Levy, Cindy Luis, Michong Park, Maria Renteria, Bamdad Samii, Isabelle Saber, Matt Sagen, Dennis Schroeder, Daniel Villanueva, Julius Walker The group reviewed the Minutes from the 7/27/15 Fall Kickoff Meeting Website: David Jordan said that the Fall Kickoff website is up and running http://lamission.edu/kickoff However he has not been able to put up the flyer yet because it is locked – he is working with Rod to fix that. All departments who have flyers or info sheets to give the students can send them to David to have them posted on the website. Invitations: Cindy reported that the invitation emails have not gone out to students yet. There was some trouble getting the list of students compiled, and then having it e-mailed out. Danny made a call and confirmed that they can be e-mailed out this afternoon. Action Items: Cindy will follow up with Nick & Rod to give them the email to send out and request that they also send it out again next Monday 8/17. It was decided to add an end date of Thurs. 8/20 to the registrations so we can get a headcount by then. The committee then went through the detailed event schedule to determine what needs to be done: Registration: Dennis reported that his staff will separate students into 4 groups where they will go to four tables staffed with 2 people each to register. Students will receive a bag that will already by stuffed (by ASO) with a granola bar, an event flyer with a map on the back, a student survey, a pen, the Top 13 List, and any flyers that are given to ASO in advance to put in the bags. Students will receive a water bottle and a raffle ticket at the registration table. They will put one part of their ticket in the raffle barrel and keep the other. Then they will sit down in the CC Main. Chairs will be set up into rows of 10 on either side of the center aisle. The FTLA Orientation video will be playing while students are waiting for the event to begin. Action Items: Dennis would like to have tables set up in CC 5 for students who did not preregister so they can fill in a registration form. Add to facilities request. Cindy will find the raffle tickets from last year and give them to Dennis ASO will stuff the bags on Thurs. 8/20 Cindy will print and copy registration forms for students who didn’t register on Eventbrite. Cindy will place orders for colored event flyers with colored maps on the back, and the surveys. Cindy will get the Top 13 List from David to be printed. Cindy will send a link to committee members to view the video. Cindy will contact the student store about getting bags and pens. Diana will give Terry the video. Welcome: President Perez will welcome the students. Cindy and Diana will explain the events of the day and direct them how they will be divided into tour groups. Tours: Students will be assigned to tour groups based on where they are sitting. 2 rows of 10 = one group. Jax and Mark will coordinate the tours. We will need 20 student workers to guide the tours, and it was suggested that the 20 new faculty can be assigned to be at the back of each group to keep them moving. Each group leader will have a sign with a picture of a famous person from history, science and academia. Action Items: Cindy will put in the order to repro to make the signs, purchase additional dowels, and then make the signs. Bamdad will contact the new faculty to let them know about their role on the tours. Break: Students will be given a cold water bottle when they return from their tour. Because there will be a large demand for bathrooms at this time, it was suggested that tour guides can lead their groups to the nearest bathroom at the end of their tour. Action Items: Cindy will contact Louie about having the water bottles for the break delivered to the CC Main on 8/25 at 11:00 am. Julius will make sure all bathrooms are well-stocked for Fall Kickoff Lunch: It was decided that the student survey will be the lunch ticket. Students will give their survey to a volunteer at the hot dog stand to receive their lunch. The hotdog vendor agreed to lower their price to $3.50 per lunch which includes a hotdog, bag of chips, and a soda (450 beef hotdogs and 30 veggie hotdogs). We will purchase ice cream bars from the student store to give out with the lunch. Action Items: Isabelle will confirm cost and ordering of ice cream bars through the student store. Cindy will ask Zoila if they have coolers to put the ice creams bars in while they are being distributed at lunch time. Cindy will contact the hot dog vendor to see how many volunteers they need to help distribute the lunches quickly. Quad Activities: Music will be an iPod and sound system. Julius confirmed that the college has 20 outdoor tables. Jax has a set-up diagram for 12 tables, so there are 8 tables available if any departments or programs want to have a table. ASO has 8 canopies. Action Items: Cindy will confirm with Terry that there will be a sound system and microphone on the quad. Cindy will ask Robert if he can get ASO volunteers to set up the canopies Cindy will ask Wendy if she has any canopies in her dept. Cindy will send out an email to faculty to see if anyone would like to have a table on the quad. Opportunity Drawing (Raffle) Myriam volunteered to be in charge of the raffle and collect raffle items. Dennis confirmed that the raffle barrel is in the financial aid office. Cindy says we have raffle tickets left over from last year. Action Items Myriam will contact counseling, financial aid, etc, about donating “Fast Passes” for the raffle. Myriam will contact Zoila about bookstore donations. Danny agreed to donate 5 parking passes. Student Services Discussion: The committee discussed whether or not Student Services should be closed during the Fall Kickoff event (like it was the past two years) to allow workers in Student Services to help out with the event. It was decided that it won't be necessary this year since we will have enough student volunteers to do the tours, and it is a good idea to have student services open for any students who come on campus who are not attending the Fall Kickoff but need to use one of the student services. Additional Action Items: Jax & Danny will coordinate with Louie to have water bottles delivered to Culinary Arts. Isabelle will coordinate volunteers with Jax, and follow up on the 10 student volunteers from student services. After much discussion, it was decided to have a training session for volunteer tour guides the day before the event. Volunteer training will be on Monday 8/23 at 12:00pm for all who can make it. Isabelle will find out about getting student workers released from their jobs for the training. David Jordan volunteered to make footprints and place them on campus to help the students find the Campus Center. Cindy will place an order for posters at Staples. Meeting adjourned at 3:00pm NEXT FKO Planning Meeting: Monday 8/17 1:30-3:00 pm Arroyo Room Tour Guide Training: Monday, 8/24 12:00 - 1:00 pm