ASO minutes 8-20-2012

Meeting date: August 20, 2012
Call to order:
A meeting of the Associated Student Organization, was held at Los Angeles Mission College, Sylmar, CA, August
20th, 2012, in the ASO Conference Room. The meeting convened at 1:32, President Michael Griggs presiding, and
Randy Gamez, Treasurer, serving as secretary.
Members in attendance:
Executive Board:
Michael J. Griggs, President;
Michael Cortez, Vice President
Randy Gamez, Treasurer
Robert Crossley
Approval and Adoption of Agenda:
 Michael Cortez: Motion to approve the Agenda as amended for the August 20th, 2012 meeting. Typo
 Motion carried.
Approval of Minutes:
 Correction on Minutes of July 26th it says August instead of July
 Michael Cortez Motion to approve minutes for July 26th as corrected
 Motion Carried
 Michael Cortez Motion to approve minutes for July 31st
 Motion Carried
Opened at 1:38
Michael Griggs welcomed all new people who will be joining the ASO. This Administration will be different
Randy Gamez: Has been meeting with different organizations to bring money, internships, scholarships to
 Robert Crossley: Welcome to ASO Negative Check Off will be enforced this semester. Bookstore is still in
deficit and cannot offer us discounts. Bookstore will be having a midnight madness special in the beginning
of semester. ASO needs to order more shirts for students.
 Daniel Campos spoke about some issues.
 Closed at 1:48
Standing Items
E-board and Senator Confirmation
 Pavan Basra for Executive Administrator:
 Randy Gamez motion to approve Pavan Basra for Executive Administrator
 Motion Carried unanimously by Executive Board
 Esteban Hernandez for Senator of Technology:
 Randy Gamez motion to approve Esteban Hernandez for Senator of Technology
 Motion Carried unanimously by Executive Board
 Doleatha Young for Senator of Education:
 Chelsea Tang Senator of Administration:
 Randy Gamez motion to approve Chelsea Tang Executive Board vote
 Motion Carried unanimously
 Senate vote carried unanimously
Kimberly Calito for Senator of Public Relations:
Michael Cortez motion to approve Kimberly Calito for Senator of public relations Executive Board vote
Motion Carried unanimously
Senate vote carried unanimously
Angel Melgares for Senator of Health Services:
Randy Gamez motion to approve Angel Melgares for Senator of Health Services
Motion Carried unanimously
Senate vote carried unanimously
Randy Gamez motion to approve Doleatha Young for Senator of Education
Motion Carried unanimously
Senate vote carried unanimously
All new Senators and Executive Administrator handed a welcome packet by Mr. Crossley
New Business:
Office Supplies and Equipment
 Randy Gamez: Motion to approve $500 to purchase office supplies from General Operations account such
as Pens, pencils, paper, markers, highlighters, paint, glue, scissors, folders, erasers, toner, staplers, tape,
etc. Items will be listed and researched for the best price. Funds to be taken from the Operations account
 Motion carried Unanimously
Welcome Week
 Michael Griggs: We need shirts and welcome packets. Randy Gamez offered his services to silkscreen shirts
for $3.25 each. Suggestions to give either shirt or packet because we are losing money.
 Doleatha Young: Motion to change welcome packet to include Folder, Scantron, and regular pencil.
 Motion carries
 Randy Gamez: Motion to make the Welcome packet to be either the folder packet or the shirt and to be while
supplies last.
 Michael Cortez: Motion to amend the motion to cap the supplies of 300 Welcome packets from the bookstore
for $990
 Doleatha Young: Motion to amend the amendment to increase the cap to 1000 Welcome packets
 Motion as amended carried, funds to be taken from the General Operations account.
 Doleatha Young: Motion to approve the purchase of 300 ASO shirts to be made by Randy Gamez at $3.25
each, funds to be taken from General Operations account, check to be made payable to Randy Gamez.
 Motion carried Unanimously, Randy Gamez recusing his vote to avoid a conflict of interest.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:55 pm.
Next Meeting will be held on TBA.
President, Michael Griggs
LAMC Associated Student Organization
Date of approval
Treasurer, Randy Gamez
LAMC Associated Student Organization
Date of approval