Minutes of the Academic Senate Meeting November 2008

Minutes of the Academic Senate Meeting
November 2008
Voting Members Present: (Senators Ed Casson, Charles Dirks, Terri English, John
Klitsner, Said Pazirandeh, Rick Scuderi, Janice Silver, Robert Smazenka, Debby Wong,
Voting Members Absent:
Ruthie (Parthenia) Grant, Myriam Mekelburg, Michong Park, Yolanda Ramil, Joyce
Exec, Members: Eloise Cantrell, Pat Flood, Angela Echeverri, Leslie Milke,
Gary Prostak, Mark Pursley, Louis Zandalasini
Executive Members Absent: Gwen Walker, Lorraine Manoogian
Faculty Present: Mike Climo, Cindy Cooper, David Jordan, Mehri Hagar, Margie Long,
Monica Moreno.
Visitors/Guests: Dean Maury Pearl, Deputy Vice Chancellor, Dr. Adriana Barrera,
Vice Chancellor Gary Colombo
I. Parliamentarian- President Echeverri called the meeting to order at 2:43 PM.
II. Approval of Minutes: (Milke, Casson)
The minutes from the October 2, 2008) meeting were moved to approved
Motion passed
III. Officers’ Reports
President Echeverri Report
November 6, 2008
Faculty Hiring: The hiring prioritization committee has met to initiate the next round of hiring
requests. John Klitsner will give a report later today.
Evaluation Committees of New Probationary Faculty: Senate appointments to the evaluation
committees of probationary faculty hired this fall are as follows: Athletics (Mike Reynolds),
Biology (Said Pazirandeh) Counseling (Rick Scuderi), English (Leslie Milke), History (Susan
Polk), Psychology (Gary Prostak), and Math (Richard Rains). Please notify me if you need a
senate representative on an evaluation committee.
Administrative Update:
Dean of Academic Affairs: The process to hire a permanent dean of academic affairs to
replace the position vacated by Vice President Alma Johnson-Hawkins is close to being
completed. Final interviews have taken place and an offer has been made to the selected
candidate. Target start date for the new dean is December 8, 2008.
Accreditation Update: The ACCJC evaluation report based on the team visit in April of 2008
states that the college needs to work further to address two recommendations and one commission
concern. The recommendations are on shared governance and evaluating the effectiveness of
shared governance. The concern has to do with integrated planning. In order to address the
recommendations, the College Council held a retreat in August to develop a college strategic
plan. Maury Pearl will present the draft college strategic plan and Leslie Milke will discuss a
draft planning and budget document later today. Most areas in Academic Affairs have completed
their program reviews (unit assessments) and have started the validation process. PACE, LRC,
Library and all student services units are scheduled to complete their program reviews this fall.
The college has to submit a progress report in March of 2009. A follow-up team visit will occur
shortly thereafter. For the full evaluation report, please visit: www.lamission.edu/accreditation
CTE Innovation Funds: Fourteen requests for CTE innovation funds were submitted in
October. This year approximately $108,900 in funds have been set aside for curriculum
development, establishment of advisory committees, and faculty internships in the vocational
areas. A task force (composed of Jan Silver, Leslie Milke, Angela Echeverri, Alma JohnsonHawkins, Ed Zayas, and Karen Hoefel) reviewed the requests Wednesday November 5th. Dean
Zayas will be personally contacting the individuals who submitted requests for funds to notify
them of the task force decisions. Vice Chancellor Marvin Martinez has indicated that additional
innovation funds will be available for 2009-10.
ASCCC 2008 Fall Plenary Session: Starts today, will take place November 6-8, 2008 at the
Westin Bonaventure Hotel in downtown Los Angeles. Gary Prostak and I will be attending the
session. There will be hearing on several discipline list revision proposals of minimum
qualifications for Political Science, Agriculture, Humanities, Mathematics, and Instructional
Design/Technology. There are also proposals to establish three new disciplines: Speech Language
Pathology, Biotechnology, and Statistics.
District Academic Senate: The next general DAS meeting will take place on November 13,
2008 at Valley College. The DAS will be discussing the incorporation of Essential Academic
Skills (EAS) into the course outline of document. The proposed EAS include:
Effective reading & Communication in the Discipline
Critical Thinking in the Discipline
Seeking Help form Academic Resources or Student Support Services
Purposeful Collaboration
Self-Reflective Learning
Proposition J Construction Bond:
The voters of Los Angeles County have approved LACCD bond measure J for $3.5 Billion
dollars. The measure obtained approximately 70% of the votes. Mission College will receive
approximately $300 million. The bond will fund a number of projects including:
Student Services and Administration Building: $36.4 million (Prop A/AA shortfall)
Media Technology and Arts Building: $16.7 million (Prop A/AA shortfall)
Plant Facilities: $13 million (Prop A/AA shortfall)
Professional Health Sciences Building: $21.1 million (New project)
Center for Applied Science and Technology Building: $23 million (New project)
Satellite locations: $50 million (New project)
Technology: $4.5 million (New project)
ADA compliance: $4.6 million (New project)
Conversion of Student Services Annex to Career and Job Placement Center: $6.7 million
(New project)
Library/Learning Center Modernization (Basic Skills Education Center): $9.3 million
(New project)
Campus Center Building Modernization: $3 million (New project)
Conversion of Culinary area to Technology Lab: $3.7 million (New project)
B. Treasurer (Louis Zandalasini)
1. Money at the First American Bank:
Academic Senate Account
$ 1,030.27
David Lee Moss
Carla Bowman
$ 3,400.00
2. Faculty Dues of $25 are due now. The faculty dues of $25 help to provide scholarships. If
you have not paid your dues, please do it soon
3. Conference requests: Please be reminded of the 2 week prior authorization for any
conference request or attendance in any activity the requires a conference request form. Even if it
is a meeting at the LACCD, you should do a form for insurance purposes if you will be away
from your teaching responsibilities. The stated board rule requirements are stated on the back of
the conference request form and it is on the web site under faculty, then campus forms.
Remember, you must fill out the travel report document no later than 10 days after your
attendance in order for your conference request for money to be processed. This document must
be accompanied by all of your receipts for your expenses and a detailed report of the value you
gained by your attendance.
4. Tuition Reimbursement: We have $3700 for faculty this year. Get your paper work in
early so you can use the funds.
IV. Public Address: Comments on the agenda ( Echeverri)
Colombo , Barrera– approved unanimously ( Echeverri/Milke)
V. Reports of Senate Committee Meetings
A. Curriculum (Pazirandeh)
B. District Academic Senate ( Echeverri, Flood, Pursley, Prostak)
(See in President’s report above).
C. Education Planning Committee Report and Unit Assessment( Silver)
EPC Meetings held Nov. 3rd and November 17th , 2008
Summary of Agenda Items Discussed:
November 3rd
Program Review Presentations from English Department, Business, and Law Department
November 17th
EPC will provide written response forms to each department chair following monthly
department presentations. Program review response reports to Life Sciences, Physical Sciences,
English and Business and Law were reviewed and approved. These response forms will be
posted on the EPC webpage.
Basic Skills Task Force will now become an ongoing sub-committee of the EPC, and will be
referred to as the Essential Skills Committee.
EPC reviewed the draft document from Budget and Planning “Assessment, Budget and
Planning” and made recommendations for some revisions to tables and charts to provide
consistency in the role of EPC.
Distance Education revisions in procedure were shared and discussed.
Enrollment Management sub-committee reported on the meeting held November 12th. A draft
of a charter is being written and will be presented to EPC when completed.
D. Budget and Planning Committee ( Milke)
College Council- ( Milke)
F. Student Learning Outcomes and Assessment: ( Flood)
November 2008
Pat attended the 2008 Student Success Conference in Anaheim October 2 and 3 and
participated in numerous workshops on SLOs and assessments. She also attended presentations
on two SLO data management systems: TracDat and eLumen. On October 30, sixteen faculty
and staff attended a Webinar about eLumen; however, we still have some reservations about it.
Pat and David Jordan have been meeting with Maury Pearl and Nick Minassian to further discuss
eLumen and possibilities for our own in-house program. The SLO committee met October 21
and Pat and Deborah Paulsen are continuing to meet with Chairs and faculty in addition on
Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons from 1:30-3:30 in CSB 107.
Academic Rank Committee ( Long)
Everyone is encouraged to get their applications in as soon as possible so the committee can
meet and approve applications.
Distance Education Committee (Jordan/Pazirandeh)
No report was submitted for the minutes
VI. Old Business
A. CTE Innovation Funds ( Echeverri)
(See President’s report above for information)
B. Accreditation Visit Report (Flood/Echeverri)
(See President’s report above)
C. Basic Skills/Student Success Committee ( Prostak)
The task force completed the 2008-2009 Expenditure Plan and Action Plan, which was
approved by the Ed Planning Committee on October 20. The completed plans were submitted to
the District Office, District Senate, and State Systems Office.
The task force has just completed a draft of a “request for basic skills initiative funds” which
was brought to Budget & Planning and the Academic Senate today and will be brought to the Ed
Planning Committee on November 17.
We are also requesting that the EPC consider our proposal to become a permanent
subcommittee, tentatively titled the Essential Skills Committee. EPC will vote on this on Nov 17.
Our next major task is to create the job description for the Basic Skills Coordinator position.
We hope to have this person on board at the beginning of Spring 2009.
Enthusiasm for the Basic Skills Initiative was very high when the task force reconvened in
September. Since then, however, participation has dwindled to a half dozen core participants. We
must have broad, campus-wide representation on this committee if we hope to be successful in
creating meaningful changes to how we approach student success.
D. Faculty Hiring Prioritization (Klitsner)
The committee has met and completed the discussion on the criteria form to be filled out by
disciplines who would like to submit forms for hiring priority. The due date will be December
15, 2008. If you have any questions please contact john Klitsner. The committee met with
President Valles and she indicated this is an on-going process. There is no commitment on how
many faculty will be hired. District and college budgets must be considered when hiring takes
. VII. New Business
A. Institutional Effectiveness Report ( See above motion)
Gary Colombo delivered an informative presentation on the accreditation process. Some of the
key points:
The two-year rule will be enforced. This means that any recommendations must be
resolved in the 24-month period
Follow-up Report with visit due March 1, 2009. (All issues resolved by June 2009)
Progress reports must be completed and satisfactory.
Planning with budget implications must be in place.
All Title V areas must be addressed.
Accountability proof is essential:
Up to date plans – The Commission requires that LAMC demonstrate in the Progress
Report that it is in compliance with Eligibility Requirement 19 which requires the “The
institution systematically evaluates and makes public how well and in what ways it is
accomplishing its purposes, including assessment of student learning outcomes.
Publish the college’s effectiveness practices and statistics
ARCC (system wide indicators) AB update – 1417 Outcomes
Functional MAP that shows:
Graduations from CSUN
Transfers to colleges and universities
Certificates awarded
Vocational and career technical awards earned
Credit Basic Skill Class (how many)
On-line – Institutional Effectiveness and Strategic Plan and Functional MAP for the
College. (Dr. Barrera)
Dr. Adriana Barrera reported on the concept of Functional Map and shared the publication that
was done by the LACCD to show graphically flow charts that show how each process works.
This is the document of accountability and will also be available on the web. An instructional
manual, which indicates the Operational Flow Charts for all LACCD areas.
A few printed copies were distributed. (See Echeverri or Flood if you have questions).
The district is also working on Recommendation 8: District Plan for Retiree Health Benefit
B. College Strategic Plan (Pearl)
Maury Pearl has forms that address the College Strategic Plans. He is determining how the
college goals align with the goals of the LACCD and California Communities Colleges. A draft
form was submitted for approval on 10/15/2008 that addresses the issues. Maury needs college
feedback that considers how goals are integrated into budget and planning and how doe it aligns
with the overall LAMC plan. There are six goal areas in the annual plan and the objectives of the
college will change year to year depending on the need. The plan has been delivered to the
college council for their approval and consideration and revision if necessary.
C. Budget and Planning Document ( Milke/Echeverri)
Angela presented the new budget document for Leslie.
D. Proposed Changes to State Minimum Qualifications ( Echeverri)
E. Proposed Essential Academic Skills Document ( Echeverri)
LAMC Holiday Affair: Monday, December 8, 2008 from 11:30 to 1:30. For tickets
and more information, please contact Professional Development Committee Chair
Vilma Bernal.
Focus on Careers: LAMC will host 400 high school students from local high schools
on Wednesday November 12 from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon. The event will include
tours, workshops, and information tables in the South Atrium and Quad area. For more
information, contact Geri Shapiro.
Next Senate meeting will be December 4, 2008. We will invite and introduce the new
faculty that have been hired this year. Please come and help us welcome them to the
Academic Senate. We will serve a light lunch to all of you.
The meeting adjourned at 4:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted by Eloise Cantrell - Secretary