Minutes of the Academic Senate Meeting October 2, 2008

Minutes of the Academic Senate Meeting
October 2, 2008
Voting Members Present: (Senators Ed Casson, Terri English, John Klitsner,
Said Pazirandeh, Yolanda Ramil, Robert Smazenka, Joyce Woodmanse Debby Wong,
Voting Members Absent:
Charles Dirks, Ruthie (Parthenia) Grant, Myriam Mekelburg, Michong Park, Janice
Silver, Rick Scuderi,
Exec, Members: Eloise Cantrell, Angela Echeverri, Leslie Milke,
Gary Prostak, Mark Pursley, Louis Zandalasini
Executive Members Absent: Gwen Walker, Pat Flood, Lorraine Manoogian,
Faculty Present: Cindy Cooper, Adolfo Espinosa, Ed Raskin, Mehri Hagar, Margie Long,
Visitors/Guests: Young-Ji Lee
I. Parliamentarian- President Echeverri called the meeting to order at 1:43 p.m.
II. Approval of Minutes: (Milke, Casson)
The minutes from the September 4, 2008) meeting were moved to approved
Motion passed
III. Officers’ Reports
President Echeverri Report
PRESIDENT’S REPORT October 2, 2008
Submitted by Angela C. Echeverri
Faculty Hiring: Selection committees continue to be very busy this fall. Interviews for a
new tenure track faculty member in Counseling took place this week. Additionally, several
limited contract faculty members were hired in Child Development for the opening of the
new Center for Child Development Studies.
Faculty Hiring Prioritization Committee: President Valles has also requested that the
Academic Senate start the hiring prioritization process early in the fall. The former hiring
committee was made up of John Klitsner, Eloise Cantrell, Abdo Malki, Margie Long,
Monica Moreno, and Jose Luis Ramirez. If you are interested in serving on this committee
during 2008-09, please notify me by 10/10/08.
Administrative Update:
Dean of Academic Affairs: The process to hire a permanent dean of academic affairs to
replace the position vacated by Vice President Alma Johnson-Hawkins has started. The
selection committee forwarded three finalists to the president. Final interviews will take
place later this month.
Acting Dean of Student Services: Former EOPS Director Ludi Villegas has accepted this
position. She will be serving on a temporary basis, until the selection process for a
permanent dean is finalized.
Welcome Ceremony for President Valles: A welcome ceremony for Los Angeles Mission
College President Judith Valles will take place on Tuesday, October 28 at 11:30 AM. .
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for Center for Child Development Studies: will take place on
Tuesday, October 28 at 10:30 AM. .There will be a tour of the facility at 11:00 AM.
Family Consumer Science and Bookstore Groundbreaking Ceremony: will take place on
Tuesday, October 28 at 11:40 PM.
Lunch will follow to celebrate the events on 10-28-06. You will need to RSVP President’s
Accreditation Update
The ACCJC evaluation report based on the team visit in April of 2008 states that the
college needs to work further to address two recommendations and one commission
concern. The recommendations are on shared governance and evaluating the effectiveness
of shared governance. The concern has to do with integrated planning. The college has to
submit a progress report in March of 2009. A follow-up team visit will occur shortly
thereafter. For the full evaluation report please visit: www.lamission.edu/accreditation
CTE Innovation Funds: Requests for CTE innovation funds are due tomorrow Friday,
October 3, 2008. Please submit your requests to Dean Ed Zayas and the Academic Senate
ASCCC 2008 Fall Plenary Session: Will take place November 6-8, 2008 at the Westin
Bonaventure Hotel in downtown Los Angeles.
Proposition J Construction Bond:
The Board of Trustees has approved placing a third bond measure for $3.5 Billion dollars
on the November 6, 2008 ballot. The purpose of the bond would be to fund construction
projects that have not been funded by Props A/AA. This would include the Student Services
Building, Media Arts Building, and others. The bond will also fund two additional
instructional buildings to be built next to the Health and Fitness Center. Mission would get
an additional $50 million for satellite locations.
B. Treasurer (Louis Zandalasini)
1. Money at the First American Bank:
Academic Senate Account $ 1,155.27
David Lee Moss Account $
Carla Bowman
Account $ 3,417.30
2. Faculty Dues of $25 are due now. The faculty dues of $25 help to
scholarships. If you have not paid your dues, please do it
3. Conference requests: Please be reminded of the 2 week prior authorization for any
conference request or attendance in any activity the requires a conference request form.
Even if it is a meeting at the LACCD, you should do a form for insurance purposes if you
will be away from your teaching responsibilities. The stated board rule requirements are
stated on the back of the conference request form and it is on the web site under faculty,
then campus forms. Remember, you must fill out the travel report document no later than
10 days after your attendance in order for your conference request for money to be
processed. This document must be accompanied by all of your receipts for your expenses
and a detailed report of the value you gained by your attendance.
4. Tuition Reimbursement: We have $3700 for faculty this year.
IV. Public Address: (comments on matters on the agenda for the current meeting
Teri English during public address inquired as to when we can put forth a hiring request.
John Klitsner will hold a faculty hiring committee meeting to discuss the process.
V. Reports of Senate Committee Meetings
A. Curriculum (Pazirandeh)
Curriculum Report
Academic Senate 10/2/08
The curriculum committee has slightly revised the process for submitting of Course
Outline of Records (COR’s) for approval. The revised process includes an updated COR
(available on the curriculum website under the “Forms” link.
To submit a Course Outline of Record for approval, the faculty must,
A) Complete COR (including Library and SLO sections)
B) Obtain signatures of Dept. Chair, Librarian, and SLO Coordinator
C) Submit forms to Academic Affairs for Tech Review
The Student Success Initiative and DAS have approved a recommendation to include a
summary of Essential Academic Skills in the COR. These skills include:
A) Effective Reading & Communication in the discipline
B) Critical Thinking in the Discipline
C) Use of Academic Resources and Student Support Services
D) Collaborative and Self-Reflective Learning
The Electronic Curriculum Development (ECD) system is now available for viewing use
by all colleges in the district. Course Outlines for all courses in the district will be available
as data is entered in the system. A link to this site is available from the curriculum website.
B. District Academic Senate ( Echeverri,)
DAS met on 9-11-08. Their will be a Board Rule Change with new language
concerning students’ records (transcripts) will be annotated with a grade to indicate
advanced placement credit
Provisional equivalency – one semester
DAS Summit was held Sept. 26. Topic was “Green Curriculum”.
Next meeting is the 2nd Thursday in December.
C. Education Planning Committee Report and Unit Assessment( Silver)
Educational Planning Committee
Report to Academic Senate October 2nd, 2008
EPC Meetings held September 8th and September 15th, 2008
Summary of Agenda Items Discussed:
We are in the second stage of the Unit Assessment Review. Chairs of each department
will be invited on a rotating basis to EPC meetings to present and discuss their unit
assessments. Information from these meetings will be used to prioritize programming needs
and funding requests through the Budget and Planning committee.
Unit assessment tools are being developed for the four remaining units under the
academic umbrella: PACE, Learning Center, Library and Personal Development.
A representative from EPC will participate on the Basic Skills Initiative committee to
move forward with procedures for accessing services and funding.
The task force for departmental reorganization will be reconvened with members of the
Academic Senate e-board and EPC.
There was discussion about the importance of representation from EPC on the CTE
program innovation fund selection committee.
Report of Action Items (if any):
Chairs have been invited to EPC on a rotating basis from October through May.
Unit assessments are being developed for four remaining academic units
D. Budget and Planning Committee( Milke)
There is a 1.5 M deficit projected for this year. The committee has been working on
developing the process for budget allocation with a time-line attached. The committee
meets the 2nd Thurday at 12:30 in CC$.
College Council- ( Milke/ Echeverri)
Some of the shared governance committees have not been meeting. There needs to
be a change in how this works and all chairs and co-chairs need to make sure they are
function and with a charter approved by the College Council.
F. Student Learning Outcomes and Assessment (SLOA) Committee (Flood)
Student Learning Outcomes and Assessment Report
October 2008
Pat Flood
Deborah Paulsen is now assisting Pat with SLOs and assessments and they have been
meeting twice a week to review submitted SLOs. The curriculum course outline of record
form has been modified to include SLOs and the SLOs are approved before being sent to
the Curriculum Committee.
The Flex Day activity on Program SLOs was very successful and the material collected
was typed and distributed to the chairs. A significant portion of the last Council of
Instruction meeting on October 1 was devoted to SLOs and assessment and additional
handouts were distributed and a new PowerPoint presentation was sent to the chairs and
vice chairs to assist with understanding SLOs and assessments. The chairs have been asked
to develop a timeline for assessments within their disciplines to meet the 2012 accreditation
deadline. The Math Department has assessed 80% of their lower division math courses. Pat
attended a Student Success/SLOA conference October 2-3.
G. Academic Rank Committee: (Long)
Academic Rank Report submitted by Margie Long October 2, 2008
We are requesting that all applicants who are interested in completing their rank change
information requirement sheets please submit your completed paperwork to Margie Long
by Friday, October 31, 2008. I am located in Trailer A. The Academic Rank Committee
will be meeting in November to consider our Fall rank change submissions. These
submissions will be forwarded to President Valles by November 26 for her signature and
completion of Academic Rank Change Certificate.
Just a reminder for those of you who have submitted your paperwork and have not yet
received your certificate. Some of the paperwork submitted was inadvertently misplaced in
the move by the outgoing president's staff. Please be patient as the committee is working on
locating those submissions we have approved.
H. Distance Education Committee (Jordan/Pazirandeh)
VI. Old Business
A. CTE Innovation Funds (Echeverri)
CTE Innovation Funds granted to each college in the district is $108,905.
The purpose of the funds (see handout given to each faculty member) is
To spur innovation in the development of new career technical education programs or
courses to prepare students for careers in high-growth, high demand industries by
establishing a local fund at each college.
To increase the number of new careers technical education programs at each college.
To improve current career technical education programs at each college.
Curriculum development
Advisory committee development
Industry internships for faculty
OCTOBER 17, 2008.
The forms and packet were passed out to everyone at the Academic Senate meeting on
September 4, 2008. Additional forms can be secured from Dean Zayas in the Vocational
Education Office in the LRC. We encourage everyone to be creative and apply for these
one-time funds. Projects will be completed and a report with measurable outcomes will
need to be done by June 2009.
B. Accreditation Visit Report (Flood/Echeverri)
(See President’s report above)
C. Basic Skills/Student Success Committee (Prostak)
Basic Skills Task Force Report to Academic Senate October 2, 1008
The task force was reconvened and began meeting on September 17. Gary Prostak was
elected faculty co-chair by the members. The immediate objective is to complete the 20082009 Expenditure & Actions Plans, which are due to the District and Sacramento on
October 15. The task force has been meeting weekly to complete this objective.
Discussions have taken place on how to implement the priorities from the 2007-2008
Matrices. The task force is recommending that the college hire a full time Basic Skills
Coordinator who will also have some responsibilities in the Non-Credit Basic Skills Area.
D. Faculty Hiring Prioritization – (Echeverri)
John Klitsner will re-convene the faculty hiring committee. Anyone who is
interested please see John. Eloise Cantrell, Margie Long, and Gary Prostak volunteered to
be on the committee. The committee will meet prior to the next November 6, Academic
Senate meeting and a report will be made at that time.
VII. New Business
A. Faculty Academy- (Bernal)
A series of workshops will be given to the new faculty during the month of October and
November. Information will be sent electronically as to the location, the dates, and the
topics of interest. Some of the topics will be:
Shared Governance – what is their oblication?
Title V – Transfer
Contractual agreement (AFT)
Welcome reception for President Judith Valles: Tuesday, October 28. at 12:30 PM
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for the Center for Child Development Studies: Tuesday,
October 28 at 10: AM Continental breakfast and ribbon cutting at 10:30 at the North
entrance of the center facing the park. And
11:00 TO 11:30 TOUR OF THE CCDS.
Ground Breaking for the Family and Consumer Studies and Bookstore building.
Tuesday, October 28, at 11:40-12:00 followed by a nice lunch in the campus center – RSVP
CTE Innovation Fund Proposals: Extended to October 17, 2008. Please submit electronic
copies of proposals to Dean Edgardo Zayas and Senate President Angela Echeverri.
ASCCC Fall 2008 Plenary Session: The Academic Senate for California Community
Colleges will be holding its Fall 2008 plenary session at the Westin Bonaventure Hotel in
Los Angeles Nov. 6-8, 2008. For event information and program visit
The meeting adjourned at 2:45 P.M.
Respectfully submitted by Eloise Cantrell - Secretary