Minutes of the Academic Senate Meeting September 4, 2008

Minutes of the Academic Senate Meeting
September 4, 2008
Voting Members Present: (Senators Ed Casson, Charles Dirks, John Klitsner, Michong
Park, Said Pazirandeh, Yolanda Ramil, Rick Scuderi, Janice Silver, Robert Smazenka,
Debby Wong,
Voting Members Absent:
Terri English, Ruthie (Parthenia) Grant, Myriam Mekelburg, Joyce Woodmanse
Exec, Members: Eloise Cantrell, Pat Flood, Angela Echeverri , Lorraine Manoogian,
Gary Prostak, Mark Pursley, Louis Zandalasini
Executive Members Absent: Gwen Walker, Leslie Milke,
Faculty Present:, Jeanne L. Cassara, Cindy Cooper, Carolyn Daly, Adolfo Espinosa, David
Jordan, Ed Raskin, Mehri Hagar, Margie Long, Geri Shapiro, Madelline Hernandez,
Susan Polk, Yoon Yun,
Visitors/Guests: Carlos Macias –Los Ángeles Mission Student
I. Parliamentarian- Lorraine Manoogian called the meeting to order at 1:45 p.m.
II. Approval of Minutes: (Pazirandeh, Prostak)
The minutes from the May 1, 2008) meeting were moved to approved unanimously)
Motion passed
III. Officers’ Reports
President Echeverri Report
PRESIDENT’S REPORT September 4, 2008
Submitted by Angela C. Echeverri
Faculty Hiring: Selection committees were very busy this summer. We are very
excited about the hiring of several new tenure track faculty members in Life
Sciences, History, Psychology, Athletics, and Math. Additionally, several limited
contract faculty members were hired in Child Development and Math. During the
summer, the Chancellor instructed all colleges to hire several additional faculty
members because the LACCD had fallen below its FT faculty obligation. These
positions will be subsidized by the district during the first year. In response to the
Chancellor’s directive and because of several retirements, the president initiated the
hiring processes for English, Chemistry, and Counseling positions. President Valles
has also requested that the Academic Senate start the hiring prioritization process
early in the fall.
Administrative Update:
Dean of Academic Affairs: The process to hire a permanent dean of academic
affairs to replace the position vacated by Vice President Alma Johnson-Hawkins has
started. Files will be reviewed on 9/5/08 and interviews will take place later this
Consultation with President Valles: The Senate E-Board met with President
Valles and Vice President Johnson-Hawkins several times over the summer. We
discussed the development of a process to request and allocate CTE (Career
Technical Education) funds for the development of new vocational courses and
 Accreditation Update
The ACCJC evaluation report based on the team visit in April was sent to President
Valles this summer. While the college has made significant progress in several areas, it
still needs to satisfy two recommendations and one commission concern. The college
has to submit a progress report in March of 2009. A follow-up team visit will occur
shortly thereafter. Detailed report will be given later by Pat Flood.
 College Council Retreat:
A College Council retreat was held on 8/28/08 to develop a college strategic plan. All
faculty co-chairs of shared governance committees attended. A draft document is being
prepared by the facilitator Dr. Jesse Carreon.
 Academic Reorganization:
The EPC recommended approving a proposal for the creation of the Physical and Life
Sciences Departments, by splitting of the Natural Sciences Department. The split was
formalized in June. President Valles initiated two other reorganizations. The
ESL/English department was split in to English and ESL departments. The Computer
Science discipline was moved from Business and Law to the Math department.
 Proposition J Construction Bond:
The Board of Trustees has approved placing a third bond measure for $3.5 Billion
dollars on the November 2008 ballot. The purpose of the bond would be to fund
construction projects that have not been funded by Props A/AA. This would include the
Student Services Building, Media Arts Building, and others. The bond will also fund two
additional instructional buildings to be built next to the Health and Fitness Center.
Mission would get an additional $50 million for satellite locations.
B. Treasurer (Louis Zandalasini)
1. Money at the First American Bank:
Academic Senate Account $ 930.27
David Lee Moss
$ 457.53
Carla Bowman
$ 3,417.30
2. Faculty Dues of $25 are due now. The faculty dues of $25 help to
provide scholarships. If you have not paid your dues, please do it soon
3.Conference requests: Please be reminded of the 2 week prior
authorization for any conference request or attendance in any activity the requires
a conference request form. Even if it is a meeting at the LACCD you should do a
form for insurance purposes if you will be away from your teaching
responsibilities. The stated board rule requirements are stated on the back of the
conference request form and it is on the web-site under faculty, then campus
forms. Remember, you must fill out the travel report document no later than 10
days after your attendance in order for your conference request for money to be
processed. This document must be accompanied by all of your receipts for your
expenses and a detailed report of the value you gained by your attendance.
4. Tuition Reimbursement: We have $3700 for faculty this year.
IV. Public Address: comments on matters on the agenda for the current
meeting (Echeverri)
Ed Casson spoke to the issue of needing books to be put on reserve
for the textbooks used in classes. Instructors may designate how they want them
reserved. A typical reserve is for a 2 hour session but if the instructor allow, it can be
designated for overnight or whatever is determined by the individual instructor. .
V. Reports of Senate Committee Meetings
Curriculum (Pazirandeh)
Curriculum Report
Academic Senate 9/4/08
Susan Ghiradelli is the new curriculum secretary in Academic Affairs office. Please
submit all curriculum documents to her.
When submitting curriculum documents, please make sure that all required signatures
are completed and that the electronic copy is on a diskette or CD. The diskettes
should only contain the most recent version of the course outline and the files should
be named as course name and number only, for easy reference.
The first curriculum meeting of the semester is scheduled for Tuesday 9/9/08. All
curriculum meeting dates and submission deadlines are available online at the
curriculum website.
The three revised degrees submitted to State have been approved. They include:
General Studies and Liberal Arts with emphasis in:
Arts and Humanities
Communication & Literature
Natural Sciences
Social & Behavioral Sciences
Liberal Studies: Multiple Subject Teacher Preparation
The district has developed an electronic curriculum system (ECD) that is being
piloted on 3 campuses and will be available to Mission in Spring 2009. The system
allows faculty to access curriculum process on the web and access other campus
curriculums much more readily that currently available.
B. District Academic Senate ( Echeverri, Flood, Pursley, Prostak)
Angela gave the brief report. She mentioned it met last May 8, 2008 and the next
meeting will be at LA City College.
 The board rule for dishonesty was approved. Student transcripts will be noted with an
expulsion if they violate the board rule.
 6705 – Grade Changes can be only done with two reasons:
 Clerical errors
 A calculation of instructor’s grade was in error.
Review of E65 – extends the review period to 20 days. This extends the second review for
campuses for 20 days.
We have a new Vice Chancellor paid for by CTE funds to head up Economic and Workforce
Development for the LACCD. The new Vice chancellor is Martin Martinez.
C. Education Planning Committee Report and Unit Assessment( Silver)
Educational Planning Committee
Senate Report, September 4, 2008
(Report read by Pazirandeh for Silver)
1. The EPC did not meet over the summer, but will resume its regular schedule of the
1st and 3rd Mondays of the month. This month however we will meet the 2nd
Monday (Sept. 8th) because of Labor Day.
2. Our membership roster is complete for the 08-09 year with the exception of a
representative from the ASO.
3. We will be resuming our goals as identified on the shared governance committee
self-evaluation done at the end of the 07-08 academic year.
D. Budget and Planning Committee( Milke)
Budget and Planning Committee
No Report Today
Shared Governance Committee- ( Echeverri)
College Council is the Shared Governance Task Force Committee.
Leslie Milke and Joe Ramirez are co-chairs for the College Council.
Student Learning Outcomes and Assessment (SLOA) Committee (Flood)
September 2008
Pat Flood
Pat Flood is working with Maury Pearl and Nick Minassian to design an online SLO
instrument similar to the online Unit Assessment form. This will simplify collecting and
reporting SLO and assessment information and will help meet accreditation Eligibility
Requirement 19 which states that the “institution systematically evaluates and makes
public how well and in what ways it is accomplishing its purposes, including assessment
of student learning outcomes.” Deborah Paulsen is assisting with management and
coordination of student learning outcomes and assessments. All faculty have been
reminded that course syllabi must have SLOs. This semester we are especially
concentrating on SLO assessment. The Flex Day segment on Program SLOs was very
productive, and the handwritten worksheets submitted that day have been typed and
are being distributed to department chairs for further discussion and refinement.
(See the attached Assessment Report Form at the end of the minutes.)
G. Distance Education Committee (Jordan/Pazirandeh)
On the 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month the Distance Education Committee meets via
the internet for their meetings. The members of the committee are: Velma Bernal,
David Jordan, Myriam Mekelburg, Richard Raines, and Said Pazirandeh. You are all
welcome to join in for a fun filled event each of our meetings done from our homes.
David reminded us that if we are thinking of doing an on-line or hybrid class we need to
consider that it takes two semesters to get it into the schedule and on=line. The first year
is training, and the second is to get the curriculum passed and into the schedule.
A good use of the CTE funds would be to develop the programs with hybrid courses.
There is a curriculum form to do this on the curriculum web site.
VI. Old Business
A. Accreditation Visit Report (Flood/Echeverri)
Accreditation Report
Angela Echeverri and Pat Flood
On June 30 we received a letter from the Accrediting Commission requesting that we
complete another progress report by March 1, 2009 which would demonstrate our
resolution of three campus recommendations regarding College Governance, Evaluation
and the Effectiveness of Governance Committees and Commission Concern #2 which
states that “The institution systematically evaluates and makes public how well and in
what ways it is accomplishing its purposes, including assessment of student learning
outcomes. The institution provides evidence of planning for improvement of
institutional structures and processes, student achievement of educational goals, and
student learning. The institution assesses progress toward achieving its stated goals and
makes decisions regarding improvement through an ongoing and systematic cycle of
evaluation, integrated planning, resource allocation, implementation and reevaluation.”
A number of things are being done to address these areas. A leadership retreat was
held September 28 and with the help of a facilitator, the framework of a strategic plan
was accomplished.
College Council has completed an initial review of the self-evaluation reports of the
shared governance committees and recommendations are being made for
B. Facilities Update ( Prostak)
Faculty made a smooth transition into their new offices around the campus.
Bungalow offices are operational.
Please unpack your boxes in the bungalows as it is blocking the walk areas.
Anticipated build-out project of the offices in the instructional building will be
hopefully completed by June 09.
A renovation of the faculty offices in the instructional building is on track and
looking for occupancy in June 2009.
We anticipate the CCDS building to be done by September 15, 2008 for the move
in date. A ribbon cutting ceremony will be forth coming.
Our campus has gone Solar. LAMC is now a campus with solar energy projects
to reduce the costs of electricity. This will save the campus about $500.000
dollars each year. The Solar Energy Projects will be completed by 12-31-2008 as
that is the deadline or we will lose the tax credit for this year. Some of the
structures will be in the wash, parking structure, and in other sites that will allow
the maximum usage.
NEW RE-CYCLING EFFORTS. We have new containers all around campus
to help us become “green”. Trash needs to go in the specified locations for recycling.
David Green was held up on a side street of Hubbard near the new houses.
Please be aware of the increased safety issues in the community near our
campus. Park in the parking garage to be safe.
C. Basic Skills/Student Success Committee ( Echeverri)
We need to re-invigorate this committee.
President Echeverri announced that Professor Barbato resigned as the co- chair and
several faculty are no longer on campus that were on the committee. Angela called for
any faculty that would like to serve on the committee this year to contact her. There has
been some discussion as how this will all work and if someone will be assigned to head
up this program in the future. Will there be a Basic Skills -Coordinator? We have
not developed the process to address the needs of this program. There are Basic Skill
funds available an there needs to be a formal plan for their use. How do we implement
the funding priorities that have been established? We need faculty to join this committee.
Please contact Angeles if you are interested in serving on this committee.
VII. New Business
A. District Advanced Placement Chart for AA Plans (Hernandez)
It will go to the District Curriculum Committee in September and then on to the
District Senate for approval and adoption. Everything has been aligned for the
IGETC and the CSU plans for the Associate of Arts Degrees. Students will still go
under the catalog requirements that they started with unless they have had a break
in college attendance.
B. New Advisory Forms ( Hernandez)
The new advisory form will reflect the new dates for the increased English and
Math graduation requirements. If you need further clarification, please direct them
to counseling, as Madelline will be out on maternity leave starting next week. WE
will be kept informed of any changes through the curriculum committee chair.
C. Technology Update (Jordan)
 There is wireless in all instructional areas. We are looking into getting it
into the bungalows.
 We need more projects to go with the systems, as we cannot project from
our computers.
 The Faculty Portal System allows us to create web site for our classes with
our syllabus posted and our photos.
 Title V tutor will help any faculty learn how to do all of these skills.
 We now have VOIP ( Voice Over Internet Phone) systems on all faculty
D. CTE Innovation Funds (Echeverri)
CTE Innovation Funds granted to each college in the district is $108,905.
The purpose of the funds (see handout given to each faculty member) is
 To spur innovation in the development of new career technical education
programs or courses to prepare students for careers in high-growth, high demand
industries by establishing a local fund at each college.
 To increase the number of new careers technical education programs at each
 To improve current career technical education programs at each college.
 Curriculum development
 Advisory committee development
 Industry internships for faculty
The forms and packet were passed out to everyone at the Academic Senate meeting on
September 4, 2008. Additional forms can be secured from Dean Zayas in the Vocational
Education Office in the LRC. We encourage everyone to be creative and apply for these
one-time funds. Projects will be completed and a report with measurable outcomes will
need to be done by June 2009.
E. Faculty Institute (Bernal/Echeverri)
There will be a faculty institute this fall for new faculty.
We will be looking for volunteer faculty mentors for the new faculty who were
recently hired.
DAS Summit will take place on Friday, September 26 at the DWP
building near the district offices. The main topics will deal with Solar
Technology and the LACCD going GREEN.
If you are interested, please let Angela know so she can sign you up and
give you the details of the event.
The meeting adjourned at 3:10 P.M.
Respectfully submitted by Eloise Cantrell - Secretary
Los Angeles Mission College
Student Learning Outcome Course Assessment Cycle
(Complete the items below that reflect your department’s SLO activities for each course.)
Course Name and Number:
Course SLOs:
Assessment Plan for SLO(s):
(Details of plan, including what semester the plan will be carried out.)
Assessment Materials:
(Describe or attach the relevant assessment materials, which may include questions,
problems posed to students, grading criteria, rubrics, etc.)
Assessment Results:
Analysis of Results:
(What was learned from the analysis of the results? What curriculum modifications are
planned (if any) based on the analysis of the results?)
Institutional Level Outcomes or Core Competencies (formerly called G.E. SLOs):
(What (SLOs) or core competencies were addressed in this assessment?)
Value of SLO Process/Additional Comments:
(Was the process beneficial to your department? Did the process/results stimulate
thinking and dialog about planning or modifications to current course(s) or programs?)