Developmental Observation Child Development 44 Date of Observation: __________________________________

Developmental Observation
Child Development 44
Date of Observation: __________________________________
CD 30 Student’s name: _________________________________
Age of Child: ________________Male or Female ___________
Developmental Delay __________________________________
Type of environment: circle one ( home,
day care,
early intervention program)
Describe adults present during observation:
1.- As you observe an infant/toddler, describe the activity and what the child is doing for each of the
following developmental domains;
a) Language Development; communicate wants and needs, communicate while at play or exploration
b) Cognitive Development; understands and follows directions, participates in activities
c) Fine Motor Development; manipulates objects, grasp, points, switches from hand to hand
d) Gross Motor Development; independent or needs assistance, moves within the environment
e) Social/Emotional Development; appropriate healthy attachment between caregiver and child, play
skills with other children, independent exploration, back and forth interactions
f) Self-Help Development; feeding, dressing, drinking, diapering
2.- Create a goal for each developmental area according to child’s developmental needs; language,
cognition, fine motor, gross motor, social-emotional and self-help areas.