
Overview of Lecture Series
Dermot O’Dwyer
Material to be Covered
• Identify factors that Influence bridge
• Identifying the types of problems that
structural engineers have to address
• Identify suitable analysis methods for the
different types of analysis
• Review structural dynamics
• Lectures on disk
– Railway bridge dynamics
– Dynamics primer
• Prototype analysis programs
– Moving vehicle programs
What Will You Be Able to Do?
• Perhaps nothing new initialy, but hopefully
these sessions will clarify the origin of some
of the code requirements
• Will be able to give feedback on what you
would like an analysis package to deliver
Lecture 1
Overview of Railway Bridge
Factors that affect the dynamic
response of a railway bridge
Bridge stiffness
Bridge mass
Train mass
Train speed
Rail and wheel irregularities and the
presence of track irregularities
6. Train suspension characteristics
Multiple problems
• Longitudinal Response
• Response of Transverse members
• Liquefaction of ballast due to high vertical
• Critical speeds
• Fatigue
• Resonance
What is Required of a Dynamic
Dynamic Impact factors
Peak Deflections
Maximum Moments
Peak Stresses
Bending Moment Envelopes
Fatigue analysis
Knowing your loading
What Vehicle Data is Available?
• Vehicle characteristics available
Suspension characteristics, new and old
Tare and fully laden weights
Sprung and unsprung masses
Wheel flats
History of train movements
What Track Data is Available?
• Track geometry
Vertical Alignment
Magnitude of dipped joints
Variation in track stiffness
Cant irregularities
What Bridge Data is Available?
• Bridge Data
– Material characteristics
• Yield Strength
• Fatigue Strength
• Residual stress
Condition of bearings
Settlement of supports
Loading History
Repair History
Lecture 2
Qualitative Response of Longitudinal
Key to Dynamic Diagrams
• Blue is the dynamic deflected shape
• Red is the static deflected shape
• Magenta is the maximum static deflection at
a location at any time
Qualitative Response of
Longitudinal members
The rolling load moves at a slow
rate across the bridge
The rolling load moves at a slow
rate across the bridge
• If the load is moving slowly then the response of
the bridge at any time is equal to the static
• If you need to ensure that there are no dynamic
effects then by reducing the speed of the train the
dynamic effects can be removed
• How slow is slow? Depends
• Static response can be used to check a dynamic
Rolling load moves
instantaneously to mid-span
Rolling load moves
instantaneously to mid-span
• This case shows that dynamic effects can be
• Classic dynamic case of suddenly applied to
a spring
• Deflection is twice the static deflection for
this case
Rolling load moves rapidly from
mid-span to end
Rolling load moves rapidly from
mid-span to end
• Rolling load must climb out of the dip – this
requires a vertical movement
• The faster the load moves the greater the vertical
acceleration required
• The lower the bridge stiffness the greater the dip
and hence the greater the vertical acceleration
• The contact force will be dependent on the vertical
acceleration and the mass of the load
• The faster the load moves the less time the contact
force acts on the bridge
Rolling load traverses the bridge
Rolling load traverses the bridge
• Complex response
• Non-linear
• Response depends on
Mass of moving load
Mass of bridge
Velocity of moving load
Stiffness of bridge
• Contact between the wheel and the rail is
perfectly smooth
• Vertical velocity and acceleration are zero
when the wheel begins to cross the bridge
Lecture 3
Quantitative Response of Longitudinal
Mathematical Models
• Mathematical models involve some
simplification. Generally, analysts attempt
to identify the simplest models capable of
predicting the system response with
sufficient accuracy
• It is vitally important that the analyst
understands the implications of the various
Hirearcy of Models
• Moving forces model
• Moving mass model
• Moving train model
Include non-linear contact spring
Include track
Include track and wheel irregularities
Include initial vertical velocities and
Moving Force Model
• The moving force model replaces the
moving masses (i.e. the train) as a series of
constant vertical forces that move across the
• Advantages
– Significant simplification – linearises problem
– Reduced requirement for vehicle data
Ladislav Fryba’s Solution
• Response of a simply supported beam
subjected to a moving force
What is so great about Fryba’s
• Why linear is important
– Superposition
• Analyse respons to a single moving load
• Separate analysis required for each speed
but not each train
• Ideal for a fatigue analysis
• Useful check on other techniques
Fryba - Free Response
• The closed form solution is only valid for the
period while the load is on the bridge
• The solution is to model the free response of the
bridge after the load has left
• Use the velocity and displacement of the bridge at
the instant the load leaves the bridge
• Requires a modal approach
Limitations of Fryba Formula
• Theoretical limitations
– Ignores vehicle characteristics
• More complex bridge forms would require
different closed form solutions
– Multiple spans
– Variable sections
• Can’t incorporate track and wheel
Lecture 4
Numerical Modelling – Time-Stepping
Advantages of Numerical
Bridges of all types can be modelled
Track irregularites can be incorporated
Wheel irregularities can be incorporated
Vehicle response can be incorporated
• But!
– Each run is unique and if track and wheel
irregularities are incorporated a large amount of
data is required
General Moving Force Model
• Simple Boyne program example
• Has the advantages of Fryba’s analysis
– Linear – therefore superposition is valid
– Simple
• Has disadvantages
– Ignores variation in contact forces
– Potential problems for cross member analysis
– Finite Element limitations
Moving Mass Models
• Potentially less accurate than moving force
because the sprung mass will be lumbed
with the unsprung mass
Moving Mass Term
• Moving mass terms show the errors
involved in using moving forces
Moving Train Models
• Model train separately
– Each wagon may constitute a separate model
– Wagons defined by their degrees of freedom
• Calculate interaction forces at each timestep
– Must identify the location of each axle
• Can include track model as part of the
bridge model
Moving Train Models
Moving Train Models
Modal Analysis
• Using a modal analysis to model the
response of a bridge has advantages
– Reduces model size and increases speed
– May highlight resonance effects
– Could identify peak response
• Coice of modes is potentially very
Modeling everything – pros &
• Everything can be included
– Detailed structural model
– Detailed track model
– Detailed vehicle model
• Disadvantages
– Accuracy dependant on large amounts of data
– Generates enormous quantities of data
– Results are specific to input data
Cross Members – Local Effects
Lecture V
When do local effects become
This is not a simple question
Short span structures
Dynamic interaction may influence the
response of local members to a very large
• Must understand impulse response!
Rail – Wheel Irregularities
A useful example
Contact Forces
• Variance increases with speed
Wheel – Rail – Track
• Potential sources
Time Domain Approach
• Track irregularities can be modelled in the
time domain
– Dipped joints
– Variable track stiffness
• Potential Problem for certain types of load
– Fatigue
– Rail loading
Frequency Domain Approach
• Examine the behaviour of a dynamic system
in terms of its frequency response
• Potential advantages for certain stochastic
• Provides insight into the behaviour of a
• Can provide peak loads