Los Angeles Mission College Department of Life Sciences Minutes Thursday, June 6, 2013 Present: Steve Brown, Angela Echeverri, Par Mohammadian, Mike Reynolds 1) Updating Course Outlines this Summer Meet on June 20th, at 12:30 pm (in the physiology lab) to learn about ECD and to update the course outlines. At the same time, the new prerequisites discussed at the previous meeting will be added. When adding the English prerequisites the Art department will be used as a model. BIO110 course outline will be added as a new course Offering of a new independent studies course (BIO 1,2,3 – 185) will be investigated by Mike in consultation with LAMC articulation officer. 2) SLO/PLO update Course SLOs are currently being entered and updated to meet the June 10th deadline. Par is preparing the SLO report to be reviewed by Mike. The SLOs of the following courses were assessed this semester: Anthro 101, 104, & 121, BIO 6&7, and four Physiology sections. In addition, one PLO for the Health Science Associate degree was assessed. It was decided that the PLOs for the Associate degree program in Biology will be assessed using students’ data enrolled in both BIO 6 & 7 courses at LAMC. The PLO for the Health Science degree will be assessed using students’ data who completed BIO3, Anatomy, and Physiology courses at LAMC. The assignments will be given to the entire class and evaluated for the SLO; at the same time, the assignments of the students who completed the above mentioned courses at LAMC will also be used to assess the PLOs. The department will meet frequently throughout the semester to review and update the rubrics as well as the SLOs. The adjunct faculty are invited and encouraged to attend these meetings. 3) Finalize Prerequisite Recommendation Sheet Approved at the previous meting and will be entered as addressed under 1). 4) Biology 3 Hybrid Course Par is currently finalizing the course syllabus and as soon as completed she will send it to the faculty. 5) Outdoor Lab for Biology 3 Overall, the outdoor lab, as suggested by Sheila, was supported by the faculty. Concerns, such as the bus cost, safety of the students, and liability were discussed if organized in the LACCD canyon. Other locations were recommended: Placerita Canyon and Deukmerjian Park in La Crescenta. Steve to work with Sheila to prepare the lab. May be it can be done as a field trip organized by the individual’s instructor(s), similar to the zoo field trip. 1 6) Journal Club Steve will take the lead to organize the journal club to start in the Fall 2013 semester. 7) Biology 110 (5 SU) In addition to the issues addressed under 1), Mike will contact Pierce and Valley to research the efficiency of the course offered in a 1-, 6, or 8-week format in summer. Mike to discuss the fund allocations. 8) Defective Equipment Steve to provide Mike with a list of the defective equipment and FFEs. Nadine (BIO 3, 6, 7) and Pong (Micro, Anat, Physio) to check and clean microscopes in summer. 9) AV in Life Science Labs Mike to contact Hahn to purchase microphones for all life science labs. Steve to identify the number of refrigerators and purchase timers. Pong to order rechargeable batteries with appropriate chargers for the microphones. 10) New hires Mike to apply for new faculty positions. 11) Work study students for Fall 2013 Two applications were submitted to the financial aid office. 12) Chemical Hygiene Plan Par to ask Pong to disseminate the document to all lab faculty, work study students, Danny, Wally, and Mike Allen. 13) Anthro online Mike to recommend the new Anthro faculty, Della to enroll in Etudes and complete the requirements for the offering of online courses in case the Anthro course is moved to an online offering. 14) Axial microscopes/cameras Steve to organize with Lee a training session. 15) Life Science website Updates and pictures to be sent to Par to update the website. 16) Next department meeting Tuesday, July 9th, at 12:30 pm in Cassa Torres restaurant Vacations: Mike: Next week Angela: 7/25-8/9 Steve: 8/5-8/21 Par: 7/13-8/5 2