Los Angeles Mission College Department of Life Sciences Minutes Tuesday, February 4, 1 PM Present: Steve Brown, Angela Echeverri, Par Mohammadian, Mike Reynolds 1. Classroom/Lab/Prep Room – Status of Issues According to Pong, the following issues are resolved: Eyewash pressure too low and no cold water in the labs Shower Issue –drainage: Par to generate an online work request Evacuation plan: Mike to contact Danny V. to ask him about diagrams that were available in the old labs. These diagrams have to be sent to the faculty so that they can communicate the plan to their students. Need to brace equipment to walls – (Pong: put in request way back and again on Monday, still no word) – Steve to follow up Clocks are behind the screens (check classroom) Steve to generate an online work request Bookcases bolted to walls in offices - Angela to generate an online work request 2. Items to procure: a. vacuum pump for gel dryer – Steve to follow up with Nadine b. platform for floor shaker – Steve to present the cost c. transmitted white light for GelDoc system – Steve to follow up 3. Review of the SLO/PLO schedule - In the Spring semester, Anatomy 1 and all Anthropology course SLOs will be evaluated in addition to BIO PLO, which will be assessed by Steve in his BIO6 course and HS PLO, which will be assessed by Par in her Physiology course. 4. Department meeting with adjuncts – Friday, May 30, 9-11 AM – Mike to invite Susan Nassy to provide breakfast for faculty. The agenda to be discussed at the next meeting. 5. Steve to contact Victor R. (facilities) to inquire about possibility of having coat hooks in the hallway between the prep-room and the lab (Anatomy & Microbiology labs). 6. Mike to inform the counseling department (Diana, STEM counselor, Linda, Mi Chong) about the new prerequisites effective Fall 2014 and discuss issues related to the “catalog rights”. To be discussed at our next meeting, February 18th, 1:30 pm in Mike’s office 1 1. Department Goals and New Courses or Programs 2. Discussion on new Biology 3 final exam 3. Agenda items for the Department meeting with adjuncts – Friday, May 30, 9-11 AM 4. Teaching assignments for Fall 2014 2