Information and Application 2015-2016 Live Well at ECU! What is the Wellness Living Learning Community? The Wellness Living Learning Community (WLLC) is an exciting residential learning opportunity open to all incoming freshman. We have designed this learning community for students who have an interest in wellness and in helping to improve the health of others. Located in the brand new Residence Hall “Gateway”, students who are selected to live in the WLLC will receive personal wellness coaching and health classes. In addition, students will also have an opportunity to go out into the community and share what they have learned with an underserved population in Eastern North Carolina. Why should I choose to participate in the WLLC? One of the many benefits to participating in the WLLC is that you will have a unique opportunity to connect with students, faculty, and staff who all have an interest in health and wellness. In addition, you will get academic credit for the classes you will take as part of this community. Who can participate in the WLLC? A group of 30 students will be selected to live with the WLLC in Gateway Residence Hall. Students from any major are welcome to apply. What will I be expected to do as a participant in the WLLC? Students who are chosen to participate in the WLLC will be expected to: Enroll in the following classes: o Fall: HLTH 1000 (2 credit hours); COAD 1000 (1 credit hour) o Spring Semester: EXSS 1000 (1 credit hour); HLTH 2500 (3 credit hours) Participate in specialized programs designed just for WLLC members. Attend one mandatory group meeting per semester including WLLC participants and mentors. Complete a health risk assessment and behavior change project based on their results. Plan and participate in a service learning project for an underserved population in Eastern NC. Abide by the ECU Student Code of Conduct. Priority will be given to applications submitted by May 1st, 2015 either electronically or mailed to: Georgia Childs, Associate Director Campus Recreation and Wellness, East Carolina University 128 Student Recreation Center Greenville, NC 27858 Please type or print legibly in black ink all sections of this application. All sections are required. Live Well at ECU! Section One: Contact Information Last Name Sex: ___Male First Name MI Banner I.D. ___Female Mailing Address City, State, Zip ( ) Home Phone Number ( ) Cell Phone Number ECU Email Address Alternate Email Address Name of High School GPA Shirt Size Intended Major (if known) How did you hear about the WLLC? Do you know who your roommate will be? yes (name: _______________________ ) no ____ (you will be paired with another WLLC participant) *Note-Your roommate will also have to be a part of the WLLC. What work or volunteer experience have you had that is related to health and/or wellness? Live Well at ECU! Section Two: Reference As part of completing this application, you must submit one letter of recommendation. Please provide us with the name of one person who is writing a letter of recommendation on your behalf. This person can be your guidance counselor, teacher, supervisor, organization advisor, etc. Name of Reference ( ) Phone Number Reference Letters can be mailed to: Georgia Childs, Associate Director Campus Recreation and Wellness, East Carolina University 128 Student Recreation Center Greenville, NC 27858 Section Three: Short Essay (answer in 250 words or less on a separate page) Why do you wish to be a member of the WLLC? Please include the following: Contributions you expect to make as a member of the community. What you hope to gain by being a member of the community. Any outside interests that have influenced your desire to apply. Any programming ideas you may have for this community. NOTE: Please be sure to complete all sections of this application. Incomplete applications will not be considered. If you have any further questions about the Wellness Living Learning Community, feel free to contact Georgia Childs at (252) 328-5172 or at Priority will be given to completed applications received by May 1st, 2015.